Putin and Hitler







Putin and Hitler (Путин и Гитлер) often are mentioned together. The similarities between Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin become more and more evident since the Russian invasion into Georgia in 2008, the Olympiad in Sochi 2014 and the Russian invasion into Ukraine (2014 Fevruary 20 - ..).
Combination of names Putin and Hitler forms the new word Putler, used to indicate the similarities between these fuhrers.
In 2014, many authors mote the similarity in activity of Vladimir Putin and that by Adolf Hitler [8].
Many links are collected in the Russian version of article, Путин и Гитлер. Some of them (mainly in English) are repeated here.
Russian invasion into Syria
The Russian army, following orders of Putin is believed to destroy civil objects in Syria, and in particular city Aleppo - in the similar way, as German militaries used to destroy cities during the civil war in Spain (1930s) and World War II (1939–1945).
2016.10.11, Andrew Mitchell mentions similarity between Vladimir Putin and Adolg Hitler at the site of Reuters [9]
Not only Hitler
Putin is compared not only with Adolf Hitler, but also with Benito Mussolini. In analogy with name Putler, term Putolini is suggested. [10]
- ↑ 2014.03.21. http://www.lactualite.com/blogues/le-fouineur/poutine-hitler-et-les-echecs/ Vincent Destouches. Poutine, Hitler et les échecs. 21 mar. 2014.
- ↑ 2014.04.20. http://olegpanfilov2.livejournal.com/3068574.html ВИННИЦА. Apr. 20th, 2014 at 7:15 PM.
- ↑ http://cyxymu.livejournal.com/1533473.html по стопам фюрера. Apr. 23rd, 2014 at 5:02 PM
- ↑ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=595563737244848 2015.03.06. Sofia Nepomnyaschaya
- ↑ http://www.wsj.com/articles/pope-francis-urges-putin-to-seek-peace-in-ukraine-1433970508 Pope Francis Urges Putin to Seek Peace in Ukraine. Pontiff tells Russian president that all should adhere to Minsk cease-fire agreement. June 10, 2015 6:06 p.m. ET. .. The pope received the Russian leader in the papal library of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace..
- ↑ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=841537832574199 Slava Rabinovich: Убийцы с Кавказа... и мама с Кавказа... 2015.03.05.
- ↑ http://nasha-canada.livejournal.com/1473779.html Юрий Фельштинский, "Бумеранг Путина". 27 май, 2014 в 15:58. .. Сейчас в Кремле на чрезвычайное совещание созваны все силовые ведомства. Вопрос, который предстоит решить Путину: что делать в связи с последними событиями на Украине. Последние события -- это результаты выборов. Они говорят о том, что Украина едина, что раскола на Запад и Восток нет, что это фантом, выдумка, фикция российского телевидения (действовавшего согласно инструкциям Кремля); сепаратисты в Луганске-Донецке малочислены и не могут выжить без военной поддержки России. Украина -- не Молдова. Приднестровье в Украине создать не удастся. Агрессия России привела к прямо противоположному результату. "Экономические санкции в мире имеют эффект бумеранга",-- сказал Путин. Он ошибся. "Эффект бумаранга" имеет военная интервенция одного государства против другого. Этот бумеранг уже летит в сторону Путина. После состоявшихся в Украине выборов проще всего сделать вывод, что угроза большой войны миновала и Путин уже проиграл. Путин действительно проиграл. Он проиграл в те мартовские дни, когда российская армия захватила Крымский полуостров. Этот полуостров обязательно будет возвращен Украине. Проблема в том, что Путин об этом не знает. Он не подозревает, что битва проиграна. Он искренне считает, что схватка только начинается. Поэтому он будет продолжать задуманную им войну. Уже несколько раз, в разных вариантах, от разных высокопоставленных лиц, включая Путина на экономическом форуме в Санкт-Петербурге 23 мая 2014 года, мы слышали о "новом порядке", который должен быть учрежден в мире. До этого о "новом порядке" мы слышали от Гитлера и его товарищей по партии. Не случайно даже деликатный принц Чарльз, обычно не вмешивающийся в политику, сравнил Путина с Гитлером. Путина больше не с кем сравнивать. Он так и войдет в историю -- как русский Гитлер. А уж что будут писать в учебниках про его верного полководца Шойгу, даже я не возьмусь предсказать.
