Original file (1,867 × 747 pixels, file size: 271 KB, MIME type: image/png)
Value $y$ of 100 Russian roubles measured in the USA cents, versus time $x$, measured in days since the beginning of the project (2014.10.27).
The experimental data cover the interval since 2014.01.01 to 2015.01.05, id est, $-300<x<70$.
Experimental data
The red bars represent the data by
The blue bars represent the data by
Linear approximations and pink arc
The upper linear approximation $y=240-0.48x$ had been suggested 2014.10.31; it is shown also in figure
This linear approximation is called also "program 500 days" (Программа 500 дней)
The second linear fit $y=227.37−0.5833x$ had been suggested 2014.12.30; it is shown also in figure
The pink arc represents the approximation $y=\mathrm{Arc}(x)=\sqrt{(123−x)(471+x)}$ , made 2014.10.29; this approximation is shown also in figure
Black ellipse
The black ellipse shows the approximation
$y=\mathrm{Ellipse}(x)=1.20375 \sqrt{(100.639 - x)(381.547 + x)}$
In figure the same approximation is shorn with green ellipse.
The vertical green line at $x=-225$ shows the limit of this approximation.
Thick green line
The thick green line shows the approximation
$y=\mathrm{Exc}(x)= 235.352 \exp\big( -0.00382233 x - 0.0000232779 x^2 -4.40514\!\times\!10^{-8} x^3\big)$
Generator of First set of data
// The content of the input file dollardat.txt
// is loaded from
#define DB double
#define DO(x,y) for(x=0;x<y;x++)
int main(){
int M=1024;
int t[M];
DB g[M];
DB z;
int j,jd,n,m,N; FILE *i,*o; int di; DB dr, x,y;
int zero=daju24(2014,10,27); //Date of beginning of the project
DO(n,M) { int Y,M,D; char c1,c2,c3;
j=fscanf(i,"%4d%c%2d%c%2d%2d%lf",&Y,&c1,&M,&c2,&D, &di,&dr); if(j<3) break;
g[n]=10000./z; //printf("%4d %2d %2d %9.0f %9.3f\n",Y, M, D, t[n],f[n]);
fclose(i); N=n; printf("N=%4d\n",N);
//DO(n,N) fprintf(o,"%4d %4.2lf\n",t[n],g[n]);
for(n=N-1;n>=0;n--) fprintf(o,"%4d %4.2lf\n",t[n],g[n]);
Generator of Second set of data
// The content of the input file data01.txt is loaded from
int daju24(int Y,int M, int D) { int a, y,m; a=(14-M)/12; y=Y+4800-a; m=M+12*a-3;
return D + (153*m+2)/5 +365*y + y/4 - y/100 + y/400 -32045 - 2400000;}
int main(){ int j, n,m,k,K; char a; FILE*i,*o; int b,c,d,e,f,g,h;
for(m=0;m<80;m++){ j=fscanf(i,"%d",&b); if(j>0) break;j=fscanf(i,"%c",&a); if(j<1) goto end;} printf(" %4d ",b);
for(m=0;m<80;m++){ j=fscanf(i,"%d",&c); if(j>0) break;j=fscanf(i,"%c",&a);} printf(" %4d ",c);
for(m=0;m<80;m++){ j=fscanf(i,"%d",&d); if(j>0) break;j=fscanf(i,"%c",&a);} printf(" %4d ",d);
for(m=0;m<80;m++){ j=fscanf(i,"%d",&e); if(j>0) break;j=fscanf(i,"%c",&a);} printf(" %4d ",e);
for(m=0;m<80;m++){ j=fscanf(i,"%d",&f); if(j>0) break;j=fscanf(i,"%c",&a);} printf(" %4d ",f);
for(m=0;m<80;m++){ j=fscanf(i,"%d",&g); if(j>0) break;j=fscanf(i,"%c",&a);} printf(" %4d ",g);
for(m=0;m<80;m++){ j=fscanf(i,"%d",&h); if(j>0) break;j=fscanf(i,"%c",&a);} printf(" %4d\n",h);
k=daju24(d,c,b); fprintf(o,"%4d %6.4lf\n",k-K,10000./(g+.0001*h) );
Generator of of dates
void ju24da(int Mjd, int *Year, int *Month, int *Day) { int J, C, Y, M;
J = Mjd + 2400000 + 68569;
C = 4 * J / 146097;
J = J - (146097 * C + 3) / 4;
Y = 4000 * (J + 1) / 1461001;
J = J - 1461 * Y / 4 + 31;
M = 80 * J / 2447;
*Day = J - 2447 * M / 80;
J = M / 11;
*Month = M + 2 - (12 * J);
*Year = 100 * (C - 49) + Y + J;
int daju24(int Y,int M, int D)
{ int a, y,m;
return D + (153*m+2)/5 +365*y + y/4 - y/100 + y/400 -32045 - 2400000;
