Ilsk oil refinery

Ilsk oil refinery («Ilsky oil refinery», «Il'sk NPZ»[1], «Ильский нефтеперерабатывающий завод», «Ильский НПЗ») is big factory at Krasnodar Krai.
The main production of the Ilsk oil refinery is fuel for needs of the Russian occupational troops (warships, warplanes, tanks, car, etc.), see «Putin world war» «Russian invasion into Georgia», «Russian invasion into Ukraine», «Russian invasion into Syria»
Due to the Putin world war and, especially, since the beginning of the full-scale Russia-Ukraine war, the Ilsk oil refinery is qualified as a legitimate military target.
In y.2023, confirmations of such a qualifications are observed.
The analysis of publications about the Ilsk oil refinery may be useful for construction of historical models.
In 70 km West, the Krymsk airbase is located, see map at right. Coordinates:
44.9612,37.9909 , see map at right. That airbase seem to be one of the most important consumers of products of the Ilsk oil refinery.
Up to year 2023, the Krasnodarski Krai and the Ilsk oil refinery are qualified as territory of Russia.
Due to unability of Russia to respect the internationally-recognied borders (nor to follow the international agreements, see «Annexation of Crimea», «Budapest memorandum»), the future status of Krasnodar Krai and, in particular, that of the Ilsk oil refinery is unclear.
Due to the genocide of the ethnic Ukrainians at Kuban, closure of Ukrainian schools at Kuban,
the Russian doctrine of deviance of the national ethnicity can be applied against the Russian administration; so, the administrative location of the Ilsk oil refinery is at least subject for consideration, as well as questions about demilitarization and denazification of Russia.
Since the 2022.02.24, these questions become especially important for the historic modeling due to the full-scale Putin world war at Ukraine (see «Russia-Ukraine war», «New World Order»).
The goal of this war seems to be the total destruction of Ukraine, or Russia, or both,
although interpretations of the Putin world war as a result of Putin's stupidity or the mental illness are also popular.
Putin world war
The Ilsk Oil Refinery is affected by the Putin world war. First, the economical prosperity of the Ilsk Oil Refinery is affected due to sanctions agaist Russian terrorists. At the beginning of the full-scale Russia-Ukraine war, the affection becomes difficult to ignore.
Since 2014.02.20, the Russian invasion into Ukraine is observed.
The Russian fascists trick Ukraine, pretending to be honest partner and even friend [4]. Then the Russian «friendship» gradually converts to the aggression and the total war against Ukraine [5][6] Since y.2022, the main trend of attitude of the Russians with respect to Ukrainians is just the genodice and total war, see «Bucha», «Irpin», «Ирпень», «Россия полностью уничтожила Мариуполь». The Russian nazis try to seise, plunder everything at the Ukrainian land, converting Ukraine to the the Russian colony, murdering or expulsing the most of the Ukrainian population.
Until year 2023, the Russia-Ukraie war happens mainly at territory of Ukraine: the Russian nazis bomb the Ukrainian cities, destroy perinatal centers, hospitals, schools, museums, theaters, railroad stations, trade centers, homes and the electric plants; the Russian orks grab, robe, rape, murder the Ukrainians and kidnap the Ukrainian children. Many Ukrainian cities are destroyed, while the most of Russian cities and industry and even military units at territory of Russia remain unattached.
To year 2023, it becomes obvious, that the Ukrainian air deviance system cannot intercept all the warplanes, missiles and drones sent from Russia. The transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory is recognized as necessary action to stop the Russian aggression.
Since beginning of 2023, several military targets at Russia are attacked, including the airbases with the most dangerous warplanes used to bomb Ukrainian cities. The Russian nazis declare the total war against the Ukrainian infrastructure, in particular, they har presented plan to destroy all the electric plants at Ukraine, in order to cause the humanitarian catastrophe, pandemic of invention due to failure of water supply and dark water draining.
The reciprocal attacks on the Russian industrial centers is considered as a soft resound, with two goals:
1. To show the sovkopiteks and orks, that the war crimes will be punished;
2. To leave the Russian occupants without ammunition and with our fuel.
Since 2023.02.22, the lack of ammunition is already mentioned by the Russian terrorists [7][8].
The shortage of fuel supply is also important, in order that the Russian nazis cannot withdraw their troops, in order to destroy them at the occupied territories and give the orks no chance to repeat the invasion.
The Ilsk oil refinery appears as important source of supply of the Russian aggressors; so, it is qualified as legitimate military target. Emulation of the corresponding Bavovna (poster) is shown in figure at right. The goals of such posters is to inform the civilian people that at least some of participants of the Anti-Putin coalition qualify the object as legitimate military target, in order to help the civilians to avoid dangerous places.

Since 2023.05.04, the confirmations about bavovna(s) at the Ilsk oil refinery are observed [10] [11][12].
At least some of reservoirs of the Ilsk oil refinery are reported to attacked. In particular, the fuel tank number 43 seems to be burned out [9].
Most of attacks on military objects at territory of Russia seem to be performed by drones. In 2009, the historic forecast of efficiency of drones in defense against the aggression had been described in sci-fi «Mystic weakness» by Rozov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. News about the Ilsk oil refinery can be interpreted as confirmations of this forecast.