- ↑ http://www.businessinsider.com/people-who-compared-putin-to-hitler-2014-5 MICHAEL KELLEY. 11 Prominent People Who Compared Putin To Hitler. MAY 22, 2014, 11:55 AM.
- ↑ http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-mideast-crisis-syria-britain-idUKKCN12B0RV Kylie MacLellan, Denis Pinchuk, Michael Holden. British MP likens Russia's behaviour in Syria to that of Nazis. Tue Oct 11, 2016 | 1:05pm BST. A senior British member of parliament has accused Russia of targeting civilians in Syria in the same way the Nazis behaved at Guernica during the Spanish civil war of the 1930s. Andrew Mitchell, a lawmaker in Prime Minister Theresa May's ruling Conservatives and a former Secretary of State for International Development, said an attack last month on a United Nations relief convoy near the northern Syrian city of Aleppo was a war crime committed by Russian forces. // Some 20 people were killed in the attack on the U.N. and Syrian Arab Red Crescent convoy and the United States blamed two Russian warplanes which it said were in the skies above the area at the time of the incident. // Moscow rejects the accusations saying it only targets militants and accuses the West of being responsible for the crisis in Syria. // "When it comes to incendiary weapons and munitions such as bunker-buster bombs and cluster bombs, the U.N. makes it clear that the systematic use of such indiscriminate weapons in densely populated areas amounts to a war crime," Mitchell told parliament late on Monday. // "We are witnessing events that match the behaviour of the Nazi regime in Guernica in Spain," he said referring to the destruction of the Spanish town in 1937 by German aircraft from Adolf Hitler's Luftwaffe. The bombing of the historic city became the subject of a famous painting by artist Pablo Picasso.
- ↑ https://blog.derbund.ch/historyreloaded/index.php/1332/duce-putin/ Vincenzo Capodici. Putolini, oder: Wie sich Führerfiguren inszenieren. 11. August 2017
2005.04.17 http://derstandard.at/2013306/Otto-Habsburg-verglich-Putin-mit-Stalin-und-Hitler Otto Habsburg verglich Putin mit Stalin und Hitler. Redaktion 17. April 2005, 18:44. Ex-EU-Abgeordneter der CSU: "Russland ist das größte Problem Europas". Washington - Der älteste Sohn des letzten österreichischen Kaisers, Otto Habsburg, hat bei einem USA-Aufenthalt eindringlich vor dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin und einer seiner Ansicht nach in Russland bestehenden Kriegsgefahr gewarnt. Im heutigen Russland dominiere "die Mentalität des Polizeistaates", denn die politische und wirtschaftliche Macht sei in der Hand von Putin und seinen Getreuen von der Geheimpolizei konzentriert, sagte der 92-Jährige am Dienstag in Washington bei einem Vortrag an der Johns-Hopkins-Universität zum Thema "Das Neue Europa". - derstandard.at/2013306/Otto-Habsburg-verglich-Putin-mit-Stalin-und-Hitler. ..
2014.02.07. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/02/07/putin-s-sochi-and-hitler-s-berlin-the-love-affair-between-dictators-and-the-olympic-games.html Putin’s Sochi and Hitler’s Berlin: The Love Affair Between Dictators and the Olympic Games.
2014.03.02. http://www.oe24.at/welt/Karel-Schwarzenberg-in-OeSTERREICH-Putin-agiert-wie-Adolf-Hitler/134555048 Karl Wendl. Schwarzenberg: "Putin agiert wie Hitler". Tschechiens Ex-Außenminister Karel Schwarzenberg über Präsident Putin. 02. März 2014 18:30. ÖSTERREICH: Sie vergleichen Putin mit Adolf Hitler… Karel Schwarzenberg: Als Hitler den Anschluss Österreichs wollte, hat er erklärt, dass Deutsche in Österreich unterdrückt werden. Als er die Abtrennung der böhmischen Grenzgebiete erzwingen wollte, berief er sich darauf, dass Deutsche in der Tschechoslowakei verfolgt werden. So war es auch in Polen. Das, was jetzt auf der Krim passiert, ist eine Wiederholung der Geschichte. Putin agiert nach demselben Prinzip wie Adolf Hitler. Weil er auf der Krim einmarschieren wollte, brauchte er eine Ausrede, erklärte, dass seine Landsleute unterdrückt werden. Dabei wurde Russen auf der Krim kein Haar gekrümmt, die haben unbeschadet existiert. Nicht einmal ein Schatten von Unterdrückung war vorhanden.
