Difference between revisions of "File:Exp1exp2t.jpg"
(Importing image file) |
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+ | Iterate of exponent (thin black lines) compared to the linar combination of $\exp$ and $\exp^2$, deawn with thick green lines. |
− | Importing image file |
+ | |||
+ | Iterates of exponent are evaluated through tetration tet and arctetration ate: |
+ | |||
+ | $y=\exp^n(x)=\mathrm{tet}(n+\mathrm{ate}(x))$ , thin lines |
+ | |||
+ | The corresponding linear combinations of the first and the second iterates of the exponent are defined with |
+ | |||
+ | $y=(2\!-\!n)\exp(x)+(n\!-\!1)\exp(\exp(x))$ , and marked with thick green lines. |
+ | |||
+ | ==Description== |
+ | This image is modification of figure 15.4 from the book [[Суперфункции]], 2014 |
+ | <ref> |
+ | https://www.morebooks.de/store/ru/book/Суперфункции/isbn/978-3-659-56202-0 <br> |
+ | http://www.ils.uec.ac.jp/~dima/BOOK/202.pdf<br> |
+ | http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/BOOK/202.pdf |
+ | Дмитрий Кузнецов. Суперфункции. [[Lambert Academic Publishing]], 2014.</ref> |
+ | |||
+ | The English translation [[Superfunctions]] in 2015 yet is in preparation |
+ | <ref> |
+ | http://www.ils.uec.ac.jp/~dima/BOOK/437.pdf<br> |
+ | http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/BOOK/437.pdf |
+ | Dmitrii Kouznetsov. Superfunctions. 2015, In preparation. |
+ | </ref> |
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | Evaluation of the natural [[tetration]] tet and the [[arctetration]] ate is described also in the |
+ | [[Mathematics of computation]] (2009) and in the [[Vladicavkaz mathematical journal]] (2010) |
+ | <ref> |
+ | http://www.ams.org/mcom/2009-78-267/S0025-5718-09-02188-7/home.html <br> |
+ | http://www.ils.uec.ac.jp/~dima/PAPERS/2009analuxpRepri.pdf<br> |
+ | http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/PAPERS/2009analuxp.pdf |
+ | D.Kouznetsov. Analytic solution of F(z+1)=exp(F(z)) in complex z-plane. [[Mathematics of Computation]], v.78 (2009), 1647-1670. |
+ | </ref><ref> |
+ | http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/PAPERS/2010vladie.pdf |
+ | D.Kouznetsov. Superexponential as special function. [[Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal]], 2010, v.12, issue 2, p.31-45. |
+ | </ref>. |
+ | |||
+ | ==References== |
+ | <references/> |
+ | |||
+ | ==[[C++]] generator of curves== |
+ | Files |
+ | [[ado.cin]], |
+ | [[fsexp.cin]], |
+ | [[fslog.cin]] |
+ | should be loaded into working directory in order to compile the code below |
+ | <poem><nomathjax><nowiki> |
+ | #include <math.h> |
+ | #include <stdio.h> |
+ | #include <stdlib.h> |
+ | #define DB double |
+ | #define DO(x,y) for(x=0;x<y;x++) |
+ | //using namespace std; |
+ | #include<complex> |
+ | typedef std::complex<double> z_type; |
+ | #define Re(x) x.real() |
+ | #define Im(x) x.imag() |
+ | #define I z_type(0.,1.) |
+ | //#include "Tania.cin" // need for LambertW |
+ | //#include "LambertW.cin" // need for AuZex |
+ | //#include "SuZex.cin" |
+ | //#include "AuZex.cin" |
+ | #include "fsexp.cin" |
+ | #include "fslog.cin" |
+ | // z_type tra(z_type z){ return exp(z)+z;} |
+ | // z_type F(z_type z){ return log(suzex(z));} |
+ | // z_type G(z_type z){ return auzex(exp(z));} |
+ | #include "ado.cin" |
+ | #define M(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f M\n",0.+x,0.+y); |
+ | #define L(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f L\n",0.+x,0.+y); |
+ | int main(){ int j,k,m,n; DB x,y, p,q, t; z_type z,c,d; |
