Fedotovo Airbase

Fedotovo Airbase (Авиабаза Федотово) is military airstrip at Vologodskaya oblast, Moscovia (see the map at right).
The same airbase is denoted with term «Kipelovo Airbase» [2] («Авиабаза Кипелово» [3])
During the Putin world war, the Fedotovo Airbase is legitimate military target.
After the Rissian invasion into Ukraine, during the Russia-Ukraine war,
the Fedotovo Airbase is supposed to be
demilitarized and
at the
transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory.
This seems to be the only way to fullfil the guarantees specified in the Budapest memorandum.
Sitizen, residents and visitors of Russia have reason not to approach the Fedotovo Airbase
in order not to happen in a wrong place at a wrong time. The same refer to other Russian strategic and military objects, especially within the Санитарная зона mentioned in the first map.
Address: Вологодский р-н Вологодская обл., Россия
59.2365,39.1598 Rilroad junction
59.2354,38.4893 Sheksna dam
59.2305,39.1935 L59.23053z39.1935 not specified
59.2259,39.1627 Railroad stop
59.2258,39.1610 Fuel storage
59.2169,39.1256 North landing beacon
59.2159,39.1678 electric substation, Электрическая подстанция«Кипелово»110-10кВ
59.2121,39.1360 Arsenal
59.2008,39.1445 Arsenal
59.1964,39.1405 Fuel storage
59.1941,39.1412 L59.1941z39.1412 Not specified; perhaps, underground arsenal
59.1914,39.1298 Warplane parking
59.1845,38.8095 Vh25594 (Вч 25594)
59.1650,39.1211 South landing beacon
59.1464,38.5292 Gas pipe station
59.1377,38.5258 L59.1377z38.5258 not specified
59.0973,38.6277 Arsenal Vh25594 (Вч 25594)
At the google map above, many these objects are marked with the same label «Вологодский район», and few are "recognized" as «Шекснинский район».
Sanitary Zone
During the Putin world war and, especially, since the beginning of the
Russian invasion into Ukraine,
The Fedotovo Airbase
is legitimate military target - as well as all other Russian strategic and/or military objects:
Russian weapon factories,
Russian electric plants that feed these factories,
Bridges and tunnels used to deliver the production to the occupational army,
Russian oil factories, oil terminals and reservoires that supply the Russian army with fuel,
Russian warships and submarines and Russian ports that maintain these warships and submarines,
Russian missile launch systems and arsenals,
Russian warplanes and Russian airbases designed or adopted for these warplanes.
All the Russian objects mentioned are expected to be demilitarized and denazified in order to
stop the Russian aggression and to fulfill the guarantee of the Budapest memorandum.
Up to year 2024, no suggestion is found to fulfill these guaranties in any more civilized way.
(Similar case takes place during the World War II, see «I bombed Dresden».)
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion into Ukraine (2014.02.20) and annexation of Crimea, during at least 10 years, some politicians at the USA and the UK still think (longer than 10 years) on very important questions:
1. «What do we care for memorandum signed many years ago?» [4]
2. If the USA and the UK decide to fulfill their guaranties on the Budapest memorandum
then how soon should this happen after the beginning of the aggression?
Within 10 years? Within 12 years? Within 20 years? During century 21?
While the people of civilized countries search for the answers on these questions,
the help to Ukraine from other countries of the Anti-Putin coalition is moderate;
it is not sufficient for the most important tasks:
A. "Cover the sky" above the Ukraine, to save Ukrainian cities from the bombing.
B. Demilitarize and denazify the Russian warplanes and the airbases used by the warplanes to launch bombs and missiles to Ukraine.
C. Either push out from Ukraine or to demilitarize/denazify all the Russian orks at territory of Ukraine (within internationally recognized borders).
While Americans and British think on questions (1) and (2) above, the Ukrainians have not sufficient amount of the air defense missiles (in order to «cover the sky») nor sufficient long-rage heavy missiles (in order to demilitarize and to denazify the Russian airbases and the bunkers of the Russian top military officials). Hense, the ground operation at the Russian territory becomes necessary.
The biggest (since year 2014) ground military operation at territory at territory of Russia
begins in year 2024. Thousands Russian troops are enclosed without suply in so-called Glushovsli Enclave (Глушковский Котёл) with demilitarization and denazification of the Glushkov Bridge (Глушковский Мост) and other brides across river Seim.
As maximum, the ground operation should create the so-called «Sanitary Zone» («Санитарная зона»), see the first map.