2014.03.03, 9:45. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/afp/140303/putin-hitler-1930s-former-czech-foreign-minister Putin like Hitler in 1930s: former Czech foreign minister. Agence France-Presse March 3, 2014 9:45pm. Russian President Vladimir Putin is repeating history by acting in Crimea much like Adolf Hitler did in central and eastern Europe in the late 1930s, a former Czech foreign minister said in an interview Monday.// "What's happening in Ukraine is history repeating itself," Karel Schwarzenberg said in an interview with Austrian daily Osterreich.// "Putin is acting along the same principle as Adolf Hitler" did during his invasions of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1938 and 1939, he said.// Putin asked Russia's parliament on Saturday to allow him to send troops to Ukraine to protect ethnic Russians in Crimea and elsewhere in southeastern regions of the ex-Soviet country, which has ancient historical and cultural ties to Moscow.// "Since he wanted to invade Crimea, he needed a pretext and said that his compatriots were oppressed," the 76-year-old Schwarzenberg said, adding that Russians in Crimea, where they are a majority, were not facing any discrimination.// "When Hitler wanted to annex Austria, he said that Germans there were oppressed," he said.// Europe should "clearly tell him that this is a violation of law that will not pass," said Schwarzenberg, who served as Czech foreign minister from 2007-2009 and 2010-2013.// Hitler annexed then Czechoslovakia's northern and western regions in 1938 under the pretext of protecting the ethnic German population there. The following year his forces occupied the rest of the country.// Austria was annexed into the Third Reich in March 1938.
2014.03.03. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/john-baird-compares-russia-s-actions-in-ukraine-to-nazi-invasion-of-czechoslovakia-1.2558118 Leslie MacKinnon. John Baird compares Russia's actions in Ukraine to Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia Russian troop presence in Crimea compared to what Germans did in Sudetenland in 1938. CBC News Posted: Mar 03, 2014 3:01 PM ET Last Updated: Mar 04, 2014 12:30 AM ET.
2014.03.03. http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2014/03/03/97001-20140303FILWWW00092-ukraine-poutine-compare-a-hitler.php Ukraine: Poutine comparé à Hitler. 03/03/2014 à 10:08.
2014.03.04. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/john-baird-compares-russia-s-actions-in-ukraine-to-nazi-invasion-of-czechoslovakia-1.2558118 By Leslie MacKinnon. John Baird compares Russia's actions in Ukraine to Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia. Russian troop presence in Crimea compared to what Germans did in Sudetenland in 1938. CBC News Posted: Mar 03, 2014 3:01 PM ET Last Updated: Mar 04, 2014 12:30 AM ET.
2014.03.05, 09:26am. http://www.kspr.com/news/nationworld/Russia-s-occupation-of-Ukraine-1938-again/21051646_24814642 By Timothy Snyder, historian Special to CNN. Russia's occupation of Ukraine: 1938 again? POSTED: 09:26 AM CST Mar 05, 2014
2014.03.05. http://www.capitolhilldaily.com/2014/03/will-crimea-obamas-sudetenland/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=will-crimea-obamas-sudetenland Floyd Brown. Putin Just Borrowed Hitler’s Favorite Pre-War Strategy. Mar 5th, 2014.
