Bilohorivka is town at Ukraine, Lugansk region.
Bilohorivka become widely known due to the Russian invasion into Ukraine. In 2022, the Russian fascists bomb the school at Bilohorivka using the high precision weapon.
Bilohorivka is located at the Ligansk region of Ukraine, near Donetsk region.
Since year 2014, the Russian usurper considers Ukraine as part of his feud. He tries to clean Ukraine from the Ukrainian people. Such a genocide seems to be stronger that that performed by the Hitler's nazis during the World War II:
during two months of the full-scale invasion (since 2022.02.24), of order of 20 thousands Ukrainians, mainly civilians, are murdered by the Russian nazis.
The aggressors also suffer the similar loss; most of the invaders, the significant part of the Russian army, are already exterminated by the Ukrainian Military forces [4]
At the Russia-Ukraine war, the Russian nazis use the high-precision bombs and missiles, targeting the civil objects: perinatal centers, hospitals, schools, museums, theaters and any other place with high concentration of people. In particular, this applies to Bilohorivka.//
In 2022, Bilohorivka becomes target of the Russian nazis.
They perform genocide of the Ukraine people.
with high-prediction rockets and bombs, the Russian fascists
destroyed the school at Bilohorivka [5]
The bosses of the Russian bombers could get its coordinates from the Ukrainian site [6].
Many people, mainly children, are killed by the Russian nazis with that bombing.
The genocide of Ukrainians seems to be ordered by putin, in order to boil the Putin world war to the international nuclear conflict and apocalypses. The Russian usurper already had arranged the personal heaven at some go his underground bunkers; in order to avoid an international court (see Hague, Nuremberg-2), Putin tries to destroy Russia. Then, there would be nobody to extract his from his personal heaven. This concept is described in article «Мы попадём в рай а они сдохнут» (In Russian). In order to provoke the reciprocal hit on Russia, putin orders his generals to brake the international laws, in particular, the Budapest memorandum and the agreement 1997.05.31.Договор, 1999_постановление_о_государственной_границе); the Russian military offees treat the Ukrainian civil objects as primary targets for the bombing.
The alternative hypothesis implies, that putin is mentally ill, and believes his own propaganda. Then, there is hope to stop Putin, showing him that he and his personal heaven are primary targets, and he has no hope to survive at the world-wide scale conflict, even if he tries to spend all the Russian population in that war.
In any of these cases, Bilohorivka becomes victim of the Russian occupants.
In the Russian official doctrine the Luhansk and Donetsk regions should belong to Russia. (The rest of Ukraine too.) In order to realize this idea, the Russian fascists "clean" these territories from Ukrainian people, performing genocide. Children, schools, hospitals seem to be considered as primary targets by the Russian militaries, using the high precision weapon. The barbarian, sadistic, nazic, terroristic behavior of the Russian fascists is condemner over the world, acticity of the Russian army is qualified with term genocide [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14].
Apparently for 2022.05.08, the Ukrainian aid defense cannot yet shut-down all the Russian warplanes, missiles and drones sent by Russia. This leads to bombing of Bilohorivka.
News about the bombing of school at Bilohorivka correspond well the general image of the Russian army and the Russian administration: fascists, nazis, war crimes, barbarians.
Not only Bilohorivka
People at Bilohorivka are not only victims of the Russian nazis. The Russian fascists attack all cities of Ukraine.
Soon after 2022.02.24, Mariupol is completely destroyed by the Russian fascists. No reports about buildings, that had not yet been hit by the Russian booms are found.
Town Bucha becomes symbol of the Russia fascism, nazism, sadism and maraud. The war crimes are reported to be committed by the staff of the Vh51460 (Вч 51460). These crimes are approved at the highest level of the Russian administration.
Then, it happen, that similar (and even worse) crimes had been committed in other territories that had been occupied by the Russian troops, in particular, in Kyev, Chernigov and Sumy regions. The publications mention Borodyqnka, Brovari, Gostomel, Irpen and other towns.
The capturer Russian soldiers cannot explain the meaning and the goal of the «спецоперация», this euphemism is used on the Russian propaganda to denote the Russia-Ukraine war. The war prisoners admit, that the Russian army in Ukraine behave even worse, than the German army behaved at the occupied territories during the World War II.
- ↑°55'39.0%22N+38°14'46.0%22E/@48.1325217,40.258479,7.05z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x77ebc5a87e6ed362!8m2!3d48.9275!4d38.2461
- ↑ʹka+Zahalʹnoosvitnya+Shkola+I-Iii+Stupeniv+Popasnyansʹkoyi+Rayonnoyi+Rady+Luhansʹkoyi+Oblasti/@48.9231909,38.2376982,3104m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x41200c58574c39db:0xca7601878f2de07d!8m2!3d48.927222!4d38.248611
- ↑ Оперативна інформація за минулу добу, де залучалися пожежно-рятувальні підрозділи ДСНС Луганської області // ▫️Місто Лисичанськ: внаслідок обстрілу рятувальники ліквідували загоряння житлового будинку, є одна поранена особа.// ▫️Сєвєродонецьк: після артилерійського обстрілу одну цивільну особу було евакуйовано у безпечне місце.// ▫️Найбільш складна ситуація у смт Білогорівка, вчора там відбулось влучання снаряду в будівлю школи, що зайнялась на площі 300 квадратних метрів, найстрашніше те, що у підвалі перебувало приблизно 90 людей. Пожежу було ліквідовано, врятовано з-під завалів 30 осіб, 7 з них поранені, на жаль, 2-х осіб знайшли вже без ознак життя. // ▫️Вночі у селі Шепілове снаряд влучив у двоповерховий будинок, є ймовірність, що під завалами знаходятся люди, рятувальники працюють на місці. /6676 24.9K views May 8 at 15:29
- ↑ ...
- ↑ perhaps the Bilohorivsʹka Zahalʹnoosvitnya Shkola I-Iii Stupeniv Popasnyansʹkoyi Rayonnoyi Rady Luhansʹkoyi Oblasti, БІЛОГОРІВСЬКА ЗАГАЛЬНООСВІТНЯ ШКОЛА І-ІІІ СТУПЕНІВ ПОПАСНЯНСЬКОЇ РАЙОННОЇ РАДИ ЛУГАНСЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ.
- ↑ ОНЗ "Білогорівська ЗОШ" Опорний навчальний заклад "Білогорівська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів Попаснянської районної ради Луганської області" Україна, Луганська область, Попаснянський район, смт Білогорівка, вул. Шкільна, 26 ЗАГАЛЬНА ІНФОРМАЦІЯ Директор Любимська Лариса Анатоліївна Веб сайт Ел.почта[email protected] Телефон(06474)93723 КОАТУУ4423855300 (БІЛОГОРІВКА)
- ↑ BY RAF CASERT AND SAM PETREQUIN ASSOCIATED PRESS FEB. 24, 2022 5:12 PM PT BRUSSELS — World leaders Thursday condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as “barbaric” ..
- ↑ By Alessandra Prentice// G7 says Putin's actions 'bring shame on Russia'// Jill Biden makes unannounced visit to Ukraine// Washington announces new round of sanctions// ZAPORIZHZHIA, Ukraine, May 8 ([Reuters]]) - As many as 60 people are feared to have been killed when a bomb struck a village school in eastern Ukraine, the regional governor said on Sunday while Russian forces continued shelling the last holdout of Ukrainian resistance in the ruined southeastern port of Mariupol.
- ↑ Guerre en Ukraine : une bombe russe s’est abattue sur une école de Bilohorivka Publié le 08/05/2022 16:12 Mis à jour le 08/05/2022 16:50 Samedi 7 mai, dans la région de Lougansk dans le Donbass, une bombe russe s’est abattue sur une école, où étaient réfugiées environ 90 personnes. Les envoyés spéciaux de France Télévisions, Agnès Vahramian et Soufiane Yassine se sont rendus près du lieu de l’explosion.// "Voici la route qui mène au village de Bilohorivka. On ne peut pas l’emprunter, parce que la position au check point et aussi toute la route, est bombardée depuis [dimanche matin 8 mai]. [Samedi 7 mai] vers 16 h 30, un avion russe a largué une bombe sur l’école qui servait d’abri à 90 personnes", rapporte Agnès Vahramian, envoyée spéciale en Ukraine pour France Télévisions.// Bilohorivka est sur la route de l’avancée russe// "Les sauveteurs ont pu accéder au village [samedi après-midi], ils ont sorti des décombres une trentaine de blessés, mais ils nous ont dit que selon eux, il resterait 60 personnes qui seraient mortes dans ce bombardement. Ils nous ont précisé aussi que les militaires ukrainiens avaient des positions tout près de cette école. [Dimanche matin], d’autres sauveteurs ont essayé d’emprunter cette route, mais impossible, vous entendez les bombardements, le village est sur la route de l’avancée russe", décrit Agnès Vahramian.
- ↑ Sixty feared dead in bombing of Ukraine school; G7 condemns Putin The Russian way of war – the damage to civilian infrastructure, such as here in Borodyanka, a suburb of Kyiv. (Richard Harper) By Reuters 09 May 2022 1 ZAPORIZHZHIA, Ukraine, May 8 (Reuters) - As many as 60 people are feared to have been killed when a bomb struck a village school in eastern Ukraine, the regional governor said on Sunday while Russian forces continued shelling the last holdout of Ukrainian resistance in the ruined southeastern port of Mariupol.// By Alessandra Prentice Luhansk region Governor Serhiy Gaidai said the school in Bilohorivka, where about 90 people were sheltering, was hit on Saturday by a Russian bomb, setting it ablaze.
- ↑ Ukraine war: 60 people killed after bomb hits school, Zelensky says 2022.05.09. Russia-Ukraine war
- ↑ Guerre en Ukraine : le bombardement d'une école à Bilohorivka fait 60 morts. Publié le 09/05/2022 21:42
- ↑ Video shows aftermath of deadly school bombing Russian forces bombed a school in Bilohorivka, Ukraine, and likely killed 60 people, according to an official in Luhansk. CNN's Isa Soares reports.Source: CNN, 2022.05.10
- ↑ Last Updated: 10th May, 2022 18:14 IST Lithuania Declares Russia's Attack On Ukraine To Be 'genocide'; Calls It 'terrorist State' On 7 May 2022, a school in Bilohorivka, Luhansk Oblast, was bombed by Russia during the Battle of Sievierodonetsk[1] in 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. The death of at least two people was confirmed while authorities said the actual death toll was close to 60.[2] // About ninety people were sheltering inside the building's basement at the time,[3] which President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said was the majority of the village's population.[1] The building was hit by a Russian airstrike, setting the building on fire and trapping large numbers of people inside.[4] // At least 30 people were rescued. Two people were confirmed to have been killed, but Governor of Luhansk Oblast Serhiy Haidai said that the 60 remaining people were believed to have been killed.[5][6] ..
2022.05.09. sesenta muertos en la escuela bombardeada de Bilohorivka; Los países del G7 se comprometen a dejar de importar petróleo ruso.
2022.05.10. La Russia lancia una bomba sulla scuola ucraina che ripara 90 persone: Governatore. Una scuola nella regione ucraina di Luhansk che fungeva da rifugio per quasi 100 persone nel villaggio di Bilohorivka è stata bombardata dalla Russia, ha detto sabato un funzionario ucraino.
1997.05.31.Договор, 1999_постановление_о_государственной_границе, Budapest memorandum, Bucha, Demand Russia to de-occupy territories of Moldova, Republic of Georgia, and Ukraine, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Fascism, Genocide, Irpen, Mariupol, Mechanisms of history, Nazism, Putin world war, Russia-Ukraine war, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Stop Putin, Terror, Ukraine, War crime