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Original file(2,641 × 2,625 pixels, file size: 1.48 MB, MIME type: image/jpeg)

Anka616map.jpg is complex map of Anka function

$\mathrm{Anka}(z)= \exp(\mathrm{ArcTania}(z))=\exp(z+\ln(z)-1)= \frac{1}{\mathrm e} \, z \exp(z)=\frac{1}{\mathrm e} \, \mathrm{zex}(z)$

where zex is elementary functions, $\mathrm{zex}(z)=z\,\exp(z)$

Anka appears as the Schroeder function for the transfer function Doya, and satisfies the Schroeder equation

$\mathrm{Anka}(\mathrm{Doya}(z)) = \mathrm e \, \mathrm{Anka}(z)$


Anka616map.jpg is prepared to be used as figure 16.3 in book Superfunctions [1].


  1. D.Kouznetsov. Superfunctions (2015)

C++ generator of map

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DB double
#define DO(x,y) for(x=0;x<y;x++)
//using namespace std;
#include <complex>
typedef std::complex<double> z_type;
#define Re(x) x.real()
#define Im(x) x.imag()
#define I z_type(0.,1.)
#include "conto.cin"
z_type ArcTania(z_type z) {return z + log(z) - 1. ;}
z_type ArcTaniap(z_type z) {return 1. + 1./z ;}
z_type TaniaTay(z_type z) { int n; z_type s;
//+z*(7.3/4128768.) //some reserve term
)))))); DO(n,3) s+=(z-ArcTania(s))/ArcTaniap(s); return s ; }
z_type TaniaNega(z_type z){int n;z_type s=exp(z-exp(z)+1.);
DO(n,4) s+=(z-ArcTania(s))/ArcTaniap(s); return s ; }
z_type TaniaBig(z_type z){int n;z_type s=z; s=z-log(s)+1.;
DO(n,3) s+=(z-ArcTania(s))/ArcTaniap(s); return s ; }
z_type TaniaS(z_type z){int n; z_type s,t=z+z_type(2.,-M_PI);t*=2./9.; t=I*sqrt(t);
s=-1.+t*(3.+t*(-3.+t*(.75+t*(.3+t*(.9/16.+t*(-.3/7.+t*(-12.51/224. //+t*(-.9/28.)
DO(n,3) s+=(z-ArcTania(s))/ArcTaniap(s); return s ; }
z_type Tania(z_type z){ z_type t;
if( fabs(Im(z))< M_PI && Re(z)<-2.51) return TaniaNega(z);
if( abs(z)>7. || Re(z)>3.8 ) return TaniaBig(z);
if( Im(z) > .7 ) return TaniaS(z);
if( Im(z) < -.7) return conj(TaniaS(conj(z)));
return TaniaTay(z);

int main(){ int j,k,m,n; DB x,y, p,q, t; z_type z,c,d;
 int M=520,M1=M+1;
 int N=601,N1=N+1;
DB X[M1],Y[N1], g[M1*N1],f[M1*N1], w[M1*N1]; // w is working array.
char v[M1*N1]; // v is working array
// FILE *o;o=fopen("taniacontour.eps","w");ado(o,1620,1620);
//FILE *o;o=fopen("23.eps","w");ado(o,1220,1220);
FILE *o;o=fopen("anka616ma.eps","w");ado(o,1220,1220);
fprintf(o,"610 610 translate\n 100 100 scale\n");
DO(m,M1) X[m]=-6.+.02*(m-.5);
for(m=-6;m<7;m++){if(m==0){M(m,-6.2)L(m,6.2)} else{M(m,-6)L(m,6)}}
for(n=-6;n<7;n++){ M( -6,n)L(6,n)}
fprintf(o,".008 W 0 0 0 RGB 2 setlinecap S\n");
DO(m,M1)DO(n,N1){g[m*N1+n]=9999; f[m*N1+n]=9999;}
DO(m,M1){x=X[m]; //printf("%5.2f\n",x);
DO(n,N1){y=Y[n]; z=z_type(x,y); // z*=.1;
// c=Tania(log(z));
 if(p>-91. && p<91. && q>-91. && q<91. ){ g[m*N1+n]=p;f[m*N1+n]=q;}
fprintf(o,"1 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap\n"); p=3;q=.5;
for(m=-10;m<10;m++)for(n=2;n<10;n+=2)conto(o,f,w,v,X,Y,M,N,(m+.1*n),-q, q); fprintf(o,".008 W 0 .6 0 RGB S\n");
for(m=0;m<10;m++) for(n=2;n<10;n+=2)conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N,-(m+.1*n),-q, q); fprintf(o,".008 W .9 0 0 RGB S\n");
for(m=0;m<10;m++) for(n=2;n<10;n+=2)conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (m+.1*n),-q, q); fprintf(o,".008 W 0 0 .9 RGB S\n");
for(m=1;m<17;m++) conto(o,f,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (0.-m),-p,p); fprintf(o,".03 W .9 0 0 RGB S\n");
for(m=1;m<17;m++) conto(o,f,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (0.+m),-p,p); fprintf(o,".03 W 0 0 .9 RGB S\n");
                   conto(o,f,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (0. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".03 W .6 0 .6 RGB S\n");
for(m=-16;m<17;m++) conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (0.+m),-p,p); fprintf(o,".03 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
y= M_PI; for(m=0;m<60;m+=4) {x=-7.95+.1*m; M(x,y) L(x+.05,y)}
y=-M_PI; for(m=0;m<60;m+=4) {x=-7.95+.1*m; M(x,y) L(x+.05,y)}
fprintf(o,".07 W 1 .5 0 RGB S\n");
y= M_PI; for(m=2;m<60;m+=4) {x=-7.95+.1*m; M(x,y) L(x+.05,y)}
y=-M_PI; for(m=2;m<60;m+=4) {x=-7.95+.1*m; M(x,y) L(x+.05,y)}
fprintf(o,".07 W 0 .5 1 RGB S\n");
fprintf(o,"showpage\n%c%cTrailer",'%','%'); fclose(o);
       system("epstopdf anka616ma.eps");
       system( "open anka616ma.pdf");
       getchar(); system("killall Preview");

Latex generator of labels

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\newcommand \rot {\begin{rotate}}
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\newcommand \ing {\includegraphics}
\newcommand \rmi {\mathrm{i}}
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File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current06:10, 1 December 2018Thumbnail for version as of 06:10, 1 December 20182,641 × 2,625 (1.48 MB)Maintenance script (talk | contribs)Importing image file

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