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Original-fwd.jpg Ukrainian jet shout-down by two missiles Tor-M1 [1]

Tor-M1 is the Soviet-Russian missile system, proven to be efficient for a terroristic attack against a passenger airplane.

USSR and Russia

The Tor-M1 is essentially Soviet missile. Tor is designed in the USSR, and, since 1986, the mass production is reported [1][2].

Аfter the collapse of the USSR, the production becomes impossible. [3]

The Soviet Tor-M1 could been sold to China, Grece and Iran in 2007 February [3][4].

2020.01.21, the Latimes indicate, that "In 2017, Iran received the delivery of 29 TOR-M1 units from Russia under a contract worth an estimated $700 million" [5]. In such a way, the Tor-M1 could be delivered to Iran after beginning of the Russian invasion into Ukraine (2014.02.20), and, perhaps, with the specific goal of terroristic attack (Hybrid war) against Ukrainian airplanes.

The Soviet missile system is complicated and require assistance of the Russian personal for the operation. Then, the accidental launch of the missile on a wrong target is believed to be impossible. [6]


The two Tor-M1 missiles seem to be used to shut-down the Ukraine airplane Boeing 737-800 2020.01.08,6:15 am in vicinity of Teheran. [7]

The secret Russian ihtamnet seem to perform the terroristic attack. Then, during 3 days, 2020.01.08, 2020.01.09, 2020.01.10, the Iranian administration cannot detect nor identify the terrorists [8].
During these days, the official Russian propaganda deny the involvement of the Russian missiles and claim, that the tragedy is result of an accident; the disaster is interpreted as result of failure of equipment of the airplane.[9] For this reason, the preliminary version of this article is entitled 2020.01.08.Crash.

2020.01.11, after 3 days, the terrorists are revealed, and the Iranian administration recognize them as part of their military machine. The Iranian officials claim that the launch of the two missiles against the passenger airplane is an "unforgivable mistake" [10].

At last two missiles Tor-M1 seem to be shipped to the Iranian terrorists bu the Russian administration through the Putin Voentorg; perhaps, together with the Russian operators. Such an operation is possible due to the total corruption of the Russian administration [11].

The criminal officials, handling the powerful weapon, are qualified as a monkey with grenade (Обезьяна с гранатой). In addition to the robbery of the belonging of the victims, the attack may have an additional motivation as part of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, see Russian invasion into Ukraine.


Other kinds of Russian missiles are also reported to attack the passenger airplanes.

In the case of the terroristic attack on the Malaysian airplane, performing flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, the single Russian missile buk is reported to be used.

As in the case of Tor-M1, the terroristic attack with missile buk is calmed to be "unintentional", mistalen. However, such an interpretations do not match with reports of plundering of belongings of the killed passengers and the crew by the terrorists.

State sponsor of terrorism

Use of the Russian missiles Tor-M1 for the terroristic attack confirms the status of Russia as state sponsor of terrorism. Thousands people over the world think, that it is necessary to Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism.


Publicaions about the Tor-M1 missile system are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals.

Elimination of the Russian terrorists does not belong to set of these goals. In particular, evidences, collected in the cited literature, should not be interpreted as justification of physical elimination of the Russian officials nor physical destruction of the Russian military bases.

Articles at the scientific site should not be interpreted as an appeal to perform such an action, nor to avoid such an action (while other methods of expulsing of the aggressors from the occupied territories seem to be not efficient, see I bombed Dresden).


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Сергей Мингазов. Украинский пассажирский самолет в Иране был сбит двумя ракетами ЗРК «Тор-М1». Об этом говорится в отчете Организации гражданской авиации Ирана. 21 января, 02:19.
  2. Валерий Шарифулин. Чем интересен зенитный комплекс «Тор» и откуда он у Ирана? 10 января 2020, 14:34. .. Что такое «Тор» // Это советский и российский зенитно-ракетный комплекс, впервые принятый на вооружение в 1986 году и с тех пор неоднократно модернизированный. В случае с Ираном речь идет о модификации «Тор-М1». // Комплекс нужен для противоракетной и противовоздушной обороны – он способен самостоятельно мониторить воздушное пространство и поражать практически любые летающие объекты, от самолетов до крылатых ракет.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 ЗРК "Тор-М1" После принятия на вооружение комплекса «Тор-М1» в 1991 г. произошел распад Советского Союза, и, как его следствие, развал кооперации по производству этого комплекса. .. По состоянию на февраль 2007 года ЗРК "Тор-М1" экспортировался в следующие страны: Китай Греция (несколько комплексов Греция передала Кипру в обмен на размещение на греческом острове Крит киприотских ЗРК С-300ПМУ1) Иран (12 ЗРК "Тор-М1-1" на гусеничном шасси и 17 ЗРК "Тор-М1Т" в двухкабинном варианте на автомобильном шасси и полуприцепе).
  4. Валерий Ширяев. Главная улика — шрапнель. 15:46 10 января 2020. ..Жуткая ошибка или «обезьяна с гранатой»? .. В 2007 году Иран получил последние из 29 комплексов 9К331 «Тор-М1», купленных им в России по межправительственному соглашению. Это система ближнего радиуса действия (дальность стрельбы не более 12 км), ее можно использовать и для обороны аэропортов. .. «Тор-М1» стрелял по удаляющейся от аэропорта цели. Сам комплекс оборудован вполне современными системами опознавания целей и на такой короткой дистанции перепутать ракету/беспилотник с огромным лайнером невозможно. .. Случаи, когда зенитная ракета по разным причинам после пуска перенацеливается на другую цель, известны. .. Кроме того, вести стрельбу в районе взлетно-посадочной полосы международного аэропорта можно только в самых отчаянных обстоятельствах. .. Редакция «Новой газеты» выражает глубокие соболезнования близким и родным жертв трагедии украинского «боинга» под Тегераном 8 января 2020 года. .. Андрей Даль 10 января 2020, 16:52. "Сам комплекс оборудован вполне современными системами опознавания целей и на такой короткой дистанции перепутать ракету/беспилотник с огромным лайнером невозможно." Просто это лишний раз доказывает, что наши власти снова доверили гранату "обезьяне". МН17, Ил-20, Б-737 - и каждый раз одни и те же слова - "перепутать невозможно". .. Эдуард Габбасов 10 января 2020, 17:27. Один в один как с боингом сбитым над Донбасом в 2014г.
  5. By ASSOCIATED PRESS, JON GAMBRELL. Iran acknowledges Russian-made missiles targeted Ukrainian jet. JAN. 21, 2020 8:11 AM. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Iran acknowledged Tuesday that its armed forces fired two Russian antiaircraft missiles at a Ukrainian jetliner that crashed after taking off from Tehran’s main airport earlier this month, killing all 176 people on board. // The new preliminary report by Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization, however, stopped short of blaming the TOR-M1 for the crash of the Boeing 737-800, flown by Ukraine International Airways. // For days after the Jan. 8 shoot-down, Iran denied that it fired missiles at the plane, initially blaming a technical malfunction and engine fire for the crash. // The new report identified the missiles fired at the aircraft as coming from the TOR-M1. In 2017, Iran received the delivery of 29 TOR-M1 units from Russia under a contract worth an estimated $700 million.
  6. Jeremy Bogaisky. If Iranian Troops Really Thought Ukraine Flight 752 Was A Cruise Missile, They Made A ‘Hail Mary’ Shot. Jan 15, 2020, 08:44pm. It’s unclear how the SA-15 operators could have misidentified an airliner as a hostile aircraft, much less a much smaller and faster cruise missile. (See scale drawings below of a 737-800 and a cruise missile.) The 737 was flying on a commonly used departure path from Tehran’s Iman Khomeini airport, climbing to 8,000 feet at a relatively sedate airspeed of 315 mph. Cruise missiles usually fly close to the ground at altitudes under 250 feet, and at speeds of 550 mph and up. // The airliner was equipped with a functioning transponder that would have transmitted a unique identification code, or squawk signal, to the SA-15 if the operators took the proper steps to send out an interrogation signal. // The SA-15 is also equipped with a telescope system that was added to Soviet SAM batteries to allow operators to take aim visually if their guidance radar is jammed. Essentially a TV camera with a large telephoto lens, if one of the soldiers had used it, he would have been able to see the tell-tale blinking navigation lights of the 737. // Another discordant note is that the air defense unit is said to have determined that the object they were tracking was a cruise missile when it was 19 km away. Given the small size of a cruise missile, the SA-15’s search radar isn’t able to produce a stable targeting track to shoot at from so far away, Kopp says. Only a large object like the 737 would.