2014.03.05, 19:49. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2573810/Hillary-Clinton-compares-Russias-invasion-Ukraine-Hitler-did-30s-ahead-WWII.html MEGHAN KENEALLY. Hillary Clinton compares Russia's invasion of Ukraine to 'what Hitler did back in the 30s' ahead of WWII. 14:17 GMT, 5 March 2014 | UPDATED: 19:49 GMT, 5 March 2014. Plan of attack: President Vladimir Putin has issued Russian passports to any people with Russian descent who live in the Ukraine so he has justification to enter the country to 'protect' Russian citizens
2014.03.06, 05.11.GMT. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/06/hillary-clinton-says-vladimir-putins-crimea-occupation-echoes-hitler Hillary Clinton says Vladimir Putin’s Crimea occupation echoes Hitler. Former US secretary of state says Russian president’s argument that he is protecting his people was used by Nazis in 1930s. 6 March 2014 05.11 GMT
2014.03.06. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/why-there-will-be-war-in-ukraine/495740.html Sergei Markov. Why There Will Be War in Ukraine. Mar 06 2014 00:00 Last edited 21:14. .. I am afraid that Russia will have no other choice but to revert to military means. If the junta leaders want to avoid war, they need to adopt Moscow's peaceful and democratic proposals and adhere to them. .. Sergei Markov is director of the Institute of Political Studies
2014.03.08. http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21598744-having-occupied-crimea-russia-stirring-up-trouble-eastern-ukraine-end The end of the beginning? On February 27th, four days after the end of the Sochi Olympics, Russia in effect occupied Crimea, part of the sovereign territory of Ukraine, under the pretence of protecting its Russian-speaking population. Russian forces based at various installations on the peninsula seized airports, government buildings and broadcasters within hours, and blockaded Ukrainian military bases. ..
2014.03.08. http://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/2014/03/09/Putin-vs-Hitler Charles Lane. Is Putin Hitler? Their worldviews are similar, but Putin is more opportunist than ideologue. March 8, 2014 7:33 PM
2014.03.14. http://www.minnpost.com/eric-black-ink/2014/03/should-us-go-war-russia-over-ukraine Eric Black. Should the U.S. go to war with Russia over Ukraine? 03/14/14. The 1938 "anschluss" merger of Germany and Austria was accomplished after a plebiscite in which the people of Austria agreed to be absorbed. The idea that ethnic Germans in the region of Czechoslovakia (called Sudetenland) were being disrespected was Hitler's excuse for absorbing that territory, then taking over all of Czechoslovakia — and then more, including Poland and then Ukraine, where the Nazis found a huge portion of their victims, including millions of non-Jewish Ukrainians. // Clinton noted in her analogizing diatribe that Hitler's early territorial expansions were accomplished partly by arguing that ethnic Germans were being mistreated in foreign lands and that he (Hitler), as the leader and savior of the Germans, was entitled to rescue them even if it meant disrespecting settled borders. Putin, she noted, has asserted a general right to take action when Russians are mistreated. And there are many neighboring states that have significant Russian minorities. // So if Putin is Hitler and Crimea is the Sudetenland, then Obama is Neville Chamberlain and not sending troops into Crimea is appeasement. ..
2014.03.17. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/03/you-say-fascist-i-say-nazi-201431742329348214.html Marwan Bishara. You say Fascist, I say Nazi. As Ukraine crisis escalates, Vladimir Putin is likened to Adolf Hitler amid other ideocentric follies. Last updated: 17 Mar 2014 12:09
2014.03.20. http://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/05/opinion/russia-ukraine-austria/ Timothy Snyder. If Russia swallows Ukraine, the European system is finished. March 5, 2014 -- Updated 1607 GMT (0007 HKT). .. As Russia continues its military occupation of the Crimean district of Ukraine, as Putin enunciates a doctrine of military intervention in support of ethnic brethren, and the West ponders what might be done, Europeans begin to think again about the 1930s and the origins of World War II. .. The seizure of Crimea was meant as a challenge to the European Union. It is meant to prove that European values cannot defend themselves. Can they?
2014.03.23. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/178802#.UzALMxa5D-k Tova Dvorin. US Senator McCain Compares Putin's Actions to Adolf Hitler's. John McCain calls Crimea 'captive nation,' accuses Russian president of lying about further takeovers. First Publish: 3/23/2014, 4:48 PM
2014.03.23. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38043.htm Ulrich Rippert. German Media Seeks to Paint Putin as New “Hitler”. March 23, 2014.
2014.03.23. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2014/03/24/2003586394 Adam Michnik. Putin acting like mafia boss by imitating Stalin, Hitler. Mon, Mar 24, 2014 - Page 9.
2014.03.31. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/schaeuble-compares-putin-moves-in-crimea-to-policies-of-hitler-a-961696.html Christian Reiermann. Fighting Words: Schäuble Says Putin's Crimea Plans Reminiscent of Hitler. March 31, 2014 – 01:01 PM. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble: A questionable comparison could add fuel to the fire in Crimean crisis. .. On Monday, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said he saw parallels between Vladimir Putin's annexation of Crimea and Adolf Hitler's land grab of Sudetenland.
