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Российское вторжение в Украину: пилоты-ассы.
Screenshot from movie by Om TV [1].
The Putin's blitzkrieg in Ukraine fails. The «small victorious war» against the Ukrainian people happens to neither small, nor even victorious.
The election fraud and the state terror had been used by the Russian usurper go form the totally corrupted administration. This terror overwhelms Russia and drops to other countries.
Moldova and Ichkeria happen to be first victims,
The Chechnia is governed by the Putin's Gauleiter Kadyrov Ramzan Ahmatovich;
the region around region Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) is occupied by the Russian aggressors.
Georgia happens the second victim pf the aggressor, see Russian invasion into Georgia.
The world-wide society pays very few attention to the advances of the new Hitler.
Ukraine happens to be the third, see Russian invasion into Georgia. The Ukrainian army, disordered by Yanukovych Viktor Fedorovych, failed to resist to the Russian invaders, ihtamnets; in 2014, the putin's fascists succeeded in annexation of Crimea and occupation of Ordlo
(occupied region of Donetsk and Luhansk districts).
Then, the same year 2014, the resistance of Ukrainian people stoped the advance of the Russian army into the Central Europe. But in year 2022, the Kremlin's paranoid decides boil-up the Putin world war against the Human civilization.
Since 2022.02.24, instead of the Russian ihtamnets, the regular Russian army performs the full-scale invasion, beginning the Russia-Ukraine war.
In Russian propaganda, this war is denoted with term «Special operation» («Военная спецоперация»).
The big demoralized Russian army meets the less numerous, but strongly motivated Ukrainian soldiers. Within few days, it happen, that the Russian soldiers cannot defeat the brave Ukrainians in the direct confrontation; the Russian troops either run back, or surrender, or are just killed.
The Russian logistics fails. In particular, the food and fuel supply of the Russian army is exhausted in first day of the war.
Since 2022 March, the Russian usurper changes the tactics. The Russian troops are switched to self-maintenance: the only new soldiers and ammunition is supplied; as for the food and fuel, the Russian army is ordered to steal it from the people at the territories, already occupied by the aggressors. The Russian army is finally converted to bandits, murderers, marauders. These bandits are interested in transferring of the stolen goods to their families rather than in the risky advance deeper into Ukraine.
The plans of the Russian commandment change. They see, that they cannot get the Ukraine alive, but the aggressors try to annihilate it, exterminating the Ukrainian people. Since that, the civil objects, cities become the main target of the attack; in such a way, the Russian troops perform the genocide of the Ukrainian people. Such a barbarian style can be qualified with term Total war, that attack all enemies, making no difference between the military and civil objects; every Ukrainian, independently on age or gender, becomes a target. In particular, the Russian pilots bomb the Ukrainian cities, civilians. Tens of children are reported to be murdered by the Russian pilots. This is illustrated in the cartoon.
Several publications, from various countries, confirm the barbarian style of the Russian bombing of the Ukrainian cities.
- ↑ Путин заклеймил всех россиян. ОмерZение и бреZгливость - теперь на лбу каждого жителя РФ Mar 13, 2022 Om TV
19:50 02.03.2022.
Минобороны: в ходе спецоперации погибли 498 российских военнослужащих.
Минобороны: 498 военнослужащих России погибли при спецоперации на Украине, 1597 — ранены.//
МОСКВА, 2 мар – РИА Новости. Потери военнослужащих и националистов Украины с начала спецоперации российских войск составили 2870 человек, ВС РФ - 498, сообщил официальный представитель Минобороны РФ генерал-майор Игорь Конашенков.//
"Среди националистов и военнослужащих силовых структур Украины потери составляют: более 2870 убитыми и около 3700 ранеными. Только по подтвержденным данным количество пленных военнослужащих силовых ведомств Украины составляет 572 человека", - сказал генерал журналистам.//
"К сожалению, среди наших товарищей, участвующих в специальной военной операции, имеются потери. 498 российских военнослужащих погибли при исполнении воинского долга. Семьям погибших оказывается вся возможная помощь. 1597 наших товарищей получили ранения", - добавил Конашенков.//
"Хочу еще раз подчеркнуть, ни военнослужащие срочной службы, ни курсанты учебных заведений Минобороны России в специальной операции не участвуют. Распространяемая многими западными и отдельными российским СМИ информация о якобы "неисчислимых" потерях российской группировки - это целенаправленная дезинформация", - сказал генерал.
