
Original file (1,759 × 1,746 pixels, file size: 896 KB, MIME type: image/png)
Complex map of function ArcSinc.
$u+\mathrm i v=\mathrm{asinc}(x+\mathrm i y)$
C++ implementation as asinc.cin
The text below is supposed to be stored as asinc.cin
z_type acos(z_type z){ if(Im(z)<0){if(Re(z)>=0){return I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );} else{return I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );}} if(Re(z)>=0){return -I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );} else {return -I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );} }
z_type asin(z_type z){ if(Im(z)<0){if(Re(z)>=0){return M_PI/2.-I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );} else {return M_PI/2.-I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );}} if(Re(z)>=0){return M_PI/2.+I*log( z + sqrt(z*z-1.) );} else {return M_PI/2.+I*log( z - sqrt(z*z-1.) );} }
z_type sinc(z_type z){ DB x=Re(z); DB y=Im(z); if(x*x+y*y>.01) return sin(z)/z; z*=z; return 1.+z*(-1./6.+z*(1./120.+z*(-1./5040+z*(1./362880.)))); }
z_type sincp(z_type z){ DB x=Re(z); DB y=Im(z); z_type c; if(x*x+y*y>.01) return (cos(z)-sinc(z))/z; c=z*z; return z*(-1./3.+c*(1./30.+c*(-1./840.+c*(1./45630+c*(-1./399168.))))); }
DB Namihei=4.493409457909062; DB Katsuo=-0.21723362821122164; z_type asincL(z_type z){int n; z_type s=Namihei-sqrt((-2./Katsuo)*(z-Katsuo)); DO(n,6)s+=(z-sinc(s))/sincp(s); return s;}
z_type asincU(z_type z){int n; z_type s=1.4*acos(z); DO(n,6)s+=(z-sinc(s))/sincp(s); return s;}
z_type asinc(z_type z){DB x=Re(z),y=fabs(Im(z)); if(y<1. && x<0. && x>-2.6 ) return asincL(z); return asincU(z); }
C++ generator of curves
// File asinc.cin above, and also files ado.cin and conto.cin
// sould be loaded in the working directory in order to compile the C++ code below.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define DB double #define DO(x,y) for(x=0;x<y;x++) using namespace std; #include <complex> typedef complex<double> z_type; #define Re(x) x.real() #define Im(x) x.imag() #define I z_type(0.,1.) #include "conto.cin" #include "asinc.cin"
main(){ int j,k,m,n; DB x,y, p,q, t; z_type z,c,d; int M=801,M1=M+1; int N=401,N1=N+1; DB X[M1],Y[N1], g[M1*N1],f[M1*N1], w[M1*N1]; // w is working array. char v[M1*N1]; // v is working array FILE *o;o=fopen("asincmap.eps","w");ado(o,82,82); fprintf(o,"41 41 translate\n 10 10 scale\n"); DO(m,400) X[m]=-4.+.01*m; X[400]=-.002; X[401]= .002; for(m=402;m<M1;m++) X[m]=-4.+.01*(m-1.); DO(n,200)Y[n]=-4.+.02*n; Y[200]=-.002; Y[201]= .002; for(n=202;n<N1;n++) Y[n]=-4.+.02*(n-1.); for(m=-4;m<5;m++){if(m==0){M(m,-4.1)L(m,4.1)} else{M(m,-4)L(m,4)}} for(n=-4;n<5;n++){ M( -4,n)L(4,n)} fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); M(Katsuo,-4)L(Katsuo,4); fprintf(o,".006 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); DO(m,M1)DO(n,N1){g[m*N1+n]=9999; f[m*N1+n]=9999;} DO(m,M1){x=X[m]; //printf("%5.2f\n",x); DO(n,N1){y=Y[n]; z=z_type(x,y); c=asinc(z); // c=sinc(c); // p=-log(abs(c-z)/abs(c+z))/log(10.); p=Re(c); q=Im(c); if(p>-99. && p<99. && q>-99. && q<99 ) {g[m*N1+n]=p; f[m*N1+n]=q; } }} // #include "plodi.cin" /* fprintf(o,"1 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap\n"); p=22; conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (15.4 ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".02 W 0 .6 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (15. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".02 W 1 0 1 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (14. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (13. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (12. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".02 W 0 0 1 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (11. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (10. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (9. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".02 W 0 1 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (8. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (7. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (6. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".02 W 1 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (5. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (4. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (3. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".03 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (2. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".01 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (1. ),-p,p); fprintf(o,".02 W .6 0 0 RGB S\n"); */ fprintf(o,"1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap\n"); p=1.5;q=.5; for(m=-11;m<11;m++)for(n=2;n<10;n+=2)conto(o,f,w,v,X,Y,M,N,(m+.1*n),-q,q);fprintf(o,".007 W 0 .6 0 RGB S\n"); for(m=0;m<10;m++) for(n=2;n<10;n+=2)conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N,-(m+.1*n),-q,q);fprintf(o,".007 W .9 0 0 RGB S\n"); for(m=0;m<10;m++) for(n=2;n<10;n+=2)conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (m+.1*n),-q,q);fprintf(o,".007 W 0 0 .9 RGB S\n"); for(m=1;m<11;m++) conto(o,f,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (0.-m),-p,p); fprintf(o,".02 W .9 0 0 RGB S\n"); for(m=1;m<11;m++) conto(o,f,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (0.+m),-p,p); fprintf(o,".02 W 0 0 .9 RGB S\n"); conto(o,f,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (0. ),-2*p,2*p); fprintf(o,".02 W .6 0 .6 RGB S\n"); for(m=-9;m<0;m++) conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (0.+m),-p,p); fprintf(o,".02 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); m=0; conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (0.+m),-2*p,2*p); fprintf(o,".02 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); for(m=1;m<10;m++) conto(o,g,w,v,X,Y,M,N, (0.+m),-p,p); fprintf(o,".02 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); //#include "plofu.cin" M(-4.01,0)L(Katsuo,0)M(1,0)L(4.01,0) fprintf(o,"0 setlinecap .021 W 1 1 1 RGB S\n"); DO(n,39){M(Katsuo-.1*n,0) L(Katsuo-.1*(n+.5),0)} DO(n,31){M(1+.1*n,0) L(1+.1*(n+.5),0)} fprintf(o,"0 setlinecap .024 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n"); fprintf(o,"showpage\n%c%cTrailer",'%','%'); fclose(o); system("epstopdf asincmap.eps"); system( "open asincmap.pdf"); getchar(); system("killall Preview");//for mac }
Latex generator of labels
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File history
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 17:50, 20 June 2013 | ![]() | 1,759 × 1,746 (896 KB) | Maintenance script (talk | contribs) | Importing image file |
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