2014.03.31. http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/krim-krise-schaeubles-putin-hitler-vergleich-sorgt-fuer-wirbel-a-961748.html Florian Gathmann und Philipp Wittrock. Ärger um Schäuble: Merkel distanziert sich von Putin-Hitler-Vergleich. Montag, 31.03.2014 – 18:06 Uhr. "Das kennen wir alles aus der Geschichte", sagte der CDU-Politiker mit Blick auf Russlands Präsidenten Wladimir Putin und dessen Vorgehen auf der Krim. "Mit solchen Methoden hat schon der Hitler das Sudetenland übernommen - und vieles andere mehr."
2014.04.05. http://www.rferl.org/content/russia-crimea-and-the-good-hitler/25322600.html Brian Whitmore. The Kremlin, Crimea, And 'The Good Hitler'. Saturday, April 05, 2014. .. who exactly was this "good Hitler" of whom Migranyan speaks? "We should distinguish between Hitler before 1939 and Hitler after 1939, and separate chaff from grain," he writes. ..
2014.04.23. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/designate-russia-state-sponsor-terrorism/XMjbTltM WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Designate Russia as "State Sponsor of Terrorism" In its unannounced war against Ukraine, Russia relies on covert operations which fall squarely within the definition of "international terrorism" under 18 U.S.C. § 2331. .. Apr 23, 2014.
2014.04.30. http://anyzadam.kz/info/1605/ Құрметпен, Жарылқап ҚАЛЫБАЙ. Қосымша ақпарат. Гитлер мен Путиннің іс-әрекеттерінде ұқсастық бар ма? Бұл сұрақтың нақты жауабын табу үшін біз белгілі тарихшылар мен қоғам қайраткерлерінің пікіріне сүйенейік: .. – Гитлер де 1938 жылы Чехословакияның немістер көп тұратын Судет облысын тура осындай жағдайда референдум өткізіп, өзіне қосып алғанын әлгінде өзіңіз айттыңыз... – Рас, ұқсайды. Бірақ әзірше Путинді Гитлерге ұқсатуға болмайды. Егер осы бағытпен ары қарай кетіп, құныға берсе, онда Гитлерге ұқсап кетуі ықтимал. Симптом бар...
2014.04.30 http://anyzadam.kz/info/1607/ Қосымша ақпарат. Расул ЖҰМАЛЫ: КЕЙБІР МӘСЕЛЕДЕ ПУТИН ГИТЛЕРДЕН ДЕ АСЫП ТҮСКЕН СИЯҚТЫ. (Толық нұсқасын мына нөмірден оқи аласыздар: «АҢЫЗ АДАМ» №8 (92) 2014 жыл). .. Гитлер бұл бірінші қадамымен тоқтаған жоқ. Әлемдік қауымдастық, басқа мемлекеттер көз жұмып қараған соң, өз әрекетін ары қарай жалғастырып, соңынан Австрияны, Венгрияны, Румынияны алды. Ақыр аяғы Екінші дүниежүзілік соғысқа ұласты. Владимир Путиннің кешегі көтеріп отырған мәселелері де сол оқиғалармен ұқсас. Бірақ бұл тұрғыда Путин Гитлерден де асып түскен сияқты. Өйткені 1938 жылы Гитлер тек неміс ұлтының өкілдері жайында сөз қозғаса, Путин тек орыстар ғана емес, орыстілділер деген мәселе көтеріп отыр. ..
2014.05.07. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/demand-russia-de-occupy-territories-moldova-republic-georgia-and-ukraine/Shb8HNfL WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Demand Russia to de-occupy territories of Moldova, Republic of Georgia, and Ukraine To prevent ongoing occupation of Ukraine and future potential occupations of former Soviet republics, such as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Baltic countries, and other, Russian neo-imperial military machine needs to be stopped now. We need to demand Russia to unconditionally withdraw its all armed forces from the territories of Moldova (Transnistria), Georgia (Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region) and Ukraine (Crimea). Until complete de-occupation of all three countries (Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine) happens, total economic embargo on Russia, identical to what Iran, North Korea and other politically similar regimes are experiencing today, should by imposed by the global community. Created: May 07, 2014
2014.05.20. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2634400/Putin-behaving-just-like-Hitler-says-Charles-Princes-controversial-verdict-Russian-leaders-invasion-Ukraine.html REBECCA ENGLISH. 'Putin is behaving just like Hitler', says Charles. Prince's controversial verdict on Russian leader's invasion of Ukraine. 23:53 GMT, 20 May 2014.
