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[[File:MinskL5.jpg|280px]]<small><center>53.8956, 27.5426 : Aerial view from East</center></small>
53.8956, 27.5426: Minsk, Miasnikova 39
[[File:CentrkurortMinskMap.jpg|280px]]<small><center>53.8956, 27.5426: Minsk, Miasnikova 39
[[File:MinskL5.jpg|260px]]<small><center>53.8956, 27.5426 : Aerial view from East</center></small></div>
[[File:VitebskLeninaMap2.jpg|280px]]<small><center>Vitebsk, Zankovaya 4 and Ulitsa Lenina</center></small>
[[Центркурорт]] ([[Centrkurort]]) есть белорусское государственное туристическое агенство
!-->[[File:LieninskajaStreetMogilevMap.jpg|280px]]<small><center>Могилев, ул.Первомайская,8</center></small>
[[Centrkurort]] ([[Центркурорт]]) is Belarusian state agency <ref>
Республиканское унитарное предприятие «ЦЕНТРКУРОРТ» является крупной государственной туристической компанией Беларуси, входящей в систему Управления делами Президента Республики Беларусь. (2021)
Республиканское унитарное предприятие «ЦЕНТРКУРОРТ» является крупной государственной туристической компанией Беларуси, входящей в систему Управления делами Президента Республики Беларусь, с опытом работы более 15 лет.
The [[Centrkurort]] offices are located in vicinities of the [[Lenin]] monuments and/or Lenin streets (the examples are shown in maps at right).
Офисы [[Центркурорт]]а расположены в непосредственной близости от памятников Ленину (монумент и/или улицы Ленина). Это указывает на преступную, [[террор]]истическую деятельность сотрудников [[Центркурорт]]а.
Ominous place names indicate the criminal, [[terror]]istic activity of the [[Centrkurort]] employees.
[[Центркурорт]] получает широкую известность в 2021 году
In year 2021, such an activity is confirmed by publications: [[Centrkurort]] is reported to organize the smuggling of illegal migrants to Europe and their use as hostages; some of the illegal migrants die.
в связи с массовым обманом клиентов: им продают туры в Европу,
For this reason, the [[Centrkurort]] is qualified as terroristic organization.
не обеспечив визы, необходимые для легального пересечения границ Евросоюза. Попав в Беларусь, обманутые клиенты попадают в ловушку:
Such a qualification agrees with qualification of the Belorussian [[usurpation|usurper]] ([[Lukashenko Aleksandr Grigorievich]]) as an international [[terror]]ist
вперед, в Латвию, в Литву и в Польшу их не пускают латвийские, литовские и польские пограничники, а путь назад преграждают [[заградотряд]]ы белорусского [[КГБ]].
Клиенты [[Центркурорт]]а становятся заложниками; многие из них гибнут от холода, голода и жажды.
Tomasz Grzywaczewski
Russia and Belarus Are Using Migrants as a Weapon Against the EU.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2021, 2:00 AM.
Authoritarian regimes in Moscow and Minsk are aiding Iraqis and Afghans in order to sow chaos and domestic discord in Eastern European countries.
In July, journalists from Belsat TV, the independent channel broadcasting from Poland to Belarus, reve­­­­­­­­­aled that Belarusian secret services were conducting an operation to transfer migrants from the Middle East via Belarus to Lithuania. Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy, director of Belsat TV, explained explained to Foreign Policy that, “The state-owned company Centrkurort belonging to the President’s Affairs Board, which cooperates with Iraqi travel agencies, is responsible for bringing migrants from Iraq to Belarus. These people get Belarusian tourist visas and after landing at the Minsk airport, they are placed in hotels in Minsk and finally transported to the borders.”
Alexander Lukashenko, international terrorist.
May 24, 2021 12:13 pm.
The EU must respond to the forced landing of a Ryanair flight and do more to protect exiled Belarusian democrats.
Jack Parrock. Date 05.10.2021
Calls for Lukashenko to face international tribunal.
Руководители [[Центркурорт]]а подозреваются в сотрудничестве с белорусским диктатором и участии в [[Путинская мировая война|путинской мировой войне]].
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Главный офис [[Центркурорт]] расположен в Минске,
в двухстах метрах на запад от памятника Ленина.
The following directions of [[Centrkurort]] offices are indicated at
Адрес: Минск, ул.Мясникова,39, 2 этаж.
220030, г. Минск, ул. Мясникова, 39, 2 этаж<br>
Coordinates: 53.8956, 27.5426
Coordinates: 53.8956, 27.5426
210026, Витебск, ул. Замковая, 4<br>
Другие офисы [[Центркурорт]]а расположены в других городах Беларуси, но тоже в непосредственной близости от улиц Ленина.
Coordinates: 55.1930, 30.2046
246050, Гомель, пр. [[Ленин]]а, 6<br>
[[Ленин Владимир Ильич]] квалифицируется, как фашист, узурпатор, самодержец и военный преступник. За время СССР, Ленин и его соучастники убивают почти всех честных соотечественников, порядка 10^8 сограждан;
Coordinates: 52.4246, 31.0098
[[враньё]], [[террор]] и [[геноцид]] становится основными инструментами государственного управления.
212030, Могилев, ул. Первомайская, 8<br>
Естественно предположить, что сотрудники учреждения, оффисы которого расположены вблизи памятников преступнику, и сами тоже являются преступниками. Такая гипотеза хорошо согласуется со свидетельствами деятельности [[Центркурорт]]а.
Coordinates: 53.8966, 30.3312
All the four places point to the terroristic activity.
<div style="float:right; margin:-52px -14px 0px 2px">
[[Кончиц Светлана Николаевна|Кончиц Светлана]]<ref>
https://www.tio.by/info/newspaper/Светлана-КОНЧИЦ-ОАО-Белагропромбанк-В-нынешнем-году-мы-сделали-все-возможное-для-того-чтобы-агроэкоусадьбы-активнее-соревновались-за-право-быть-лучшими-в-стране/ Светлана КОНЧИЦ, ОАО «Белагропромбанк»: «В нынешнем году мы сделали все возможное для того, чтобы агроэкоусадьбы активнее соревновались за право быть лучшими в стране!» На днях стартует шестой республиканский конкурс (организатор – ОАО «Бел­агропромбанк») на лучшую агроэкоусадьбу 2013 года. Конкурс, который был инициирован банком совместно с БОО «Отдых в деревне» для того, чтобы поднять имидж и статус «домиков в деревне», активно обсуждали и обсуждают на разных уровнях. Высказывались разные мнения, в том числе и такое: «Зачем он вообще нужен?» Этот вопрос мы адресовали начальнику Управления корпоративного бизнеса банка Светлане Кончиц. (2021)</ref></center></small>
The main office of [[Centrkurort]]а (Минск, ул.Мясникова,39) is in a hundred meters West from the [[Lenin]] monument (see map at right).
[[Стрельченко Алексей Иванович|Стрельченко А.]]<ref>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6uKrnzhEHo "УТРО С КАРУЗЛИКОМ": Алексей Стрельченко, выпуск 48 (часть 2) ЦентрКурорт Jun 27, 2019 Республиканский союз туристической индустрии Мы продолжаем беседу с Алексеем Ивановичем Стрельченко, начальником филиала «[[Белинтурист]]» РУП «ЦентрКурорт». Сегодня в интервью мы поговорили о проблемах белорусской инфраструктуры, которые выявились во время проведения в Беларуси корпоративной конференции крупнейшей сетевой компании WANMEI.
At Vitebsk, the office of [[Centrkurort]] is located near streets named after
[[Кончиц Светлана Николаевна]] ([[Konhits Svetlana Nikolaevna]]), директор, 2021
[[Ленин Владимир Ильич|Lenin]], [[Фрунзе Михаил Васильевич|Frunse]] and [[Калинин Михаил Иванович|Kalinin]] (see maps at right)
At Gomel, the office of [[Centrkurort]] is located at [[Lenin]] street.