int main(){int j, k, n, y,m,d;
ju24da(k,&y,&m,&d); printf("%4d %4d %2d %2d\n",k,y,m,d);
n=-2300,ju24da(k+n,&y,&m,&d); printf("%4d %4d %2d %2d\n",n,y,m,d);
n=-2200,ju24da(k+n,&y,&m,&d); printf("%4d %4d %2d %2d\n",n,y,m,d);
n=-2100,ju24da(k+n,&y,&m,&d); printf("%4d %4d %2d %2d\n",n,y,m,d);
n=-2000,ju24da(k+n,&y,&m,&d); printf("%4d %4d %2d %2d\n",n,y,m,d);
ju24da(k-226,&y,&m,&d); printf("%4d %4d %2d %2d\n",-226,y,m,d);
printf("%4d %4d %2d %2d %4d\n",n,y,m,d,j-k); }
C++ generator of curves
#define DB double
#define DO(x,y) for(x=0;x<y;x++)
void ado(FILE *O, int X, int Y)
{ fprintf(O,"%c!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n",'%');
fprintf(O,"%c%cBoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n",'%','%',X,Y);
fprintf(O,"/M {moveto} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/L {lineto} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/S {stroke} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/s {show newpath} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/C {closepath} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/F {fill} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/O {5 0 360 arc C F} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/times-Roman findfont 20 scalefont setfont\n");
fprintf(O,"/W {setlinewidth} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/RGB {setrgbcolor} bind def\n");}
//DB fit(DB x){ return 1.1882*sqrt((100.669 - x)*(389.828 + x));}
//DB fitos(DB x){ return fit(x) + 1.65997*exp(0.0477215*x)*sin(0.190509*(-53.7302 + x));} // 3.32858, 4.46385
//DB fit(DB x){ return 1.18052*sqrt((102.851 - x)*(388.552 + x));}
//DB fitos(DB x){ return fit(x) + 2.34457*exp(0.0379563*x)*sin(0.190307*(-54.7326 + x));} // 3.16919, 4.28327
//DB fit(DB x){ return 1.20375*sqrt((100.639 - x)*(381.547 + x));}
//DB fitos(DB x){ return fit(x) + exp(0.0319302*x)*
// (1.88239*sin(0.348703*(-93.3026 + x)) +
// 3.06092*sin(0.191964*(-53.3159 + x)) );} //, 2.87243, 3.92725}
DB fit(DB x){ return 1.19131*sqrt((102.09 - x)*(384.876 + x));}
DB fitos(DB x){ return fit(x) + exp(0.0390021*x)*
(1.05514*sin(0.407951*(-71.052 + x)) +
2.35622*sin(0.176673*(-55.1381+ x)));} // , 2.92204, 4.04111}
DB cubic(DB x){return 235.352 * exp( x*(-0.00382233 + x*(-0.0000232779 + x*(-4.40514e-8))));}
DB arc(DB x){return sqrt((123-x)*(471+x));}
DB lin0(DB x) {return 240.-.480*x;}
DB lin1(DB x) {return 227.37 - 0.583304*x;}
FILE *i,*o;
int main(){ int j,n,m,N,M; DB x,y,u,v,s,c;
o=fopen("21.eps","w"); ado(o,870,340);
#define M(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f M\n",0.+x,0.+y);
#define L(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f L\n",0.+x,0.+y);
#define O(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f O\n",0.+x,0.+y);
fprintf(o,"360 10 translate\n");
//fprintf(o,"460 10 translate\n");
for(n=0;n<301;n+=50) {M(-350,n)L(500,n)}
for(n=-350;n<501;n+=50) {M(n,0)L(n,300)}
fprintf(o,"0 0 0 RGB 2 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin .6 W S\n");
DO(n,840){ x=-340.+n; y=cubic(x); if(y>0) { if(n==0)M(x,y) else L(x,y)} else break;} fprintf(o,"0 1 0 RGB 12 W S\n");
DO(n,8002){ x=-350.+.1*n; y=arc(x); if(y>0) { if(n==0)M(x,y) else L(x,y)} else break;} fprintf(o,"0 0 1 RGB .1 W S\n");
M(-220,lin0(-220)) L(500,lin0(500)) fprintf(o,"0 0 0 RGB .6 W S\n");
M(-220,lin1(-229)) L(400,lin1(400)) fprintf(o,"0 0 .6 RGB .6 W S\n");
//M(-235,0)L(-235,300) fprintf(o,"0 .7 0 RGB 2 W S\n");
//M(T[37],0)L(T[37],300) fprintf(o,"0 .7 0 RGB 2 W S\n");