2014.05.22. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/impose-personal-sanctions-president-russian-federation-vladimir-putin/HlV9qdDZ WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Impose personal sanctions on President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin Beginning on February 26, pro-Russian forces began to gradually take control of the Crimean peninsula. Many of them were widely believed to be Russian military personnel without insignia. On March 1 Vladimir Putin addressed to the Federation Council for permission to use the armed forces of Russia in Ukraine. On March 18 Russia annexed Crimea. On April 17 Russian president Vladimir Putin confirmed Russian involvement in Crimea, remarking that "Of course, Russian servicemen backed the Crimean self-defense forces".Beginning in April on the Eastern Ukraine, pro-Russian forces began seizing government buildings including seats of local governance, police stations, and other security facilities. We demand to impose personal sanctions on Mr Putin and Cabinet of Ministers of Russian Federation. Created: May 22, 2014.
2014.05.22. http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/borowitzreport/2014/05/an-apology-from-prince-charles.html NDY BOROWITZ. AN APOLOGY FROM PRINCE CHARLES. MAY 22, 2014. .. Putin chap can be a bit Hitlery at times. // Let’s take, for example, his penchant for taking territory that doesn’t belong to him and then adding it to his country and so forth. Would you call that behavior Hitlery or not Hitlery? ..
2014.10.23. https://www.opendemocracy.net/od-russia/alexandr-litoy/for-generation-p-putin-is-russia-cult-of-personality-youth-russia ALEXANDR LITOY. For Generation P, Putin is Russia. 23 October 2014.
2014.10.28. https://cpj.org/reports/road_to_justice2014-english.pdf
Breaking the Cycle of Impunity In the Killing of Journalists. A special report by the Committee to Protect Journalists. Issued October 2014.
Paul Klebnikov, Forbes Russia, July 9, 2004
Pavel Makeev, Puls, May 21, 2005
Magomedzagid Varisov, Novoye Delo, June 28, 2005 Vagif Kochetkov, Trud and Tulsky Molodoi Kommunar, January 8, 2006
Maksim Maksimov, Gorod, november 30, 2006
Magomed Yevloyev, Ingushetiya, august 31, 2008
Telman (Abdulla) Alishayev, TV-Chirkei, September 2, 2008 Natalya Estemirova, Novaya Gazeta, Kavkazsky Uzel, July 15, 2009
Abdulmalik Akhmedilov, Hakikat and Sogratl, august 11, 2009
Gadzhimurad Kamalov, Chernovik, December 15, 2011 Kazbek Gekkiyev, VGTRK, December 5, 2012
Mikhail Beketov, Khimkinskaya Pravda, april 8, 2013 Akhmednabi Akhmednabiyev, Novoye Delo, July 9, 2013
2015.03.30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmTps5SVZko Frontline Putin's Way Documentary 2015. Mar 30, 2015. This documentary investigates the accusations of criminality and corruption that have surrounded Vladimir Putin's reign in Russia. Tracing his career back over two decades, Putin's Way reveals how the accumulation of wealth and power has led to autocratic rule and the specter of a new Cold War.
2014.11.24. http://www.wsj.com/articles/turkey-shoots-down-a-paper-tiger-1448406008 HOLMAN W. JENKINS, JR. Turkey Shoots Down a Paper Tiger. His neighbors don’t find Mr. Putin quite as impressive as some Americans do. Nov. 24, 2015 6:00 p.m. ET. Vladimir Putin is not the master strategist some make him out to be. He’s a gambler and maneuverer whose bold moves are not testaments to vision or cojones but to the unhealthiness of his domestic political situation. .. Otto Dietrich, Hitler’s press aide, noted the Fuhrer’s own devolution from “domestic reformer” into a “foreign-policy desperado and gambler in international politics,” who “began to hate objections to his views and doubts on their infallibility. . . . He wanted to speak, but not to listen.” ..
Adolf Hitler, Aggression, Bolshevism, Demand Russia to de-occupy territories of Moldova, Republic of Georgia, and Ukraine, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Fascism, KGB, Russia, Russism, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Stop Putin, Terror, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin