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Real and imaginary parts of $H_0(x)$ for $x>0$ compared to BesselJ1 (green)
BesselH0 $=H_0$ is the Cylindric function H (called also the Hankel function) of zero order.
BesselH0 is related with $J_0=$BesselJ0 and $J_0=$BesselY0 with simple relation
- $H_0(z)=J_0(z)+\mathrm i Y_0(z)$
In particular, for $x>0$, the relations $\Im(J_0(x))=0$ and $\Im(Y_0(x))=0$ hold, and, therefore,
- $\Re(H_0(x))=J_0(x)$
- $\Im(H_0(x))=Y_0(x)$
The explicit plot of real and imaginary parts of BesselH0 versus real positive argument are shown in the upper right corner.
Below, the complex map of $H_0$ is plotted, $u+\mathrm i v=H_0(x+\mathrm i y)$.