To year 2024, the Sanitary Zone is expect to be bonded, roughly, by the line between the following places:
Border with NATO,
Pskov Airbase (Авиабаза Псков) (and the Osrov Airbaze (Авиабаза Остров, «Гарнизон Веретье»))
ValdaiCluster (Валдайский Кластер)
Fedotovo Airbase (Авиабаза Федотово)
Kazan Airbase (Авиабаза Казань)
Engels Airbase (Авиабаза Энгельс)
Border with Kazakhstan
However, this is very rough estimate and very rough forecast. The Sanitary zone may include also
Olenya Airbase (Авиабаза Оленья) at Kolsky peninsula and
Uralvagonzavod (Уралвагонзавод, Russian monopolist in manufacturing of heavy battle tanks) at Tagil.
Creation of the «Sanitary zone» is expected to save at least some Ukrainian cities from destruction by the Russian bombers. To year 2024 Bahmuth, Popasna, Mariupol (see «Россия полностью уничтожила Мариуполь») and many other Ukrainian cities are already destroyed by the Russian nazis.
It will be interesting to see:
Will the «Sanitary zone» («Санитарная зона») reach the Fedotovo Airbase?
Or the Russian dictator withdraws his troops from Ukraine earlier (before all the Rissian orks are completely demilitarized and denazified)?
In the simplest interpretation, the Putin's plan of the war («Путинский план спецоперации») against Ukraine implied the total destruction of Russia and murdering of the most of Russians in sigh a way that the dictator and his closest war crime accomplices become relative safe (at least with respect to riots) in one of his personal bunkers
(see «ValdaiCluster»). The Eden conditions for the war criminals are arranged there, see
«Мы попадём в рай а они сдохнут» (In Russian).
In this model, the Fedotovo Airbase and other Russian strategic and military objects
within the Sanitary zone are expected to be completely demilitarized and denazified.
Up to year 2024, no other way to fulfill the guarantees of the Budapest memorandum is found in the open access domain of internet.
The two hisotric models are suggested to estimate when the demilitarization of the Fedotovo Airbase may happen.

One estimate refers to the statistic model «Duration».
In this model, an empire collapses after approximately 15 years since the nullification (at the level of a Federal Law) of separation of powers. For Russia, the nullification (Обнуление) happened in year 2020.
The corresponding likelihood density of Duration (for Russia, in years since y.2020) is shown in figure at right.
In this model, the collapse of RF is expected to happen approximately in year 2035 (not earlier than year 2028 and not later than year 2042). This collapse may happen together with
demilitarization and
denazification of Fedotovo Airbase.
Another estimate refers to the empiric «Graphic of the special military operation» («График спецоперации», see picture at right)
and to the estimate of the total number of putinists from publications about the Election frauds (see picture of the Churov comb below).
Since y.2022, the Russia-Ukraine war (so called «спецоперация»)
advances following the graphic: «Специальная военная операция идет в строгом соответствии с графиком»[5]. This graphic («График спецоперации») is shown in figure at right.
The total amount \(L\) of Russian orks demilitarized in Ukraine is extrapolated as
quadratic function of number \(d\) of days since the beginning of year 2022.
The two extrapolations are shown:
\( L = 0.8 d^2 ~ \) (blue curve)
\( L = 0.6 d^2 ~ \) (Yellow curve)
To year 2024, the estimate by minfin.com.ua
[6] (dark thin curve) remains between the blue and yellow curves.
On the other hand, the evidence of the Election fraud at Russia
allow to estimate the total amount of putinists. The width of maxima at the
Churov comb and width od the Pamfilova peak («Пик Памфиловой)») indicate that of order of a million Russians vote for Russian dictator putin and his party «Edro»; other votes for these terrorists are surplused by the corrupted election committees.
The combination of these two estimates suggests the approximately in year 2025,
the Russian dictator will run his war without the cannon fodder; his orks will be spent out.
This gives an estimate of year of
demilitarization and denazification of Fedotovo Airbase.
It will be interesting to see, when the Fedotovo Airbase will be deniitnrised and denazified;
which of the two estimate will be close to the future observations:
year 2028, lower bound of the first estimate («Duration») or
year 2025, second estimate from the Churov comb and the «график спецоперации».
If at least one of these two models is confirmed, then the successful method can be used for description (and prediction) of other similar historic events.
In such a way, publications about the Fedotovo Airbase and their analysis have the scientific interest.
Many artists express their view on the Russian aggression and the possible sequences. Few examples are collected in the gallery below.