M(-226,0)L(-226,300) fprintf(o,"0 .7 0 RGB 2 W S\n");
DO(n,8024){ x=-352+.1*n; y=fit(x); if(y>0) { if(n==0)M(x,y) else L(x,y)} else break;} fprintf(o,"0 0 0 RGB 1 W S\n");
DB X[1024],Y[1024];
DB T[1024],F[1024];
fprintf(o,"1 0 0 RGB 1 setlinecap\n");
DO(n,1024){j=fscanf(i,"%d%lf",&m,&y); X[n]=x=m; Y[n]=y; if(j<2) break;
M(x,y-3) L(x,y+3);
fclose(i); N=n; printf("N=%3d\n",N);
fprintf(o,"1 W S\n");
fprintf(o,"0 0 1 RGB 1 setlinecap\n");
DO(n,1024){j=fscanf(i,"%d%lf",&m,&y); T[n]=x=m; F[n]=y; if(j<2) break;
//if(n==0)M(x,y) else L(x,y);
fclose(i); M=n; printf("M=%3d\n",M);
fprintf(o,"1 W S\n");
DO(m,N){if (X[m] >= -236) break;}
int K=0;
for(n=m;n<N;n++){ x=X[n]; y=Y[n]; u=fitos(x); v=u-y; s+=fabs(v); c+=v*v; K++;}
s/=K; c/=K; c=sqrt(c);
printf("%8.4f %8.4f K=%3d\n",s,c, K);
fprintf(o,"showpage\n%c%cTrailer",'%','%'); fclose(o);
system("epstopdf 21.eps");
system( "open 21.pdf");
Latex generator of labels
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\newcommand \sx {\scalebox}
\newcommand \rot {\begin{rotate}}
\newcommand \ero {\end{rotate}}
%\put(-4,20){\sx{14.9}{\color{pink} \circle{50}}}
\put(196,20){\sx{14.9}{\color{pink} \circle{50}}}
%\put(296,20){\sx{14.9}{\color{pink} \circle{50}}}
%\put(0,-40){\sx{16}{\color{magenta} \circle{50}}}
%\put(-4,296){\sx{1.3}{in cents}}
%\put(-4,282){\sx{1.3}{of USA}}
\put( 30,-2){\sx{2.2}{$-300$}}
\put(796,-1){\sx{2.2}{$x$, days}}
\put( 76, 22){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2013.12.31}\ero}}%
\put(127, 22){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.02.19}\ero}}%
%\put(40, 122){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.03.06}\ero}}%
\put(150, 22){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.03.06}\ero}}%
\put(176, 22){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.04.10}\ero}}%
\put(227, 22){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.05.30}\ero}}%
\put(276, 22){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.07.19}\ero}}%
\put(326,22){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.09.07}\ero}}%
\put(376,22){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.10.27}\ero}}%
\put(426,22){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2014.12.16}\ero}}
\put(476,224){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.02.04}\ero}}
\put(526,224){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.03.26}\ero}}
\put(576,224){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.05.15}\ero}}
\put(626,224){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.07.04}\ero}}
\put(676,224){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.08.23}\ero}}
\put(726,224){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.10.12}\ero}}
\put(776,224){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2015.12.01}\ero}}
\put(826,224){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2016.03.10}\ero}}
\put(876,224){\sx{1.5}{\rot{90}{\bf 2016.04.29}\ero}}
\put(596,160){\sx{2.1}{\rot{-26} $y = 240 - 0.48 x$\ero}}
\put(580,132){\sx{2.1}{\rot{-30} $y\!=\!227.37\! -\! 0.5833x$\ero}}
\put( 20,239){\sx{1.8}{\rot{29} $y\!=\!\mathrm{Arc}(x)$\ero}}
\put( 36,178){\sx{2}{\rot{45} $y\!=\!\mathrm{Ellipse}(x)$\ero}}
\put( 526,98){\sx{2}{\rot{-33} $y\!=\!\mathrm{Exc}(x)$\ero}}
File history
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 06:09, 1 December 2018 | 1,867 × 747 (271 KB) | Maintenance script (talk | contribs) | Importing image file |
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