Original file (1,502 × 610 pixels, file size: 142 KB, MIME type: image/png)
Value of 100 Russian roubles, measured in the USA cents, versus time $x$, and the approximations. The approximations are prepared 2014.12.29 for the future comparison with experimental data.
Abscissa $x$ is time, measured in days since the beginning of the project, 2014.10.27.
Ordinate $y$ neas the value of 100 roubles, measured in the USA cents.
The green dots (taht form the scratched green line) represent the data from
The straight black line represents the linear approximation of the data,
$y=\mathrm{Linear}(x)=227.499 - 0.581655 x$
The red monotonous line represents the approximation with ellipse,
$\displaystyle y=\mathrm{Ellipse}(x)=1.16997 \sqrt{ (102.182 - x) (396.475 + x)}$
The dark green oscillating curve represents the fitting of experimental data with function
$y=\mathrm{Fit}(x)=\mathrm{Ellipse}(x)+0.959481\, \exp(0.0601124 x)\, \sin\!\big( 0.179949 (-54.6949 + x)\big)$
For the Fit, the mean deviation $D=3.16$
and the mean square deviation $Q=4.23$
Mathematica generator of curves
g = Import["~/Q/RUBLE/TRY03/ddat.txt", "Table"];
T[i_] := Extract[Extract[g, i], 1];
G[i_] := Extract[Extract[g, i], 2]; M = Length[g]
{{-149, 286.6}, {-148, 286.6}, {-147, 285.36}, {-146, 285.1}, {-145, 285.95},
{-144, 288.23}, {-143, 290.64}, {-142, 290.62}, {-141, 290.62}, {-140, 291.24},
{-139, 291.63}, {-138, 291.08}, {-137, 291.17}, {-136, 290.78}, {-135, 290.74},
{-134, 290.74}, {-133, 289.}, {-132, 287.27}, {-131, 290.23}, {-130, 290.55},
{-129, 290.07}, {-128, 290.17}, {-127, 290.17}, {-126, 293.33}, {-125, 295.93},
{-124, 296.41}, {-123, 297.31}, {-122, 296.36}, {-121, 296.34}, {-120, 296.34},
{-119, 296.54}, {-118, 294.24}, {-117, 291.08}, {-116, 291.51}, {-115, 291.5},
{-114, 290.66}, {-113, 290.66}, {-112, 290.8}, {-111, 290.42}, {-110, 292.13},
{-109, 294.83}, {-108, 294.01}, {-107, 293.12}, {-106, 293.12}, {-105, 292.4},
{-104, 291.16}, {-103, 290.7}, {-102, 289.97}, {-101, 283.56}, {-100, 284.43},
{-99, 283.14}, {-98, 283.14}, {-97, 284.33}, {-96, 285.84}, {-95, 286.7},
{-94, 285.03}, {-93, 284.67}, {-92, 284.67}, {-91, 284.78}, {-90, 281.22},
{-89, 279.23}, {-88, 281.23}, {-87, 279.89}, {-86, 279.69}, {-85, 279.69},
{-84, 279.63}, {-83, 279.08}, {-82, 277.01}, {-81, 276.44}, {-80, 275.02},
{-79, 276.63}, {-78, 276.63}, {-77, 276.63}, {-76, 278.19}, {-75, 276.14},
{-74, 277.44}, {-73, 277.55}, {-72, 276.8}, {-71, 276.8}, {-70, 276.9},
{-69, 277.15}, {-68, 276.38}, {-67, 274.97}, {-66, 277.41}, {-65, 276.91},
{-64, 276.91}, {-63, 276.69}, {-62, 276.66}, {-61, 276.51}, {-60, 278.26},
{-59, 272.08}, {-58, 269.77}, {-57, 269.77}, {-56, 269.85}, {-55, 267.89},
{-54, 267.}, {-53, 271.69}, {-52, 270.57}, {-51, 270.67}, {-50, 270.67},
{-49, 270.45}, {-48, 269.93}, {-47, 269.59}, {-46, 268.02}, {-45, 266.44},
{-44, 264.65}, {-43, 264.65}, {-42, 264.59}, {-41, 261.08}, {-40, 260.85},
{-39, 260.19}, {-38, 259.89}, {-37, 260.18}, {-36, 260.18}, {-35, 260.2},
{-34, 258.19}, {-33, 259.19}, {-32, 261.74}, {-31, 259.78}, {-30, 255.41},
{-29, 255.41}, {-28, 255.47}, {-27, 253.6}, {-26, 251.98}, {-25, 252.71},
{-24, 252.71}, {-23, 252.71}, {-22, 250.12}, {-21, 250.16}, {-20, 250.7},
{-19, 250.7}, {-18, 250.7}, {-17, 250.7}, {-16, 250.7}, {-15, 250.7},
{-14, 250.7}, {-13, 250.7}, {-12, 250.7}, {-11, 250.7}, {-10, 250.7},
{-9, 245.59}, {-8, 245.59}, {-7, 244.29}, {-6, 244.08}, {-5, 243.9},
{-4, 240.73}, {-3, 238.51}, {-2, 238.69}, {-1, 238.69}, {0, 238.18},
{1, 235.07}, {2, 233.92}, {3, 230.48}, {4, 236.57}, {5, 232.41},
{6, 232.41}, {7, 230.63}, {8, 229.33}, {9, 224.56}, {10, 220.42},
{11, 208.61}, {12, 214.13}, {13, 214.54}, {14, 218.75}, {15, 216.71},
{16, 215.48}, {17, 216.06}, {18, 210.84}, {19, 211.21}, {20, 211.68},
{21, 211.}, {22, 214.45}, {23, 212.92}, {24, 214.27}, {25, 219.87},
{26, 218.47}, {27, 218.47}, {28, 225.32}, {29, 220.79}, {30, 214.3},
{31, 209.51}, {32, 202.55}, {33, 199.15}, {34, 199.15}, {35, 191.1},