// “When the IRGC leadership say the operators thought it was a cruise missile, it says to an expert that the operators did not understand the limitations of their equipment,” he says. .. The SA-15 Gauntlet is a system developed toward the end of the Soviet Union, and its controls reflect the makeup of the air defense troops in the country’s conscript army, Kopp and Bronk say, which provided a pool of university students pursuing science and engineering degrees and others with a good basic level of education. // As opposed to the all-volunteer U.S. military, which can design weapons systems with deceptively simple user interfaces that contain a complicated range of options that it heavily invests in training soldiers on, Soviet air defense systems have “a load of buttons and switches on the consoles,” says Bronk, but most do one thing only.
  7. Arsalan Shahla. Iran Says Ukrainian Jet Was Downed by Two Short-Range Missiles. January 21, 2020, 6:02 AM GMT+9 Updated on January 21, 2020, 8:41 AM GMT+9 A Ukrainian passenger plane that crashed after taking off from the Iranian capital on Jan. 8 was downed by two short-range surface-to-air missiles, Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization said in a second preliminary investigation report. The Tor-M1 missiles were launched at the Kyiv-bound Boeing 737-800 jetliner from the north, according to the report. // Plane took off from Tehran at 6:12 a.m. local time and lost all contact with air traffic control at 8,100 feet Aircraft disappeared from secondary surveillance radar screens at 6:15 a.m. and from primary surveillance radars at 6:18 a.m. Aircraft moved past a residential area and its first physical contact with the ground was at a public park. Plane was torn apart as it moved through a football pitch, nearby farmland and gardens The retrieved flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder are “some of the most advanced equipment of their kind in the world” and Iran lacks the facilities to decode them French and U.S. accident investigation agencies have refused to send necessary equipment to Iran for decoding the black boxes
  8. 81/81/81 بسمه تعالي .. On Wednesday, 08 January 2020, at 05:15 local time, the scheduled flight No.AUI752 en-route Tehran Imam Khomeini INT'L Airport (OIIE) to Kyiv Boryspol INT'L Airport(UKBB), Boing 737-800, UR-PSR operated by Ukraine International Airlines exited from the aircraft stand at parking at 05:45 and took off from RWY 29R at 06:13. The flight continued to climb while controlled by Imam Khomeini control tower, then was delivered to approach unit at Mehrabad Airport, and was approved to climb to 26'000 feet. After losing contact with ATC Unit at time 06:18, the aircraft crashed near Sabashahr, located on Tehran outskirts. ..
  9. Возгорание двигателя назвали причиной крушения самолета в Иране. 09:04 08.01.2020 (обновлено: 11:42 08.01.2020) КАИР, 8 янв - РИА Новости. Возгорание двигателя стало причиной крушения украинского пассажирского самолета после взлета из Тегерана, сообщил агентству IRNA официальный представитель международного аэропорта Тегерана. "Украинский самолет вылетел сегодня утром из аэропорта Тегерана в Киев, но из-за возгорания двигателя по причине технической неисправности он разбился неподалеку от аэропорта к югу от Тегерана", - сказал представитель аэропорта. // Украинский лайнер потерпел крушение утром в среду у тегеранского международного аэропорта имени имама Хомейни. На борту самолета находились 167 пассажиров и девять членов экипажа. МИД Украины со ссылкой на предварительные данные авиакомпании "Международные авиалинии Украины" сообщил, что пассажиры и экипаж самолета погибли. ..
  10. Iran admits 'unforgivable mistake' of downing Ukrainian jet// The Ukrainian passenger jet had crashed shortly after taking off from an airport in Tehran, killing all 176 people on board. Iran said the plane was mistaken for a "hostile target amid heightened tensions with the US.// Iran recognizes culpability in fatal Ukrainian jet crash// .. Hassan Rouhani @HassanRouhani The Islamic Republic of Iran deeply regrets this disastrous mistake. // My thoughts and prayers go to all the mourning families. I offer my sincerest condolences. … Hassan Rouhani @HassanRouhani Armed Forces’ internal investigation has concluded that regrettably missiles fired due to human error caused the horrific crash of the Ukrainian plane & death of 176 innocent people. Investigations continue to identify & prosecute this great tragedy & unforgivable mistake. #PS752 1:43 PM - Jan 11, 2020
  11. Д.Медведев. Вступительное слово на заседании Совета по противодействию коррупции. 30 сентября 2008 года, 16:25 Москва, Кремль. Д.Медведев: Коррупция в нашей стране приобрела не просто масштабный характер, она стала привычным, обыденным явлением, которое характеризует саму жизнь в нашем обществе... .. "Tor-M1", introduced in 1991 with the 9M331 missile, with greatly improved missile accuracy[4] and the ability to engage two targets simultaneously, minimum range 1.5 km (0.93 mi), minimum height 10 m. ..


2020.01.08.Crash, Corruption, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Hague Hybrid war, Ihtamnet, Katyn-2, MH17, Nuremberg-2, Putin world war, Russia, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Stop Putin, Terror, USSR,