+ | //FILE *o;o=fopen("ExpIte4.eps","w"); ado(o,804,804); |
+ | FILE *o;o=fopen("exp1exp2.eps","w"); ado(o,604,404); |
+ | fprintf(o,"402 2 translate\n 100 100 scale\n"); |
+ | fprintf(o,"1 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap\n"); |
+ | for(n=0;n<5;n++) {M(-4,n)L(2,n)} |
+ | for(m=-4;m<3;m++) {M(m,0)L(m,4)} |
+ | // M(M_E,0)L(M_E,1) M(0,M_E)L(1,M_E) |
+ | fprintf(o,".004 W S\n"); |
+ | // DO(m,700){x=.01 +.02*m; y=Re(LambertW(LambertW(x)));if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>12.03||y>12.03) break;} fprintf(o,".033 W 1 0 0 RGB S\n"); |
+ | // DO(m,700){x=.01 +.02*m; y=Re(LambertW(x));if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>12.03||y>12.03) break;} fprintf(o,".04 W 1 .5 0 RGB S\n"); |
+ | // M(0,0) L(12.03,12.03) fprintf(o,".04 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n"); |
+ | DO(m,700){x=-4.02+.02*m; y=exp(x); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n"); |
+ | DO(m,700){x=-4.02+.02*m; y=exp(exp(x)); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n"); |
+ | |||
+ | DO(n,11){ |
+ | DO(m,700){x=-4.02+.02*m; t=exp(x); y=.1*n*exp(t)+(1.-.1*n)*t; if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(y>4.03) break;}} |
+ | fprintf(o,".032 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n"); |
+ | //DO(m,700){x=-4.02+.02*m; y=exp(exp(exp(x)));if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n"); |
+ | /* |
+ | DO(m,700){y=-4.02+.02*m; x=exp(y); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 1 0 1 RGB S\n"); |
+ | DO(m,700){y=-4.02+.02*m; x=exp(exp(y)); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 1 0 1 RGB S\n"); |
+ | DO(m,700){y=-4.02+.02*m; x=exp(exp(exp(y)));if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 1 0 1 RGB S\n"); |
+ | */ |
+ | for(n=10;n<21;n+=1) {DO(m,700){x=-4.01 +.02*m; y=Re(FSLOG(x)); y=Re(FSEXP(.1*n+y)); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;}} |
+ | /* |
+ | for(n=-33;n<0;n+=1){t=Re(FSEXP( FSLOG(-4.)-.1*n)); |
+ | DO(m,700){x=t +.02*m; y=Re(FSLOG(x)); y=Re(FSEXP(.1*n+y)); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;}} |
+ | */ |
+ | fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); |
+ | fprintf(o,"showpage\n"); fprintf(o,"%c%cTrailer\n",'%','%'); fclose(o); |
+ | system("epstopdf exp1exp2.eps"); |
+ | system( "open exp1exp2.pdf"); //for macintosh |
+ | // getchar(); system("killall Preview"); // For macintosh |
+ | return 0; |
+ | } |
+ | </nowiki></nomathjax></poem> |
+ | |||
+ | ==[[Latex]] generator of labels== |
+ | <poem><nomathjax><nowiki> |
+ | \documentclass[12pt]{article} |
+ | \usepackage{geometry} |
+ | \usepackage{graphicx} |
+ | \usepackage{rotating} |
+ | \paperwidth 616pt |
+ | \paperheight 422pt |
+ | \topmargin -108pt |
+ | \oddsidemargin -72pt |
+ | \textwidth 1100pt |
+ | \textheight 1100pt |
+ | \pagestyle {empty} |
+ | \newcommand \sx {\scalebox} |
+ | \newcommand \rot {\begin{rotate}} |
+ | \newcommand \ero {\end{rotate}} |
+ | \newcommand \ing {\includegraphics} |
+ | \parindent 0pt |
+ | \pagestyle{empty} |
+ | \begin{document} |
+ | \begin{picture}(614,414) |
+ | %\put(0,0){\ing{ExpIte4}} |
+ | \put(10,10){\ing{exp1exp2}} |
+ | \put(1,400){\sx{1.8}{$y = \exp^n(x)$, thin lines}} |
+ | \put(1,376){\sx{1.8}{and $(2\!-\!n)\exp(x)+(n\!-\!1)\exp(\exp(x))$,}} |
+ | \put(270,350){\sx{1.8}{thick lines}} |
+ | \put(-1,306.6){\sx{2.}{$3$}} |
+ | \put(-1,206.4){\sx{2.}{$2$}} |
+ | \put(-1,106){\sx{2.}{$1$}} |
+ | \put(-1, 6){\sx{2.}{$0$}} |
+ | |||