{36, 195.33}, {37, 182.72}, {38, 189.91}, {39, 186.14}, {40, 189.83},
{41, 189.83}, {42, 187.19}, {43, 184.48}, {44, 184.11}, {45, 181.95},
{46, 174.51}, {47, 171.89}, {48, 171.89}, {49, 171.08}, {50, 152.41},
{51, 146.39}, {52, 165.41}, {53, 165.88}, {54, 169.84}, {55, 169.84},
{56, 176.53}, {57, 182.76}, {58, 183.13}, {59, 190.59}, {60, 195.9}, {61, 195.89}, {62, 195.89}}
lp = ListPlot[g, PlotStyle -> {{RGBColor[0, 1, 0], PointSize[0.02]}}, AspectRatio -> .5];
F1[x_] = a x + b; par =
FindFit[g, F1[x], {a, b}, x]; {f1[x_] = ReplaceAll[F1[x], par],
r1 = Sum[Abs[G[i] - f1[T[i]]], {i, 1, M}]/M,
q1 = Sqrt[Sum[(G[i] - f1[T[i]])^2, {i, 1, M}]/M]}
p1 = Plot[f1[x], {x, -160, 220},
PlotRange -> {{-160, 220}, {-20, 320}},
PlotStyle -> {RGBColor[0, 0, 0]},
GridLines -> {{-150, -100, -50, 50, 100, 150, 200}, {50, 100, 150,
200, 250, 300}}, AspectRatio -> .4];
Show[p1, lp]
{227.499 - 0.581655 x, 10.3954, 13.0679}
F11[x_] =
c Sqrt[(a + 200 + x) (b + 100 - x)] +
e0 E^(0.028 e1 x) Sin[1/(16 (1 + e2)) \[Pi] (-54 + e3 + x)]; par =
FindFit[g, F11[x], {a, b, c, e0, e1, e2, e3}, x,
MaxIterations -> 1000];
{f11[x_] = ReplaceAll[F11[x], par],
r11 = Sum[Abs[G[i] - f11[T[i]]], {i, 1, M}]/M,
q11 = Sqrt[Sum[(G[i] - f11[T[i]])^2, {i, 1, M}]/M]}
p11 = Plot[f11[x], {x, -160, 220},
PlotRange -> {{-160, 220}, {-20, 320}},
PlotStyle -> {RGBColor[0, .4, 0]},
GridLines -> {{-150, -100, -50, 50, 100, 150, 200}, {50, 100, 150,
200, 250, 300}}, AspectRatio -> .4];
Show[p1, lp, p11]
{1.16997 Sqrt[(102.182 - x) (396.475 + x)] +
0.959481 E^(0.0601124 x)
Sin[0.179949 (-54.6949 + x)], 3.16084, 4.22729}
p11q = Plot[
1.1699692028638327` Sqrt[(102.18232788369797` -
x) (396.47525643214055` + x)], {x, -160, 220},
PlotRange -> {{-160, 220}, {-20, 320}},
PlotStyle -> {RGBColor[1, 0, 0]},
GridLines -> {{-150, -100, -50, 50, 100, 150, 200}, {50, 100, 150,
200, 250, 300}}, AspectRatio -> .4]
p13 = Show[p1, lp, p11q, p11]
Export["p13.pdf", p13]
Latex generator of labels
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\textwidth 800pt
\textheight 400pt
%\topmargin -92pt
\topmargin -100pt
\oddsidemargin -90pt
\newcommand \sx {\scalebox}
\newcommand \rot {\begin{rotate}}
\newcommand \ero {\end{rotate}}
%\put(46,20){\sx{14.9}{\color{pink} \circle{50}}}
%\put(0,-40){\sx{16}{\color{magenta} \circle{50}}}
%\put(270,299){\sx{1.7}{$y=$ Price of 100 Rubles}}
%\put(310,280){\sx{1.7}{In the USA cents}}
%\put(-4,296){\sx{1.3}{in cents}}
%\put(-4,282){\sx{1.3}{of USA}}
\put(26,30){\sx{1.6}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.05.30}\ero}}
\put(120,30){\sx{1.6}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.07.19}\ero}}
\put(216,30){\sx{1.6}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.09.07}\ero}}
\put(310,30){\sx{1.6}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.10.27}\ero}} %
\put(406,30){\sx{1.6}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.12.16}\ero}} %
%\put(502,190){\sx{2.}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.02.23}\ero}}
%\put(596,190){\sx{2.}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.04.13}\ero}}
%\put(693,190){\sx{2.}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.05.15}\ero}}
%\put(414,172){\sx{2.}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.05.15}\ero}}
References Курсы валют превысили недельные максимумы. Dec. 29th, 2014 at 11:41 AM. В понедельник валютные торги начались с резкого ослабления рубля. По состоянию на 10:10 по московскому времени доллар вырос на 2,19 руб., достигнув отметки 56,19 руб. Курс евро к рублю вырос на 2,55 и составляет 68,55 руб. Уже к 10:25 курс евро поднялся выше 70 рублей, а курс доллара приблизился к 58, после чего курсы немного отступили. По состоянию на 10:40 курс доллара вернулся к отметке 57,5 руб., евро — к 70.
File history
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 06:09, 1 December 2018 | 1,502 × 610 (142 KB) | Maintenance script (talk | contribs) | Importing image file |
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