2022.03.09. DIRECT - Ukraine : l'hôpital pédiatrique de Marioupol détruit par des tirs de l'armée russe,. 22 FÉV 2022 Mise à jour 09.03.2022 à 22:06 par Nina Soyez, Pierre Desorgues, Tanguy K. Toussaint, Benjamin Beraud, Nadia Bouchenni, Pascale Veysset. L’hôpital pédiatrique de Marioupol a été détruit par des tirs de l’armée russe, selon le maire de la ville. Plus tôt dans la journée, un entretien téléphonique a eu lieu entre le président russe, Vladimir Poutine et le chancelier allemand, Olaf Scholz sur les éventuels efforts diplomatiques à réaliser, et les couloirs humanitaires à préserver pour évacuer les civils. Les ministres des Affaires étrangères russe et ukrainien doivent se rencontrer en Turquie pour entamer des pourparlers, ce jeudi 10 mars.
2022.03.10. Un hôpital pour enfants de Marioupol bombardé par l’armée russe Une femme est évacuée sur une civière par des hommes au milieu de décombres. Une femme enceinte blessée est évacuée de l'hôpital pédiatrique de Marioupol. PHOTO : LA PRESSE CANADIENNE / AP/EVGENIY MALOLETKA Radio-Canada le 10 mars 2022
2022.03.10. ロシア軍侵攻から2週間 小児病院にも攻撃 妊婦の姿も 3/10(木) 16:37配信 Copyright(C) Japan News Network. All rights reserved. ロシア軍がウクライナへの侵攻を始めてから2週間。ロシア軍の激しい攻撃が続く南東部マリウポリでは9日、小児病院などが攻撃され、けが人のなかには妊婦の姿もありました。// 大きな爆撃音のあと鳴り響いたサイレンの音。その後、大きな煙もあがりました。// 兵士 「丁寧にあげろよ!上に上に!」// 担架に乗せられ、病院の外へ連れ出されるけが人の中には妊婦の姿もありました。// 兵士「大丈夫!大丈夫!」// 子供「ママ!ママ!」// 兵士「ママが待っているよ(ミサイルは)飛んで行っちゃったから大丈夫だよ・・・中に入って!」// ウクライナ南東部マリウポリ。市民を避難させるための「人道回廊」が設置され周辺では、一時停戦が合意されていたのですが、産科と小児科があるこの病院では市民が攻撃にさらされていました。// ウクライナ軍兵士// 「空爆があったんです。その時、私たちはけが人を助け、避難させる準備をしているところだったんです」// ウクライナ ゼレンスキー大統領 // 「小児病院への攻撃は、ウクライナ人に対する大量虐殺が行われたことの証しだ」// マリウポリはロシア軍の激しい攻撃を受けている都市の1つで、副市長は9日、ロシア軍の攻撃でこれまでに少なくとも市民1170人が死亡したと明らかにしました。 ..
2022.03.11. УКРАИНА Пленные летчики РФ в Украине. Пресс-конференция 11.03.2022. -- Это не военная операция РФ в Украине. Это война.
2022.03.11. 18:55 11.03.2022 Closure of sky over Ukraine could work towards speedy ending of war – captured Russian pilot// Closure of the sky over Ukraine could help ending the war soon, a captured Russian pilot, deputy commander of Russia's 47th aviation regiment, Maxim Krishtop, has said. // "Closure of the sky over Ukraine will help to put an end to this conflict [the war] soon," he said during a press conference hosted by the Interfax-Ukraine News Agency, adding that he would like to see the Russian and Ukrainian leaders at the negotiating table. // "This could be stopped at any moment, the forces could be withdrawn and long difficult negotiations could be started, anyway it's better than killing each other. I am also addressing the Russian military and fellow soldiers – stop executing criminal orders now, stop conducting combat operations and bombing peaceful cities. I think we have lost this war," the Russian pilot said. // Krishtop underlined that the Russian military "are able to refuse from executing criminal orders of the command."