+ | \put(094,-6){\sx{2}{$-3$}} |
+ | \put(194,-6){\sx{2}{$-2$}} |
+ | \put(294,-6){\sx{2}{$-1$}} |
+ | \put(409,-6){\sx{2}{$0$}} |
+ | \put(509,-6){\sx{2}{$1$}} |
+ | \put(600,-5){\sx{2}{$x$}} |
+ | % |
+ | \put(20,118){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!2$\ero}} |
+ | \put(20,99){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.9$\ero}} |
+ | %\put(20,88){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.8$\ero}} |
+ | \put(20, 79){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.7$\ero}} |
+ | \put(20, 58){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.5$\ero}} |
+ | \put(20, 39){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.3$\ero}} |
+ | %\put(20, 29){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.2$\ero}} |
+ | \put(20, 19){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.1$\ero}} |
+ | \put(20, -1){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1$\ero}} |
+ | % |
+ | \put(398,260){\sx{2}{\rot{74}$y\!=\!\exp(\exp(x))$\ero}} |
+ | \put(504,220){\sx{2}{\rot{66}$y\!=\!\exp(x)$\ero}} |
+ | |||
+ | \end{picture} |
+ | \end{document} |
+ | </nowiki></nomathjax></poem> |
+ | |||
+ | ==Remarks== |
+ | |||
+ | This plot is generated by request by Ю. |
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | [[Category:Abel function]] |
+ | [[Category:Arctetration]] |
+ | [[Category:Book]] |
+ | [[Category:BookPlot]] |
+ | [[Category:C++]] |
+ | [[Category:Exp]] |
+ | [[Category:Explicit plot]] |
+ | [[Category:Iterate]] |
+ | [[Category:Latex]] |
+ | [[Category:Superfunction]] |
+ | [[Category:Tetration]] |
Latest revision as of 08:35, 1 December 2018
Iterate of exponent (thin black lines) compared to the linar combination of $\exp$ and $\exp^2$, deawn with thick green lines.
Iterates of exponent are evaluated through tetration tet and arctetration ate:
$y=\exp^n(x)=\mathrm{tet}(n+\mathrm{ate}(x))$ , thin lines
The corresponding linear combinations of the first and the second iterates of the exponent are defined with
$y=(2\!-\!n)\exp(x)+(n\!-\!1)\exp(\exp(x))$ , and marked with thick green lines.
This image is modification of figure 15.4 from the book Суперфункции, 2014 [1]
The English translation Superfunctions in 2015 yet is in preparation [2]
Evaluation of the natural tetration tet and the arctetration ate is described also in the
Mathematics of computation (2009) and in the Vladicavkaz mathematical journal (2010)
- ↑
http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/BOOK/202.pdf Дмитрий Кузнецов. Суперфункции. Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014. - ↑
http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/BOOK/437.pdf Dmitrii Kouznetsov. Superfunctions. 2015, In preparation. - ↑
http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/PAPERS/2009analuxp.pdf D.Kouznetsov. Analytic solution of F(z+1)=exp(F(z)) in complex z-plane. Mathematics of Computation, v.78 (2009), 1647-1670. - ↑ http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/PAPERS/2010vladie.pdf D.Kouznetsov. Superexponential as special function. Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal, 2010, v.12, issue 2, p.31-45.
C++ generator of curves
Files ado.cin, fsexp.cin, fslog.cin should be loaded into working directory in order to compile the code below
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DB double
#define DO(x,y) for(x=0;x<y;x++)
//using namespace std;
typedef std::complex<double> z_type;
#define Re(x) x.real()
#define Im(x) x.imag()
#define I z_type(0.,1.)
//#include "Tania.cin" // need for LambertW
//#include "LambertW.cin" // need for AuZex
//#include "SuZex.cin"
//#include "AuZex.cin"
#include "fsexp.cin"
#include "fslog.cin"
// z_type tra(z_type z){ return exp(z)+z;}
// z_type F(z_type z){ return log(suzex(z));}
// z_type G(z_type z){ return auzex(exp(z));}
#include "ado.cin"
#define M(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f M\n",0.+x,0.+y);
#define L(x,y) fprintf(o,"%6.4f %6.4f L\n",0.+x,0.+y);
int main(){ int j,k,m,n; DB x,y, p,q, t; z_type z,c,d;
//FILE *o;o=fopen("ExpIte4.eps","w"); ado(o,804,804);
FILE *o;o=fopen("exp1exp2.eps","w"); ado(o,604,404);
fprintf(o,"402 2 translate\n 100 100 scale\n");
fprintf(o,"1 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap\n");
for(n=0;n<5;n++) {M(-4,n)L(2,n)}
for(m=-4;m<3;m++) {M(m,0)L(m,4)}
// M(M_E,0)L(M_E,1) M(0,M_E)L(1,M_E)
fprintf(o,".004 W S\n");
// DO(m,700){x=.01 +.02*m; y=Re(LambertW(LambertW(x)));if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>12.03||y>12.03) break;} fprintf(o,".033 W 1 0 0 RGB S\n");
// DO(m,700){x=.01 +.02*m; y=Re(LambertW(x));if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>12.03||y>12.03) break;} fprintf(o,".04 W 1 .5 0 RGB S\n");
// M(0,0) L(12.03,12.03) fprintf(o,".04 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n");
DO(m,700){x=-4.02+.02*m; y=exp(x); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n");
DO(m,700){x=-4.02+.02*m; y=exp(exp(x)); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n");
DO(m,700){x=-4.02+.02*m; t=exp(x); y=.1*n*exp(t)+(1.-.1*n)*t; if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(y>4.03) break;}}
fprintf(o,".032 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n");
//DO(m,700){x=-4.02+.02*m; y=exp(exp(exp(x)));if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n");
DO(m,700){y=-4.02+.02*m; x=exp(y); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 1 0 1 RGB S\n");
DO(m,700){y=-4.02+.02*m; x=exp(exp(y)); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 1 0 1 RGB S\n");
DO(m,700){y=-4.02+.02*m; x=exp(exp(exp(y)));if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;} fprintf(o,".032 W 1 0 1 RGB S\n");
for(n=10;n<21;n+=1) {DO(m,700){x=-4.01 +.02*m; y=Re(FSLOG(x)); y=Re(FSEXP(.1*n+y)); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;}}
for(n=-33;n<0;n+=1){t=Re(FSEXP( FSLOG(-4.)-.1*n));
DO(m,700){x=t +.02*m; y=Re(FSLOG(x)); y=Re(FSEXP(.1*n+y)); if(m==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) if(x>4.03||y>4.03) break;}}
fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
fprintf(o,"showpage\n"); fprintf(o,"%c%cTrailer\n",'%','%'); fclose(o);
system("epstopdf exp1exp2.eps");
system( "open exp1exp2.pdf"); //for macintosh
// getchar(); system("killall Preview"); // For macintosh
return 0;
Latex generator of labels
\paperwidth 616pt
\paperheight 422pt
\topmargin -108pt
\oddsidemargin -72pt
\textwidth 1100pt
\textheight 1100pt
\pagestyle {empty}
\newcommand \sx {\scalebox}
\newcommand \rot {\begin{rotate}}
\newcommand \ero {\end{rotate}}
\newcommand \ing {\includegraphics}
\parindent 0pt
\put(1,400){\sx{1.8}{$y = \exp^n(x)$, thin lines}}
\put(1,376){\sx{1.8}{and $(2\!-\!n)\exp(x)+(n\!-\!1)\exp(\exp(x))$,}}
\put(270,350){\sx{1.8}{thick lines}}
\put(-1, 6){\sx{2.}{$0$}}
\put(20, 79){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.7$\ero}}
\put(20, 58){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.5$\ero}}
\put(20, 39){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.3$\ero}}
%\put(20, 29){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.2$\ero}}
\put(20, 19){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1.1$\ero}}
\put(20, -1){\sx{1.8}{\rot{0}$n\!=\!1$\ero}}
This plot is generated by request by Ю.
File history
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 06:12, 1 December 2018 | ![]() | 1,278 × 875 (296 KB) | Maintenance script (talk | contribs) | Importing image file |
You cannot overwrite this file.
File usage
There are no pages that use this file.