[[Стрельченко Алексей Иванович]] ([[Strelchenko Aleksei Ivanovich]]), замдир, 2021
At Mogilev, the office of [[Centrkurort]] is located near street Komsomolskaia,
Кроме них, на сайте [[Центркурорт]]а в 2021 году упоминаются сотрудницы
named after the Soviet youth pro-communistic (id est, [[fascism|fascistic]]) organization "[[Komsomol]]". In addition,
in 300 m South-West, the Lieninskaja street passes by.
During the [[USSR]], [[Ленин Владимир Ильич|Lenin]], [[Калинин Михаил Иванович|Kalinin]], [[Фрунзе Михаил Васильевич|Frunze]] and their crime partners perform the [[terror]], [[genocide]],
[[Вельб Полина Лукашенковна]] (отчество требует уточнения)
murdering the most of their compatriots, or order of 10^8 humans (see [[Большевики убили почти всех]]); the [[Komsomol]] worship those terrorists.
All the offices mentioned are placed in vicinity of sinister objects, that glorify the gang of terrorists, criminals.<br>
[[Насенник Алла Лукашенковна]] (отчество требует уточнения)
One can guess, that the personal of these offices is also formed from criminals.<br>
Such a hypothesis shows good agreement with publications of year 2021 related to [[Centrkurort]].
[[Пинчук Анастасия Лукашенковна]] (отчество требует уточнения)
<div class="tright" style="float:right; margin:-48px 0px 0px 2px">
[[File:SvetlanaKonchits.jpg|114px]]<small><center>[[Konchits Svetlana Nikolaevna|S.Konchits]]<ref>
https://www.tio.by/info/newspaper/Светлана-КОНЧИЦ-ОАО-Белагропромбанк-В-нынешнем-году-мы-сделали-все-возможное-для-того-чтобы-агроэкоусадьбы-активнее-соревновались-за-право-быть-лучшими-в-стране/ Светлана КОНЧИЦ, ОАО «Белагропромбанк»: «В нынешнем году мы сделали все возможное для того, чтобы агроэкоусадьбы активнее соревновались за право быть лучшими в стране!» На днях стартует шестой республиканский конкурс (организатор – ОАО «Бел­агропромбанк») на лучшую агроэкоусадьбу 2013 года. Конкурс, который был инициирован банком совместно с БОО «Отдых в деревне» для того, чтобы поднять имидж и статус «домиков в деревне», активно обсуждали и обсуждают на разных уровнях. Высказывались разные мнения, в том числе и такое: «Зачем он вообще нужен?» Этот вопрос мы адресовали начальнику Управления корпоративного бизнеса банка Светлане Кончиц. (2021)</ref></center></small>
[[File:StrelchenkoAleksandrIvanovich01.jpg|114px]]<small><center>[[Strelchenko Aleksei Ivanovich|Strelchenko A.]]<ref>
[[Сидина Оксана Лукашенковна]] (отчество требует уточнения)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6uKrnzhEHo "УТРО С КАРУЗЛИКОМ": Алексей Стрельченко, выпуск 48 (часть 2) ЦентрКурорт Jun 27, 2019 Республиканский союз туристической индустрии Мы продолжаем беседу с Алексеем Ивановичем Стрельченко, начальником филиала «[[Белинтурист]]» РУП «ЦентрКурорт». Сегодня в интервью мы поговорили о проблемах белорусской инфраструктуры, которые выявились во время проведения в Беларуси корпоративной конференции крупнейшей сетевой компании WANMEI.
For year 2021, the following personal is specified at
КОНЧИЦ Светлана Николаевна
тел. +375 (17) 200-76-73,
Заместитель директора по туристической деятельности
СТРЕЛЬЧЕНКО Алексей Иванович
тел. +375 (17) 215-48-60,
[[Konhits Svetlana Nikolaevna]] ([[Кончиц Светлана Николаевна]]), director
[[Шевцова Елена Лукашенковна]] (отчество требует уточнения)
[[Strelchenko Aleksei Ivanovich]] ([[Стрельченко Алексей Иванович]]), zamdir for touristic activity
Дополнительная информация об агентах [[Центркурорт]]а была бы весьма желательна.
Site <!--
==[[Мошенничество]] и убийства==
<div style="float:right; margin:-2px 0px 0px 4px; background-color:white">
Мигранты штурмуют границу с Польшей 2021.11.08 <ref>
suggests also:
https://charter97.org/ru/news/2021/11/8/443444/ Видеофакт: Мигранты ломают ограждение на белорусско-польской границе 17 8.11.2021, 20:06.
[[Насенник Алла Вертухаевна]] (отчество нуждается в уточнении; aka Гинько Алла) (1987.12.18, Жодино - ) <ref>
Поиск людей Беларусь Минск
Место проживания
Родной город
18 декабря 1987
Семейное положение
не состоит в браке, не замужем
Aвторизуйтесь для просмотра контактных данных
Судя по сообщениям, основным видом деятельности сотрудников [[Центркурорт]]а
Алла Насенник проживает в городе Минск, Беларусь. Родной город - Жодино. Девичья фамилия (фамилия до вступления в брак) - Гинько. Рождена в год Кролика по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Стрелец. В настоящий момент Алле 34 года, не замужем. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере, родственниках.
является [[мошенничество]]. Агенты [[Центркурорт]]а продают туристические путёвки в Европу, не снабжая своих клиентов шенгеновскими визами, которые позволили бы им легально пересекать границу Евросоюза. Агенты [[Центркурорт]]а доставляют своих жертв в Минск, конвоируют их к границе с Латвией, Литвой или с Польшей, а затем бросают на пограничников, которые вынуждены делать свою работу, пресекая нелегальное пересечение границы. <ref>
2021.10.20. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/belarusalert/are-belarus-and-russia-using-migrant-crisis-to-smuggle-agents-into-europe/ Brian Whitmore. Are Belarus and Russia using migrant crisis to smuggle agents into Europe? October 20, 2021 .. Tensions between Belarus and the European Union have been mounting for months since Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s autocratic regime retaliated against EU sanctions by manufacturing a migrant crisis by flying thousands of migrants to Minsk from Middle Eastern hot spots and then spiriting them across the border into Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. More than 16,000 have been prevented from illegally crossing the Polish border, more than 4,000 in Lithuania, and nearly 1,800 in Latvia. ..
ГУ "Центр по санаторно-курортной работе "ЦентрКурорт" УД Президента РБ
ведущий специалист
ЦЕНТРКУРОРТ | Авиатуры | Санатории | Экскурсии
Ведущий специалист
Роман Михно брат родился 23 мая 1989 года
Дмитрий Насенник сын/дочь
==Smuggling of migrants==
Не имея разрешения на въезд в Евросоюз, клиенты [[Центркурорт]]а пытаются пересечь границу нелегально, но задерживаются пограничниками как нелегальные мигранты.
Эти мигранты пытаются вернуться в Беларусь, но натыкается на [[заградотряд]]ы, указывающие, что визы мигрантов разрешает лишь однократное прибытие в Беларусь. Жертвы оказываются заперты вблизи границы и вынуждены ставить палаточные лагеря, оставшись без еды и без воды. Они греются кострами и иногда пытаются просочиться через границу, но пограничники встречают их водомётами, отлавливают и возвращают обратно в Беларусь. Когда это происходит в октябре или в ноябре, попытки перейти границу приводят к переохлаждениям, болезням и смертям.
In year 2021, Personal of [[Centrkurort]] is suspected in recruiting of [[ihtamnet]]s
for attacks on Poland at the border from side of Belarus.
One of foal of the attack seems to be smuggling of agents of [[KGB]] to the European Union
Brian Whitmore.
Tenth migrant found dead on Belarus-Polish border.
Are Belarus and Russia using migrant crisis to smuggle agents into Europe?
By InfoMigrants Published on : 2021/11/02
October 20, 2021.
An Iraqi man is the tenth migrant to have died on the Belarus-Polish border since the summer. Reports from both countries dispute on which side of the border the man was found.//
The Iraqi man is thought to have died on Friday, October 29, while he was attempting to cross from Belarus into Poland.//
A statement on Saturday from Belarusian border guards, and reported by the French news agency Agence France Presse (AFP), alleged that the man had died on the Polish side of the border.//
According to publications, at least some of migrants are misinformed, being promised the way to the European Union. The staff of [[Centrkurort]] sell the tours to Europe, then, in cooperation with Belorussian police and Belarusian border patrol, deliver the migrants to the border with Poland and push them to penetrate to territory of Poland illegally
The statement went on to accuse Polish border guards of having "forced other migrants to drag the body back to the Belarusian side."//
However, a statement from Polish border guards, quoted in Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, claimed that: "If such an incident had happened on the Polish side, the border guard service would have informed about it."//
7 out of 10 migrants found dead at border were in Poland
Russia and Belarus Are Using Migrants as a Weapon Against the EU
Authoritarian regimes in Moscow and Minsk are aiding Iraqis and Afghans in order to sow chaos and domestic discord in Eastern European countries.
Tomasz Grzywaczewski
SEPTEMBER 18, 2021, 2:00 AM
USNARZ GORNY, Poland—The Polish village of Usnarz Gorny lies in the picturesque region of Podlasie, dotted with gentle hills, in the northeastern part of the country. From the perspective of Warsaw, this is the end of the world, where the road literally ends on the border with Belarus, which also happens to be the border of the European Union, and NATO.
The village has a dozen or so wooden huts, a metal cross on the main and only road, and mostly older inhabitants who graze their cows in the surrounding meadows. The idyllic atmosphere of this place has recently been interrupted by the steady roar of engines: Police pick-ups, military trucks, and border guard vehicles drive along the cobbled road. Behind them, there are television broadcast vans with satellite dishes on the roofs and ordinary passenger cars, from which journalists and activists fighting for the rights of migrants spill out. On a meadow divided by a narrow stream, there is a line of policemen, and at the checkpoint blocking the muddy road, there are masked soldiers with rifles.
All this commotion is due to a group of migrants that got stuck at the border. They were not allowed into Poland from Belarus. Suddenly the tiny village found itself at the center of global politics. Reports from the Polish-Belarusian border appear on a regular basis on primetime TV and in the headlines of Internet news sites. Journalists, politicians, and human rights activists discuss the migration crisis, the inhuman treatment of the refugees by Polish authorities on the one hand, and the hybrid war and provocation on the other. Meanwhile, the media circus is distracting attention from a much more serious and complex problem that began on the border between Belarus and Lithuania.
In May, after the EU imposed sanctions on the Minsk regime in response to Belarus’s state hijacking of a Ryanair plane and its illegal arrest of opposition activist Roman Protasevich, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko announced Belarus would no longer prevent drug smuggling and illegal immigration at the EU border.
It soon turned out, however, that Minsk’s plans were more sinister than just passively turning a blind eye to what was happening on the border. In June, the Lithuanian border services recorded a sharp increase in the number of unauthorized migrants—mainly from Iraq—crossing the Lithuanian-Belarusian border.
By August, over 4,000 people were detained, 50 times more than in the entirety of 2020. At the end of June, Lithuanian Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite told Delfi news portal that the increased migration was a form of hybrid warfare. “Illegal migration from Belarus to Lithuania is an organized and profitable business in which Belarusian officials and officers are involved,” she said.
In July, journalists from Belsat TV, the independent channel broadcasting from Poland to Belarus, reve­­­­­­­­­aled that Belarusian secret services were conducting an operation to transfer migrants from the Middle East via Belarus to Lithuania. Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy, director of Belsat TV, explained explained to Foreign Policy that, “The state-owned company [[Centrkurort]] belonging to the President’s Affairs Board, which cooperates with Iraqi travel agencies, is responsible for bringing migrants from Iraq to Belarus. These people get Belarusian tourist visas and after landing at the Minsk airport, they are placed in hotels in Minsk and finally transported to the borders.”
In the border zone, an elite special unit called OSAM, in which Lukshenko’s sons once served, is reportedly directly involved in the physical transfer of migrants to the other side of the border.
«Они негодяи, но негодяи рациональные». Можно ли спасти «Мемориал»? | Инфодайджест «Время Свободы».
Syrian man found dead on Polish side of border with Belarus.
Nov 17, 2021.
Polish police say cause of death not determined after body discovered in woods near village of Wolka Terechowska.
подвоз "мигрантов" осуществляется турагенством "ЦентрКурорт".
Associated Press in Warsaw.
Sat 13 Nov 2021 13.27 GMT
<div style="float:right; margin:-8px 0px 0px 9px; background-color:white; line-height:0.6em">
[[File:IhtamnetsCentrkurort.jpg|220px]]<small><center><div style="line-height:0.2em">
2020.11.08: Migrants from Belarus<br>
storm border with Poland<ref>
https://charter97.org/ru/news/2021/11/8/443444/ Видеофакт: Мигранты ломают ограждение на белорусско-польской границе, 8.11.2021.</ref></div></center></small></div>
These migrants appear to cover the [[ihtamnet]]s, agents of Russian and Belarusian [[KGB]]. They break the border fence and penetrate the European Union. At least some go them are caught by the Polish police and returned back to Belarus.
Since 2021 September, thousands of "migrants" try to penetrate Poland through Belarus.
Some to them are women and children, but the most of the "migrants" look as strong and aggressive men. From publications, it is difficult to estimate, how many "migrants" are delivered to the border with Poland by employee of the [[Centrkurort]] and how many "migrants" are sent by the [[KGB]] <ref>
Brian Whitmore.
Are Belarus and Russia using migrant crisis to smuggle agents into Europe?
October 20, 2021
Tensions between Belarus and the European Union have been mounting for months since Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s autocratic regime retaliated against EU sanctions by manufacturing a migrant crisis by flying thousands of migrants to Minsk from Middle Eastern hot spots and then spiriting them across the border into Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. More than 16,000 have been prevented from illegally crossing the Polish border, more than 4,000 in Lithuania, and nearly 1,800 in Latvia.
Some of migrants are women and children; they seem to be used as hostages, as a [[human shield]], with goal to accuse the Polish side and to force the European Union to accept the [[terror]]ists.
Сотрудники [[Центркурорт]]а не могут не знать, что в Европейский союз не впускают без Шенгенской визы; поэтому продажу туров в один конец до границы приходится квалифицировать как умышленное убийство. При этом клиенты [[Центркурорт]]а используются как [[заложничество|заложники]] для того, чтобы вынудить представителей цивилизованных стран вести переговоры с белорусским узурпатором ([[Лукашенко Александр Григорьевич]]).
Сообщения о преступлениях агентов [[Центркурорт]]а вполне соответствуют общим ожиданиям, основанным на зловещей топонимике мест, в которых расположены конторы [[Центркурорт]]а.
<div style="float:right; margin:-20px 0px 0px 6px; background-color:white">
[[File:Belarus-says-2-000-migrants-spent-night-in-logistics-centre-1637351155-8775.jpg|200px]]<small><center>10^3 migrants in hangar <ref name="hangar">
Belarus says 2,000 migrants spent night in logistics centre. 2021.11.20.
[[Centrkurort]] is suspected in collaboration with terrorists.
[[Centrkurort]] seems to play important role in the [[Putin world war]] against the Human civilization. [[Centrkurort]] supply the customers, that are used as hostages by [[Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich]] and [[Lukashenko Aleksandr Georgievich]].
The [[Centrkurort]] customers are reported to be used as hostages:
at the border with Poland, the border patrol do not allow the migrants to go forward to European Union, while the [[zagradotriad]]s organized by [[Centrkurort]] and [[KGB]] do not allow them to return back to Minsk.
The migrants are trapped at the strip along the border with Poland,
ant are used as hostages.
The international organizations provides the humanitarian help,
but the amount is not sufficient.
Several migrants dead, trying to get the European Union.
Terrorists use the hostages at the border as a card to exchange it for recognition of Lukashenka as president and the lifting of sanctions against his crime accomplices.
В порядке заботы о комфорте клиентов, директор [[Центркурорт]]а ведёт переговоры с польскими пограничниками о том, чтобы для пресечения попыток нелегального пересечения границы, в водомётах использовали тёплую воду.
Steve Rosenberg.
Belarus's Lukashenko tells BBC: We may have helped migrants into EU.
BBC News, Minsk.</ref><br>
2021.11.20, thousands migrants are concentrated in the hangar near the border with Poland
<ref name="hangar">
Belarus says 2,000 migrants spent night in logistics centre. 2021.11.20.
Such a concentration causes worries in the European Union.
Ведутся также переговоры о том, чтобы дезинфицировать колючую проволоку, расположенную вдоль границы с Беларусью. Ожидается, что такая дезинфекция замедлит распространение эпидемии среди клиентов [[Центркурорт]]а, получающих травмы при нелегальном пересечении границы.
<div style="float:right; margin:-28px 0px 0px 8px; background-color:shite">
Migratinal war against European Union <ref>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZeHptIvFgo БЕЛАРУСЬ. Кремль хочет видеть Лукашенко в тюрьме! Слив последнего телефонного разговора / Вечерний шпиль Nov 21, 2021. .. Luisa Berastseiskaya. 13 November 13:04 В лагере беженцев началось строительств роддома, школы и двух ледовых дворцов. ..</ref></center></small>
In order to improve the service,
Ожидается, что такие меры ещё увеличат популярность [[Центркурорт]]а и помогут привлечь новых клиентов. Ожидается, что в будущем, контрабанда при посредничестве белорусского [[Центркурорт]]а может составить конкуренцию контрабанде, осуществляемой через российскую диппочту, см. [[Кокаин в диппочте]] и [[банда наркоманов]].
of Centrkurort negotiate with Polish border patrol.<br>
The two suggestions are discussed:<br>
1. The water guns, used by the Polich border patrol, should operate with warm water.<br>
2. Daily, the barbed wires at the border should be disinfected with ethanol.<br>
With these improvements, [[Centrkurort]] expect to attract even more customers.
Modernization began in the migrant camp near the border with Poland.<br>
It is planned to build a maternity hospital, two schools and an ice palace.
Беженцы, скопившиеся на польско-белорусской границе, решили остаться в Белоруссии. Вскоре они получат вид на жительство, а затем и гражданство и начнут массовые протесты против белорусских властей. Тут-то Европа и примет их, как белорусов, спасающихся от режима Лукашенко. Гениально!
==Support of [[Centrkurort]]==
==Поддержка [[Центркурорт]]а==
<div style="float:right; margin:-12px 0px 0px 0px; background-color:white">
Настоящим, сотрудники [[Центркурорт]]а приглашаются прислать Редактору параграф с иной интерпретацией сообщений об их действиях и иной квалификацией их деятельности, чтобы эту интерпретацию можно было копипастнуть в этом разделе.
[[File:Iraq 121581207 frontex eastern borders v2-nc.png|306px]]<small><center>
Nationals of [[Centrkurort]] customers <ref name="bbcNatio">
Belarus border crisis: How are migrants getting there?
By Reality Check
BBC News
Employee of [[Centrkurort]] or their bosses are invited to sent to the Editor the paragraph in support of [[Centrkurort]], in order to copyiast it in this section.<br>
In the paragraph, it is desirble to answer the following questions:
Do you know, that offices of [[Centrkurort]] are located near places, named after the Soviet terrorists?<br>
В этом параграфе желательно ответить на следующие вопросы:
Did you know that the place names help to identify [[Centrkurort]] as a criminal organization?<br>
Is estimate of the national content of your customer by BBC <ref name="bbcNatio">
Почему, с Вашей точки зрения, для оффисов [[Центркурорт]]а выбраны места рядом с памятниками Ленину, рядом с улицами имени Ленина, имени Фрунзе, имени Калинина и других советских [[фашизм|фашистов]], преступников, миллионами уничтожавших соотечественников во время [[СССР]]?<br>
Сделано ли это с целью запугать партнеров и клиентов, напомнить им о традициях массового [[террор]]а, чтобы они не качали права, поняв, что их обманули?
Belarus border crisis: How are migrants getting there?
By Reality Check
BBC News
</ref> correct?<br>
What is your estimate of the national content of your customers?
When the customers of [[Centrkurort]] buy a trip through Minsk, do they know, that
Как, с Вашей точки зрения, тысячи мигранты оказываются у границ Беларуси?
Belarus is considered as an authoritarian country, not better than Syria or Iraq?<br>
Скольким мигрантам ваша контора помогла оказаться у границы с Польшей?
Do the customers know, that the leader of Belarus is usurer, that he performs the pirate attacks on the passenger liners?<br>
Do they know, that in civilized countries, the Belorussian usurper is not recognized as president?<br>
Do they know, that the Belorussian administration cooperated with the Russian usurper Putin; that Putin sends troops to bomb the Syrian cities?
Which other organizations compete with [[Centrkurort]] bringing migrants from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Congo, Russia?
Когда клиенты [[Центркурорт]]а покупают тур в Европу через Минск, знают ли они, что в Европе, белорусского диктатора считают [[террор]]истом и [[узурпация|узурпатором]]?<br>
Знают ли клиенты о зловещей топонимике районов, в которых расположены оффисы [[Центркурорт]]а?
How many customers, delivered by [[Centrkurort]] to the border with Poland, speak Russian or Belorussian?
Сколько мигрантов, доставленных агентами [[Центркурорт]]а к границе с Евросоюзом,
владеют русским или белорусским языком?