In English
Putin organizes the «spiritualistic seance» and orders the medium to summon Stalin's ghost. The ghost appears. Putin asks:
Iosif Vissarionovich, I need your help. The enemy is advancing in the Kursk region. What should I do?
Stalin: Do the same as I did.
Putin: Namely, what?
Stalin: First, send more Ukrainians there. Then ask the British and Americans to give them more tanks and warplanes.
After the failure with the spiritualists, Putin organizes a session of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and asks his partners to help restore control on the border.
The CSTO members agree to help to restore the border to the state it was in when the CSTO was created. It is decided to begin with the Roksky Tunnel and the Kerch Channel.
In Russian
Editor failed to translate some sentences from Russian to English. So, they remain in Russian here.
Российские пропагандисты обсуждают, как лучше продолжать СВО:
Первый: Надо разбомбить им аэродромы, нефтебазы и электростании. Сделаем из Украины санитарную зону. Останутся без света, без воды, без канализации; у них начнутся эпидемии и они убегут в Европу...
Второй: Да, это правильное решение! Нечего с ними церемонится!
Третий: Я в общем-то согласен, но у меня вопрос: а что, если они так же нас разбомбят?
Первый: Ну подожди, а нас то за что?
Хватит курить, где попало. Курите там, где ещё не попало.
До москалей начинает доходить, только когда до них начинает долетать.
Publications about the Fedotovo Airbase are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals. One of these goals is qualification of sources of information and revealing of propaganda.
The blood feud is not element of the set of these goals.
The interpretation suggested is not an appeal to the extrajudicial execution of relatives of the staff of the Fedotovo Airbase. More civilized methods to deal with accomplices of the putin regime (see «пособник путинского режима» [8]) are considered in articles «Hague», «Nuremberg-2», «Payback», «Ст.353 УК РФ».
The interpretation above is not an
attempt to provoke a hate with respect to servicemen of the Russian army.
Russian writer Leo Tolstoy shows that word «hate» is not an adequate term to qualify the feeling caused by activity of Russian soldiers at the occupied/annexed land

The interpretation suggested is not a suggestion for the next bavovna (see picture at right) at the
transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory.
The Editor is not supposed to teach the representative of the Anti-Putin coalition,
in which sequence and how the Russian strategic and military objects should be demilitarized and denazified for the fastest fulfillment of guarantees of Budapest memorandum.
The Budapest memorandum does not put any restriction on methods that may be applied (and should be applied) to a country that has signet that memorandum but brutally break its conditions. In this sense, any weapon can be used against the aggressor.
Even in century 21, many people believe (or pretend that they believe)
that the aggressor can be stopped in a more civilized way.
In the case of the putin world war, they had 10 years (or even 16 years, taking into account the Russian invasion into Georgia) to do it «in a more civilized way». The result is negative.
Such a behavior is discussed in article «I bombed Dresden».
But Editor can help to answer the question «What do we care for memorandum signed many years ago?» mentioned above.
For those who sympathize with the adepts of Shere Khan tiger and Tabaqui jackal [4], the explanations are provided by Солонин Марк Семёнович
[11] and Майкл Наки [12] (in Russian).
The history of the two world wars indicate that attempts to applause an aggressor lead to a big war.
Editor is not smarter than Nevill Chamberlain or Jake Sullivan.
So, Editor rejects the hypothesis that the American and British politicians do not know what
the appeasement of the aggressor leads to wars.
The alternative concept is that
some politicians during 10 years slow-down the fulfillment of guarantees of the
Budapest memorandum intentionally, getting benefits from the big war they provoke.
No other concept is found to explain why the offees at the USA and the UK wait ten years with fulfillment of guarantees specified in the Budapest memorandum.
If you bring a link to such «another» concept to Editor, the «another» concept will be considered.
However, Editor keeps his right to call things with their proper names, to ask the sharp questions, to suggest the historic models and to compare their predictions with more recent publications and other observations.