The Russian officials qualify the attacks of the Russia-Ukraine war, following the general rules about propaganda:
The destructios of homes, schools electric plants, etc. at Ukraine are qualified as «successful operations».
Attack on the military or industrial objects in Russia are qualified as terroristic acts.
Such an interpretation is typical for fascistic societies.
Sovkopiteks, orks presume their right to destroy any object at the territory of the country-victim,
but are surprised with news about the transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory: «А нас то за что?»
Publications related to the Ilsk oil refinery are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals.
Advising about the most important military target is not element of the set of these goals.
In partidilar, this article should not be considered as an appeal to a more complete burning of the Ilsk oil refinery. The Editor has no insider information necessary to establish priorities of the military targets.
The Editor assume that the Anti-Putin coaliton has such an information. Due to the total corruption in Russia, sovkopiteks provide this information for a very moderate fee; their chauvinistic patriotism (Rashism) is more of a sham than an inner state of mind.
This article is not an attempt to discuss, which methods should be used to stop the Russian aggression.
The Budapest memorandum does not specify, which weapon should be used against a country that had signed that memorandum, but brutally violate its condition. In this sense, for defeating of the aggressor, any weapon may be used. The public discussion seems to be not suitable; time of the public protests against the Russian fascism seem to be lost at least since year 2012. But the Editor hopes that the Pitin coalition can be defeated with more civilized methods than those used to defeat the Hitler coalition, see «I bombed Dresden».
In such a way, articles in TORI are not an attempt to prolong the agony of Putin's Russia, and not an attempt to boost, to approach the Collapse of RF.
However, the Editor keeps his right to Call things by their proper names, to construct historic models and to compare their predictions with more recent observations.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1'skiy+Npz Il'skiy Npz, 353232, Краснодарский край, район Северский, поселок городского типа Ильский, территория 55-км автодороги, Новороссийск, Krasnodar Krai, ロシア 353230
- ↑,38.6068,17
- ↑,+37.9909/44.8605,38.6067/@44.9982553,37.9922304,70295m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m5!1m1!1s0x0:0x38928d1902913708!2m2!1d37.9909!2d44.9612!1m0?hl=en 44.8605,38.6067 Seversky District, Krasnodar Krai, Russia // 44.9612,37.9909 Krymsky District, Krasnodar Krai, Russia
- ↑ Stewart, Dale. The Russian-Ukrainian Friendship Treaty and the search for regional stability in Eastern Europe. December, 1997.
- ↑ Ukraine Terminates Friendship Treaty With Russia Sep. 17, 2018
- ↑ Ukraine-Russia Friendship Treaty expires. 09:00, 01.04.19 The agreement provided for "respect for the territorial integrity" of the two parties.
- ↑ Russian Wagner chief Prigozhin blames ammunition shortage for high deaths Published 22 February (2023)
- ↑ Prigozhin threatens to retreat from Bakhmut, calls the situation critical // April 29, 2023
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 04.05.2023, 03:43 Пожарные тушат резервуар нефтеперерабатывающего завода в Краснодарском крае. .. Пожар произошел в Северском районе Краснодарского края в поселке городского типа Ильский. Горит резервуар Ильского нефтеперерабатывающего завода. Как сообщили в экстренных службах, причиной возгорания стало падение беспилотника. .. Напомним, предыдущей ночью пожар при сходных обстоятельствах произошел в Темрюкском районе Краснодарского края. Горел резервуар с нефтепродуктами в поселке Волна на Таманском полуострове. Специалисты целый день боролись с возгоранием, начавшимся после атаки двух беспилотников на местную нефтебазу. ..
- ↑ Oil refinery catches fire due to drone strike in Kuban, Russia UKRAINSKA PRAVDA — THURSDAY, 4 MAY 2023, 05:40
- ↑ May 5, 2023 7:00 PM GMT+9Last Updated 18 hours ago New drone attack causes fire at Russia's Ilsky oil refinery, TASS reports..
- ↑ Біля Краснодару СИЛЬНО ГОРИТЬ завод / Пожежу не можуть загасити May 5, 2023 #24канал #новости #войнавукраине2022 У селищі Ільський Краснодарського краю Росії зайнялась пожежа. Вже вдруге горить Ільський нафтопереробний завод. Окупанти, як завжди, вже знайшли "винних".
«Anti-Putin coalition», «Annexation of Crimea», «Bavovna», «Budapest memorandum», «Call things by their proper names», «[[]]», «Corruption», «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism», «Designate Russia as terrorist state», «Ilsk oil refinery», «Krymsk airbase», «Mystic weakness», «New World Order», «Putin coalition», «Propaganda», «Putin world war», «Russia-Ukraine war», «Russian invasion into Ukraine», «Stop Putin»,
«А нас то за что», «Аннексия Крыма», «Будапештский меморандум», «Ильский нефтеперерабатывающий завод», «Перенос боевых действий на территорию страны агрессора», «Спецоперация», «Триста тысяч москалей»,