2022.03.12. 17:22 12.03.2022 Zelensky: Ukraine lost about 1,300 soldiers President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, some 1,300 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have died. // "We have about 1,300 servicemen deaths today, while Russia has more than 12,000. One in ten," Zelensky said during a conversation with foreign media representatives on Saturday. ..
2022.03.13. Business InsiderBusiness Insider Captured Russian pilot admits to bombing civilians, urges Russia to stop assault: 'We have already lost this war' Katie Balevic Sun, March 13, 2022, 1:58 AM. A captured Russian pilot admitted to targeting Ukrainian civilians and urged Russia to call off the assault on Ukraine. // Lt. Colonel Krishtop Maxim Sergeevich was shot down on March 6 and taken into custody, Interfax Ukraine reported. // "I think we have already lost this war," Krishtop said at a press conference with other prisoners of war. // A captured Russian pilot admitted to targeting Ukrainian civilians and urged Russia to call off the assault on Ukraine. // Lieutenant Colonel Krishtop Maxim Sergeevich was shot down on March 6 and taken into custody by Ukrainian forces, Interfax Ukraine reported. At a press conference on Friday, Krishtop said he carried out three bombing missions, Newsweek reported. // "In the process of completing the task, I realized that the target was not enemy military facilities, but residential buildings, peaceful people," Krishtop said, per Newsweek. "But I carried out the criminal order." // Related video: New videos show mass grave in Ukraine after 9 days of Russian shelling 1:00 6:46 How BlackBerry went from controlling the smartphone market to a phone of the past // Scroll back up to restore default view. Putin initially said that his invasion of Ukraine would not target any civilians, but the offensive has since bombed multiple towns and cities, resulting in a massive refugee crisis and over 1,546 confirmed Ukrainian casualties. // Krishtop, who served as Russia's Deputy Commander of the 47th Aviation Regiment, said he deployed FAB-500 bombs, which are 500 kg — or 1,100 lb — explosives frequently used by the Russian military. A recent video shows two Ukrainians carefully defusing a similar bomb in Chernihiv, a city in northern Ukraine. // "I recognize the enormity of the crimes committed by me," Krishtop said, per Newsweek. "I want to ask forgiveness from the entire Ukrainian people for the misfortune that we brought them. I will do everything in my power to end this war as quickly as possible, and bring those responsible for this genocide of Ukrainians to justice." // Krishtop made the comments at a press conference alongside other other Russian pilots held as prisoners of war, according to Interfax. Ukraine has conducted several similar news conferences with prisoners of war in an attempt to counter Russian propaganda about the war, The Washington Post reported.
Защитить Украину сейчас.
Mar 18, 2022
Mark Solonin
We are very encouraged and grateful for the overwhelming support following Volodymyr Zelenskyy address to U.S. Congress on March 16th.
But Ukraine has a dire and immediate need that has not yet been addressed - protecting Ukrainian civilians from the air attacks. Ukraine needs fighter planes to protect civilians from the air raids.
At the time when Zelenskyy was speaking to Congress, Russian plane dropped a powerful bomb on a theater in the besieged city of Mariupol sheltering over a thousand civilians. It happened because there was not a single Ukrainian fighter jet in the sky over Mariupol which could prevent this horrible tragedy. This is happening all over Ukraine on a daily basis. Fighter planes is the essential thing that can save Ukrainian civilians lives!//
We are asking for you to please contact your elected official with the request for their support for an immediate transfer of Soviet made fighter planes to Ukraine.//
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Together we can save Ukrainian lives.
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