How many customers, delivered by [[Centrkurort]] to the border with Poland, speak Arabian or Kurdish languages?
Сколько мигрантов, доставленных агентами [[Центркурорт]]а к границе с Евросоюзом,
владеют арабским или курдским языком?
How many of them are recognized as citizen by the Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Congo, Iran or Russia administration?
Скольких из этих мигрантов официальные представители Сирии, Ирака, Афганистана или Ирана признают своими гражданами?
How many of them are [[KGB]] agents?
Сколько таких мигрантов, по вашим оценкам, являются агентами [[КГБ]], [[ихтамнет]]ами, засылаемыми в Европу для осуществления [[террор]]истических актов?<br>
На каких наблюдениях основан ы Ваши оценки?
How many of your customers have the Schengen visa to enter the European Union?
Сколько мигрантов, доставленных Центркурортом в Минск, попросили убежища в Беларуси?
How many of your customers died at the attempt to enter the European Union without Schengen visa <ref>https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/36166/tenth-migrant-found-dead-on-belaruspolish-border
Как Вы интерпретируете наблюдение того, что мигранты стремятся в страны Евросоюза, а не в Беларусь и не в Россию?
Tenth migrant found dead on Belarus-Polish border. By InfoMigrants Published on : 2021/11/02
How many of your customers apply for asylum at Russia or at Belarus?<br>
Why do the migrants want to enter the European Union, instead of to look for a job at Belarus?
Do you consider [[Lukashenko Aleksandr Grigorievich]] as your boss?
Сообщения про [[Центркурорт]] собираются и анализируются в [[ТОРИ]] с [[наука|научными]] целями.<br>
Do you expect him to stay forever (as a Big Brother from [[Orwell1984]])?
Борьба против [[террор]]истов и прочих [[коррупция|коррупционеров]] не является элементом множества таких целей.<br>
[[Партизан]]ская борьба против [[Центркурорт]]а, физическое уничтожение зданий [[Центркурорт]]а или внесудебные расправы над агентами [[Центркурорт]]а не являются эффективными способами установления законности.<br>
Свидетельства, представленные в предлагаемой литературе, не являются основанием для объявления тотальной войны против [[Центркурорт]]а.
Have you observed any interest in your activity from side of police?
<div style="margin:0px 0px 0px 10px;line-height:1.01em">
<div style="margin:0px 0px 0px 30px;line-height:1.01em">
Which statements of this article you consider to be doubtful, not sufficiently supported with references?
https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/09/18/russia-belarus-poland-lithuiania-migrants-eu-weapon/ Russia and Belarus Are Using Migrants as a Weapon Against the EU Authoritarian regimes in Moscow and Minsk are aiding Iraqis and Afghans in order to sow chaos and domestic discord in Eastern European countries. Tomasz Grzywaczewski SEPTEMBER 18, 2021, 2:00 AM USNARZ GORNY, Poland—The Polish village of Usnarz Gorny lies in the picturesque region of Podlasie, dotted with gentle hills, in the northeastern part of the country. From the perspective of Warsaw, this is the end of the world, where the road literally ends on the border with Belarus, which also happens to be the border of the European Union, and NATO. The village has a dozen or so wooden huts, a metal cross on the main and only road, and mostly older inhabitants who graze their cows in the surrounding meadows. The idyllic atmosphere of this place has recently been interrupted by the steady roar of engines: Police pick-ups, military trucks, and border guard vehicles drive along the cobbled road. Behind them, there are television broadcast vans with satellite dishes on the roofs and ordinary passenger cars, from which journalists and activists fighting for the rights of migrants spill out. On a meadow divided by a narrow stream, there is a line of policemen, and at the checkpoint blocking the muddy road, there are masked soldiers with rifles. All this commotion is due to a group of migrants that got stuck at the border. They were not allowed into Poland from Belarus. Suddenly the tiny village found itself at the center of global politics. Reports from the Polish-Belarusian border appear on a regular basis on primetime TV and in the headlines of Internet news sites. Journalists, politicians, and human rights activists discuss the migration crisis, the inhuman treatment of the refugees by Polish authorities on the one hand, and the hybrid war and provocation on the other. Meanwhile, the media circus is distracting attention from a much more serious and complex problem that began on the border between Belarus and Lithuania. In May, after the EU imposed sanctions on the Minsk regime in response to Belarus’s state hijacking of a Ryanair plane and its illegal arrest of opposition activist Roman Protasevich, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko announced Belarus would no longer prevent drug smuggling and illegal immigration at the EU border. It soon turned out, however, that Minsk’s plans were more sinister than just passively turning a blind eye to what was happening on the border. In June, the Lithuanian border services recorded a sharp increase in the number of unauthorized migrants—mainly from Iraq—crossing the Lithuanian-Belarusian border. By August, over 4,000 people were detained, 50 times more than in the entirety of 2020. At the end of June, Lithuanian Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite told Delfi news portal that the increased migration was a form of hybrid warfare. “Illegal migration from Belarus to Lithuania is an organized and profitable business in which Belarusian officials and officers are involved,” she said. In July, journalists from Belsat TV, the independent channel broadcasting from Poland to Belarus, reve­­­­­­­­­aled that Belarusian secret services were conducting an operation to transfer migrants from the Middle East via Belarus to Lithuania. Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy, director of Belsat TV, explained explained to Foreign Policy that, “The state-owned company Centrkurort belonging to the President’s Affairs Board, which cooperates with Iraqi travel agencies, is responsible for bringing migrants from Iraq to Belarus. These people get Belarusian tourist visas and after landing at the Minsk airport, they are placed in hotels in Minsk and finally transported to the borders.” In the border zone, an elite special unit called OSAM, in which Lukshenko’s sons once served, is reportedly directly involved in the physical transfer of migrants to the other side of the border.
Publications about [[Centrkurort]] are collected and analysed in [[TORI]] with [[science|scientific]] goals.<br>
<div style="margin:0px 0px 0px 30px;line-height:1.2em">
Struggle against the Belorussian [[offee]]s does not belong to the set of these goal.
In particular, evidences, collected in the cited literature,
should not be considered as an appeal to bomb the [[Centrkurort]] buildings,
nor as a justification of a total war against the [[Centrkurort]] employees.
[[Lukashenko Aleksandr Grigorievich]],
[[Vladimir Putin]]
[[Putin world war]],
[[Большевики убили почти всех]],
[[Ленин Владимир Ильич]]
[[Гибридная война]],
[[Путинская мировая война]],
[[Category:Hybrid war]]
[[Category:Lukashenko Aleksandr Grigorievich]]
[[Category:Putin world war]]
[[Category:Putin world war]]

Latest revision as of 14:40, 22 November 2021

53.8956, 27.5426 : Aerial view from East
53.8956, 27.5426: Minsk, Miasnikova 39
Vitebsk, Zankovaya 4 and Ulitsa Lenina
Могилев, ул.Первомайская,8

Centrkurort (Центркурорт) is Belarusian state agency [1].

The Centrkurort offices are located in vicinities of the Lenin monuments and/or Lenin streets (the examples are shown in maps at right). Ominous place names indicate the criminal, terroristic activity of the Centrkurort employees.
In year 2021, such an activity is confirmed by publications: Centrkurort is reported to organize the smuggling of illegal migrants to Europe and their use as hostages; some of the illegal migrants die. For this reason, the Centrkurort is qualified as terroristic organization. Such a qualification agrees with qualification of the Belorussian usurper (Lukashenko Aleksandr Grigorievich) as an international terrorist [2][3][4].


The following directions of Centrkurort offices are indicated at https://www.otpusk.by/kontakty/

220030, г. Минск, ул. Мясникова, 39, 2 этаж
Coordinates: 53.8956, 27.5426

210026, Витебск, ул. Замковая, 4
Coordinates: 55.1930, 30.2046

246050, Гомель, пр. Ленина, 6
Coordinates: 52.4246, 31.0098

212030, Могилев, ул. Первомайская, 8
Coordinates: 53.8966, 30.3312

All the four places point to the terroristic activity.

The main office of Centrkurortа (Минск, ул.Мясникова,39) is in a hundred meters West from the Lenin monument (see map at right).

At Vitebsk, the office of Centrkurort is located near streets named after Lenin, Frunse and Kalinin (see maps at right)

At Gomel, the office of Centrkurort is located at Lenin street.

At Mogilev, the office of Centrkurort is located near street Komsomolskaia, named after the Soviet youth pro-communistic (id est, fascistic) organization "Komsomol". In addition, in 300 m South-West, the Lieninskaja street passes by.

During the USSR, Lenin, Kalinin, Frunze and their crime partners perform the terror, genocide, murdering the most of their compatriots, or order of 10^8 humans (see Большевики убили почти всех); the Komsomol worship those terrorists.

All the offices mentioned are placed in vicinity of sinister objects, that glorify the gang of terrorists, criminals.
One can guess, that the personal of these offices is also formed from criminals.
Such a hypothesis shows good agreement with publications of year 2021 related to Centrkurort.


For year 2021, the following personal is specified at https://www.otpusk.by/o-kompanii/rukovodstvo-kompanii/ [7]:

Konhits Svetlana Nikolaevna (Кончиц Светлана Николаевна), director

Strelchenko Aleksei Ivanovich (Стрельченко Алексей Иванович), zamdir for touristic activity

Site https://www.otpusk.by/o-kompanii/sotrudniki/pinchuk-anastasiya/ suggests also:

Насенник Алла Вертухаевна (отчество нуждается в уточнении; aka Гинько Алла) (1987.12.18, Жодино - ) [8]

Smuggling of migrants

In year 2021, Personal of Centrkurort is suspected in recruiting of ihtamnets for attacks on Poland at the border from side of Belarus. One of foal of the attack seems to be smuggling of agents of KGB to the European Union [9].

According to publications, at least some of migrants are misinformed, being promised the way to the European Union. The staff of Centrkurort sell the tours to Europe, then, in cooperation with Belorussian police and Belarusian border patrol, deliver the migrants to the border with Poland and push them to penetrate to territory of Poland illegally [10][11].


2020.11.08: Migrants from Belarus

storm border with Poland[12]

These migrants appear to cover the ihtamnets, agents of Russian and Belarusian KGB. They break the border fence and penetrate the European Union. At least some go them are caught by the Polish police and returned back to Belarus.

Since 2021 September, thousands of "migrants" try to penetrate Poland through Belarus. Some to them are women and children, but the most of the "migrants" look as strong and aggressive men. From publications, it is difficult to estimate, how many "migrants" are delivered to the border with Poland by employee of the Centrkurort and how many "migrants" are sent by the KGB [13]

Some of migrants are women and children; they seem to be used as hostages, as a human shield, with goal to accuse the Polish side and to force the European Union to accept the terrorists.


10^3 migrants in hangar [14].

Centrkurort is suspected in collaboration with terrorists. Centrkurort seems to play important role in the Putin world war against the Human civilization. Centrkurort supply the customers, that are used as hostages by Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich and Lukashenko Aleksandr Georgievich.

The Centrkurort customers are reported to be used as hostages: at the border with Poland, the border patrol do not allow the migrants to go forward to European Union, while the zagradotriads organized by Centrkurort and KGB do not allow them to return back to Minsk. The migrants are trapped at the strip along the border with Poland, ant are used as hostages. The international organizations provides the humanitarian help, but the amount is not sufficient. Several migrants dead, trying to get the European Union.