- ↑ https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Воркута/59.2365,39.1598/59.2354,38.4893/59.2305,39.1935/59.2259,39.1627/59.2258,39.1610/59.2169,39.1256/59.2159,39.1678/59.2121,39.1360/59.2008,39.1445/59.1964,39.1405/59.1941,39.1412/59.1914,39.1298/59.1845,38.8095/59.1650,39.1211/59.1464,38.5292/59.1377,38.5258/59.0973,38.6277/data=!3m1!4b1?hl=ru&entry=ttu
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fedotovo_(air_base) Fedotovo Кипелово/Федотово Vologodsky District, Vologda Oblast in Russia Fedotovo is located in Vologda Oblast // Coordinates 59°11′18″N 039°7′24″E Type Air Base Site information Owner Ministry of Defence Operator Russian Navy - Russian Naval Aviation Controlled by 45th Air and Air Defence Forces Army Site history Built 1963 In use 1963 - present Airfield information Identifiers ICAO: XLWF Elevation 175 metres (574 ft) AMSL Runways Direction Length and surface 17/35 3,500 metres (11,483 ft) Concrete Fedotovo, located near railway station Kipelovo on a major railway to St.Petersburg, is a Russian Naval Aviation air base in Russia located 44 km west of Vologda. It is a large base for long-range aircraft, with 20 revetments in a remote area and large tarmac along parallel taxiway. Built in 1963, Fedotovo was an unnamed military town but took on the name of the first commander of 392 ODRAP, Lt. Col. A. S. Fedotov, who was killed in an aircraft crash in 1966. Fedotovo was a major source of Tupolev Tu-95 and Tupolev Tu-142 flights overshadowing the United States Navy Atlantic Fleet. The base provided reconnaissance for the North Fleet Air Arm.
- ↑ https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Кипелово_(авиабаза) Кипелово (гарнизон Морской авиации Северного флота Федотово, ранее Вологда-18) — авиабаза Морской авиации Северного флота Военно-Морского флота РФ, расположена южнее железнодорожной станции Кипелово в Вологодской области, в 50 км от Вологды. Основана в 1963 году как «АС Кипелово», близлежащий 1966 году гарнизон Федотово (позднее — посёлок Федотово), названный после гибели в авиакатастрофе первого командира 392 одрап подполковника А. С. Федотова. В настоящее время[когда?] на авиабазе базируется противолодочная эскадрилья от в/ч 06797 на Ту-142МК и самолётах-ретрансляторах Ту-142МР. Позывной аэродрома — «Дремучий». ..
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 https://www.gutenberg.org/files/236/236-h/236-h.htm#link2H_4_0001 Rudyard Kipling. THE JUNGLE BOOK. Release Date: January 16, 2006 [EBook #236] Last Updated: October 6, 2016. .. Akela lifted his head again and said, “He has eaten our food. He has slept with us. He has driven game for us. He has broken no word of the Law of the Jungle.”// “Also, I paid for him with a bull when he was accepted. The worth of a bull is little, but Bagheera’s honor is something that he will perhaps fight for,” said Bagheera in his gentlest voice.// “A bull paid ten years ago!” the Pack snarled. “What do we care for bones ten years old?”// “Or for a pledge?” said Bagheera, his white teeth bared under his lip. ..
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 https://www.gazeta.ru/army/news/2022/03/03/17376199.shtml 03 марта 2022, 20:28 Путин заявил, что спецоперация на Украине идет по плану// Анастасия Лежепекова// Президент России Владимир Путин, выступая на заседании Совбеза, заявил, что спецоперация РФ на Украине «идет по плану». Об этом сообщает ТАСС. Глава государства сообщил об этом после минуты молчания по погибшим в ходе операции военнослужащим. «Хочу сказать, что специальная военная операция идет в строгом соответствии с графиком, по плану. Все поставленные задачи успешно решаются», — сказал президент. ..
- ↑ https://index.minfin.com.ua/ua/russian-invading/casualties/ Втрати російської армії в Україні (ipdated daily since y.2022)
- ↑ http://narodna.pravda.com.ua/rus/photos/5082bf0887151/ М.Терен. Математика против фальсификаторов часть 3 (выявление способов фальсификации). | 20.10.2012 18:11. По тупой наивности фальсификаторы надеются остаться не разоблаченными математикой, но их наивные потуги тщетны. Даже будучи предоставлены сами себе и имея возможность вбрасывать хоть все 100%, они никогда не смогут согласовать более 30тыс. участков.
- ↑ https://ria-m.tv/news/305254/skabeeva_zapugivaet_rossiyan_gaagoyu_posobnik_putinskogo_rejima_ili_mimo_prohodil_—_vinovatyimi_budem_vse.html Скабеева запугивает россиян Гаагою: "Пособник путинского режима или мимо проходил — виноватыми будем все" 01 декабря 2022, 06:05 | Российская пропагандистка Ольга Скабеева пугает зрителей тем, что в случае поражения России в войне против Украины всем россиянам грозит Гаагский трибунал. Соответствующее заявление Скабеева сделала в эфире пропагандистского теле-шоу. "Если вдруг, не дай Бог, что-то произойдет и наша страна не сможет одержать победу, тогда надо исходить из того, что претензии будут предъявлены каждому без исключения. Безотносительно – на территории РФ он находится или за пределами. И те, кто за пределами, наверное, мгновенно будут арестованы. Пособник он путинского режима или мимо проходил – неважно, виноватыми будем все", – придумала пропагандистка.
- ↑ https://archive.org/stream/hadjimurad0000leot/hadjimurad0000leot_djvu.txt Full text of "Hadji Murad" Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Kahle/Austin Foundation https://archive.org/details/hadjimurad00O0Oleot HADJI MURAD WORKS OF LEO TOLSTOY Published by Dodd, Mead & Company Resurrection, a Novel Hadji Murad, a Novel // .. The two stacks of hay there had been burnt; the apricot and cherry trees he had planted and reared were broken and scorched; and, worse still, all the beehives and bees were burnt. The wailing of the women and of the little chil- dren who cried with their mothers, mingled with the lowing of the hungry cattle, for whom there was no food. The bigger children did not play, but followed their elders with frightened eyes. The fountain was polluted, evidently on purpose, so that the water could not be used. The mosque was polluted in the same way, and the Mullah and his assistants were cleaning it out. No one spoke of hatred of the Russians. The feeling experienced by all the Chechens, from the youngest to the oldest, was stronger than hate. It was not hatred, for they did not regard those Russian dogs as human beings; but it was such repulsion disgust and perplexity at the senseless cruelty of these creatures, that the desire to exterminate them — like the desire to exterminate rats, poisonous spiders, or wolves — was as natural an instinct as that of self-preservation.
- ↑ https://www.facebook.com/stopputinsaggression/photos/a.612763438803433.1073741828.612740355472408/700599566686486/?type=1&theater Stop Putin's Aggression. 2014.09.08.
- ↑ 2024.07.23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjfgHZdZuVI Почему Америка должна спасать СЕБЯ Mark Solonin Jul 23, 2024 00:00 про Байдена – ни слова 01:02 постановка вопроса («почему мы должны всех спасать»?) 03:20 80 лет конференции в Бреттон-Вудс 05:32 … и доллар для всех 06:40 сколько зарабатывал русский рабочий в 1898 и 1998 08:09 Америка обкладывает «данью» весь мир 09:48 во-вторых, согласия не спрашивали 11:20 Pax Romano (200 лет без войны) 15:39 конец «Мира по-американски» ? 16:50 Государственный долг США 19:43 госдолг США в процентах от ВВП США 21:53 этот долг вернуть невозможно 25:21 те же яйца, но под оптимистичным углом зрения 30:41 «мы что, одни такие? другие ничем не лучше!» 32:24 «пока нормально» (ТМ) 33:10 пока Америка выполняет свои обязанности, «пока» не закончится 35:33 атлантический «изоляционизм» закончился навсегда в 1962 году 37:12 В.М. Молотов и Дж.Д. Вэнс
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB7g13ewo-8 ВОЙНА. ДЕНЬ 909. 1250 КМ² КОНТРОЛИРУЮТ ВСУ В КУРСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ/ "КОТЕЛ" ДЛЯ ВС РФ В ГЛУШКОВСКОМ РАЙОНЕ // Майкл Наки Aug 20, 2024. .. Jake Sullivan ..
«Annexation of Crimea», «Bavovna», «Budapest memorandum», «Corruption», «Demilitarization», «Genazification», «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism», «Designate Russia as terrorist state», «Fascism», «Fedotovo Airbase», «Legitimate military target», «Moscovia», «Payback», «Putin world war», «[[]]», «Russian invasion into Ukraine», «Russki mir», «Sanitary zone», «Transfer of hostilities to aggre», «Vh06797»,
«А нас то за что», «Авиабаза Федотово», «[[]]», «Аннексия Крыма», «Бавовна», «[[]]», «Вч 06797», «[[]]», «Демилитаризация», «Денацификация», «Легитимная цель», «Московия», «[[]]», «Перенос боевых действий на территорию страны агрессора», «Путинская мировая война», «Российское вторжение в Украину», «[[]]»,
- Picx
- Airbase
- Annexation of Crimea
- Bavovna
- Budapest memorandum
- Corruption
- Demilitarization
- Genazification
- Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism
- Designate Russia as terrorist state
- Fascism
- Fedotovo Airbase
- Legitimate military target
- Moscovia
- Payback
- Putin world war
- Russian invasion into Ukraine
- Russki mir
- Sanitary zone
- Target
- Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory
- Vh06797