Terrorists use the hostages at the border as a card to exchange it for recognition of Lukashenka as president and the lifting of sanctions against his crime accomplices. [15]
2021.11.20, thousands migrants are concentrated in the hangar near the border with Poland [14]. Such a concentration causes worries in the European Union.


Migratinal war against European Union [16]

In order to improve the service, of Centrkurort negotiate with Polish border patrol.
The two suggestions are discussed:
1. The water guns, used by the Polich border patrol, should operate with warm water.
2. Daily, the barbed wires at the border should be disinfected with ethanol.
With these improvements, Centrkurort expect to attract even more customers.

Modernization began in the migrant camp near the border with Poland.
It is planned to build a maternity hospital, two schools and an ice palace.

Support of Centrkurort

Iraq 121581207 frontex eastern borders v2-nc.png
Nationals of Centrkurort customers [17]

Employee of Centrkurort or their bosses are invited to sent to the Editor the paragraph in support of Centrkurort, in order to copyiast it in this section.
In the paragraph, it is desirble to answer the following questions:

Do you know, that offices of Centrkurort are located near places, named after the Soviet terrorists?
Did you know that the place names help to identify Centrkurort as a criminal organization?

Is estimate of the national content of your customer by BBC [17] correct?
What is your estimate of the national content of your customers?

When the customers of Centrkurort buy a trip through Minsk, do they know, that Belarus is considered as an authoritarian country, not better than Syria or Iraq?
Do the customers know, that the leader of Belarus is usurer, that he performs the pirate attacks on the passenger liners?
Do they know, that in civilized countries, the Belorussian usurper is not recognized as president?
Do they know, that the Belorussian administration cooperated with the Russian usurper Putin; that Putin sends troops to bomb the Syrian cities?

Which other organizations compete with Centrkurort bringing migrants from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Congo, Russia?

How many customers, delivered by Centrkurort to the border with Poland, speak Russian or Belorussian?

How many customers, delivered by Centrkurort to the border with Poland, speak Arabian or Kurdish languages?

How many of them are recognized as citizen by the Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Congo, Iran or Russia administration?

How many of them are KGB agents?

How many of your customers have the Schengen visa to enter the European Union?

How many of your customers died at the attempt to enter the European Union without Schengen visa [18]?

How many of your customers apply for asylum at Russia or at Belarus?
Why do the migrants want to enter the European Union, instead of to look for a job at Belarus?

Do you consider Lukashenko Aleksandr Grigorievich as your boss? Do you expect him to stay forever (as a Big Brother from Orwell1984)?

Have you observed any interest in your activity from side of police?

Which statements of this article you consider to be doubtful, not sufficiently supported with references?


Publications about Centrkurort are collected and analysed in TORI with scientific goals.
Struggle against the Belorussian offees does not belong to the set of these goal. In particular, evidences, collected in the cited literature, should not be considered as an appeal to bomb the Centrkurort buildings, nor as a justification of a total war against the Centrkurort employees.


  1. https://www.otpusk.by/o-kompanii/ Республиканское унитарное предприятие «ЦЕНТРКУРОРТ» является крупной государственной туристической компанией Беларуси, входящей в систему Управления делами Президента Республики Беларусь, с опытом работы более 15 лет. (2021) ..
  2. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/09/18/russia-belarus-poland-lithuiania-migrants-eu-weapon/ Tomasz Grzywaczewski Russia and Belarus Are Using Migrants as a Weapon Against the EU. SEPTEMBER 18, 2021, 2:00 AM. Authoritarian regimes in Moscow and Minsk are aiding Iraqis and Afghans in order to sow chaos and domestic discord in Eastern European countries. .. In July, journalists from Belsat TV, the independent channel broadcasting from Poland to Belarus, reve­­­­­­­­­aled that Belarusian secret services were conducting an operation to transfer migrants from the Middle East via Belarus to Lithuania. Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy, director of Belsat TV, explained explained to Foreign Policy that, “The state-owned company Centrkurort belonging to the President’s Affairs Board, which cooperates with Iraqi travel agencies, is responsible for bringing migrants from Iraq to Belarus. These people get Belarusian tourist visas and after landing at the Minsk airport, they are placed in hotels in Minsk and finally transported to the borders.” ..
  3. https://www.politico.eu/article/alexander-lukashenko-terrorist-belarus-ryanair-plane-roman-protasevich/ JOERG FORBRIG. Alexander Lukashenko, international terrorist. May 24, 2021 12:13 pm. The EU must respond to the forced landing of a Ryanair flight and do more to protect exiled Belarusian democrats.
  4. https://www.dw.com/en/calls-for-lukashenko-to-face-international-tribunal/a-59412669 Jack Parrock. Date 05.10.2021 Calls for Lukashenko to face international tribunal.
  5. https://www.tio.by/info/newspaper/Светлана-КОНЧИЦ-ОАО-Белагропромбанк-В-нынешнем-году-мы-сделали-все-возможное-для-того-чтобы-агроэкоусадьбы-активнее-соревновались-за-право-быть-лучшими-в-стране/ Светлана КОНЧИЦ, ОАО «Белагропромбанк»: «В нынешнем году мы сделали все возможное для того, чтобы агроэкоусадьбы активнее соревновались за право быть лучшими в стране!» На днях стартует шестой республиканский конкурс (организатор – ОАО «Бел­агропромбанк») на лучшую агроэкоусадьбу 2013 года. Конкурс, который был инициирован банком совместно с БОО «Отдых в деревне» для того, чтобы поднять имидж и статус «домиков в деревне», активно обсуждали и обсуждают на разных уровнях. Высказывались разные мнения, в том числе и такое: «Зачем он вообще нужен?» Этот вопрос мы адресовали начальнику Управления корпоративного бизнеса банка Светлане Кончиц. (2021)
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6uKrnzhEHo "УТРО С КАРУЗЛИКОМ": Алексей Стрельченко, выпуск 48 (часть 2) ЦентрКурорт Jun 27, 2019 Республиканский союз туристической индустрии Мы продолжаем беседу с Алексеем Ивановичем Стрельченко, начальником филиала «Белинтурист» РУП «ЦентрКурорт». Сегодня в интервью мы поговорили о проблемах белорусской инфраструктуры, которые выявились во время проведения в Беларуси корпоративной конференции крупнейшей сетевой компании WANMEI.
  7. https://www.otpusk.by/o-kompanii/rukovodstvo-kompanii/ ДИРЕКТОР КОНЧИЦ Светлана Николаевна тел. +375 (17) 200-76-73, email: [email protected] Заместитель директора по туристической деятельности СТРЕЛЬЧЕНКО Алексей Иванович тел. +375 (17) 215-48-60, email: [email protected]
  8. https://namebook.club/profile/nasennik-alla-65598511812 АЛЛА НАСЕННИК (ГИНЬКО) Поиск людей Беларусь Минск Место проживания Беларусь Минск Родной город Жодино Возраст 34 года Родилась 18 декабря 1987 Семейное положение не состоит в браке, не замужем Телефон Aвторизуйтесь для просмотра контактных данных ПОДРОБНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ: Алла Насенник проживает в городе Минск, Беларусь. Родной город - Жодино. Девичья фамилия (фамилия до вступления в брак) - Гинько. Рождена в год Кролика по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Стрелец. В настоящий момент Алле 34 года, не замужем. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере, родственниках. .. КАРЬЕРА: ГУ "Центр по санаторно-курортной работе "ЦентрКурорт" УД Президента РБ ведущий специалист 2006???? НАЙТИ КОЛЛЕГ Беларусь Минск ЦЕНТРКУРОРТ | Авиатуры | Санатории | Экскурсии Ведущий специалист .. Родственники: Роман Михно брат родился 23 мая 1989 года Дмитрий Насенник сын/дочь
  9. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/belarusalert/are-belarus-and-russia-using-migrant-crisis-to-smuggle-agents-into-europe/ Brian Whitmore. Are Belarus and Russia using migrant crisis to smuggle agents into Europe? October 20, 2021.
  10. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/09/18/russia-belarus-poland-lithuiania-migrants-eu-weapon/ Russia and Belarus Are Using Migrants as a Weapon Against the EU Authoritarian regimes in Moscow and Minsk are aiding Iraqis and Afghans in order to sow chaos and domestic discord in Eastern European countries. Tomasz Grzywaczewski SEPTEMBER 18, 2021, 2:00 AM USNARZ GORNY, Poland—The Polish village of Usnarz Gorny lies in the picturesque region of Podlasie, dotted with gentle hills, in the northeastern part of the country. From the perspective of Warsaw, this is the end of the world, where the road literally ends on the border with Belarus, which also happens to be the border of the European Union, and NATO. // The village has a dozen or so wooden huts, a metal cross on the main and only road, and mostly older inhabitants who graze their cows in the surrounding meadows. The idyllic atmosphere of this place has recently been interrupted by the steady roar of engines: Police pick-ups, military trucks, and border guard vehicles drive along the cobbled road. Behind them, there are television broadcast vans with satellite dishes on the roofs and ordinary passenger cars, from which journalists and activists fighting for the rights of migrants spill out. On a meadow divided by a narrow stream, there is a line of policemen, and at the checkpoint blocking the muddy road, there are masked soldiers with rifles. // All this commotion is due to a group of migrants that got stuck at the border. They were not allowed into Poland from Belarus. Suddenly the tiny village found itself at the center of global politics. Reports from the Polish-Belarusian border appear on a regular basis on primetime TV and in the headlines of Internet news sites. Journalists, politicians, and human rights activists discuss the migration crisis, the inhuman treatment of the refugees by Polish authorities on the one hand, and the hybrid war and provocation on the other. Meanwhile, the media circus is distracting attention from a much more serious and complex problem that began on the border between Belarus and Lithuania. // In May, after the EU imposed sanctions on the Minsk regime in response to Belarus’s state hijacking of a Ryanair plane and its illegal arrest of opposition activist Roman Protasevich, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko announced Belarus would no longer prevent drug smuggling and illegal immigration at the EU border. // It soon turned out, however, that Minsk’s plans were more sinister than just passively turning a blind eye to what was happening on the border. In June, the Lithuanian border services recorded a sharp increase in the number of unauthorized migrants—mainly from Iraq—crossing the Lithuanian-Belarusian border. // By August, over 4,000 people were detained, 50 times more than in the entirety of 2020. At the end of June, Lithuanian Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite told Delfi news portal that the increased migration was a form of hybrid warfare. “Illegal migration from Belarus to Lithuania is an organized and profitable business in which Belarusian officials and officers are involved,” she said. // In July, journalists from Belsat TV, the independent channel broadcasting from Poland to Belarus, reve­­­­­­­­­aled that Belarusian secret services were conducting an operation to transfer migrants from the Middle East via Belarus to Lithuania. Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy, director of Belsat TV, explained explained to Foreign Policy that, “The state-owned company Centrkurort belonging to the President’s Affairs Board, which cooperates with Iraqi travel agencies, is responsible for bringing migrants from Iraq to Belarus. These people get Belarusian tourist visas and after landing at the Minsk airport, they are placed in hotels in Minsk and finally transported to the borders.” In the border zone, an elite special unit called OSAM, in which Lukshenko’s sons once served, is reportedly directly involved in the physical transfer of migrants to the other side of the border.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv7pWU5Whoc «Они негодяи, но негодяи рациональные». Можно ли спасти «Мемориал»? | Инфодайджест «Время Свободы». Nov 17, 2021. подвоз "мигрантов" осуществляется турагенством "ЦентрКурорт".
  12. https://charter97.org/ru/news/2021/11/8/443444/ Видеофакт: Мигранты ломают ограждение на белорусско-польской границе, 8.11.2021.
  13. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/belarusalert/are-belarus-and-russia-using-migrant-crisis-to-smuggle-agents-into-europe/ Brian Whitmore. Are Belarus and Russia using migrant crisis to smuggle agents into Europe? October 20, 2021 .. Tensions between Belarus and the European Union have been mounting for months since Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s autocratic regime retaliated against EU sanctions by manufacturing a migrant crisis by flying thousands of migrants to Minsk from Middle Eastern hot spots and then spiriting them across the border into Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. More than 16,000 have been prevented from illegally crossing the Polish border, more than 4,000 in Lithuania, and nearly 1,800 in Latvia. ..
  14. 14.0 14.1 https://nation.com.pk/20-Nov-2021/belarus-says-2-000-migrants-spent-night-in-logistics-centre Belarus says 2,000 migrants spent night in logistics centre. 2021.11.20.
  15. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59343815 Steve Rosenberg. Belarus's Lukashenko tells BBC: We may have helped migrants into EU. BBC News, Minsk.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZeHptIvFgo БЕЛАРУСЬ. Кремль хочет видеть Лукашенко в тюрьме! Слив последнего телефонного разговора / Вечерний шпиль Nov 21, 2021. .. Luisa Berastseiskaya. 13 November 13:04 В лагере беженцев началось строительств роддома, школы и двух ледовых дворцов. ..
  17. 17.0 17.1 https://www.bbc.com/news/59233244 Belarus border crisis: How are migrants getting there? By Reality Check BBC News 2021.11.21
  18. https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/36166/tenth-migrant-found-dead-on-belaruspolish-border Tenth migrant found dead on Belarus-Polish border. By InfoMigrants Published on : 2021/11/02


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