Difference between revisions of "File:Molkino720x972.png"
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[[Molkino720x972.png]] is map of the [[Buffer zone at Russia]] ([[Санитарная Зона]]) from the |
[[Molkino720x972.png]] is map of the [[Buffer zone at Russia]] ([[Санитарная Зона]]) from the |
[[SeveromorskAirbase]] ([[Авиабаза Североморск]]) at North (top picture) |
[[SeveromorskAirbase]] ([[Авиабаза Североморск]]) at North (top picture) |
− | to the [[ |
+ | to the [[Mozdok Airbase]] (and nearby arsenal) at South. |
During the [[Putin world war]], the Russian strategic and military objects [[Buffer zone at Russia]] are [[legitimate military targets]].<br> |
During the [[Putin world war]], the Russian strategic and military objects [[Buffer zone at Russia]] are [[legitimate military targets]].<br> |
Latest revision as of 19:02, 28 September 2024
Molkino720x972.png is map of the Buffer zone at Russia (Санитарная Зона) from the SeveromorskAirbase (Авиабаза Североморск) at North (top picture) to the Mozdok Airbase (and nearby arsenal) at South.
During the Putin world war, the Russian strategic and military objects Buffer zone at Russia are legitimate military targets.
All the staff, warplanes and the installations at the Severomorsk Airbase are supposed to undergo
the demilitarization and
the denazification at the
transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory.
The Molkino Arsenal (See the bottom map) is used to form the name of the picture.
Aerodromes of the Severomorsk Airbase are mentioned among other targets of the Buffer Zone at Russia (Санитарная зона) in the spisok.txt below and marked in the map at right.
spisok.txt and map
At a small screen, the map is supposed to overlap the text.
69.0308,33.4223 1 Severomorsk-1 0 15 15 (relative position and size of label)
69.0158,33.2915 2 Severomorsk-2 4 4 8 (seems to be not used in y.2024)
68.8584,33.7242 1 Severomorsk-3 5 5 15
68.1603,33.4637 1 Авиабаза_Оленья 8 8 15 Olenya_Airbase
62.9821,40.7771 1 Плесецкая_Военная_База_Мирный 6 8 12
62.9799,40.7678 2 Vh08342 7 8 12 «5я площадка»
62.9599,40.6831 2 Космодром_Плесецк 6 5 8
62.9667,40.7343 2 PlesetskArsenalU 5 4 12 Plesetsk_Arsenal
62.7217,40.4872 1 Plesetsk_Airbase 5 2 12 "Военный-аэродром-Плесецк"
59.2366,38.4945 2 ГЭС -10 9 9
59.1914,39.1298 1 Fedotovo_Airbase 4 11 15
59.1449,38.5354 2 L59.1449z38.5354 9 8 8 компрессоры газовода
59.0973,38.6277 1 Korzhavino_Arsenal -70 -4 12 Арсенал Коржавино
58.0124,56.1949 1 Zavod_Dzerjinskogo -80 16 12 Завод Дзержинского
58.0100,33.3261 1 ValdaiCluster 4 7 14 Валдайский Дворец
57.9710,60.0751 1 Уралвагонзавод -36 -2 12
57.9710,60.0751 1 Uralvagonzavod -36 -14 12
57.7905,28.3879 1 Pskov 5 8 12 Авиабаза Псков
57.2969,28.4319 1 Остров 5 8 12 Авиабаза Остров
56.8286,35.7618 1 Migalovo 5 10 12 Авиабаза Мигалово
56.5011,31.7205 1 Цикарево -20 18 12
56.3616,31.6450 1 Рясно -20 -3 12 Ryasno Arsenal
56.2486,34.1266 1 Мончалово 3 10 9 Vh67730
56.1558,41.4565 1 Esino 6 8 12 Арсенал Эсино
56.1004,38.7665 1 Barsovo -12 15 9 Арсенал Барсово
55.8890,38.0639 1 Chka.. 3 2 10 Авиабаза Чкаловский
55.8638,49.1227 1 Kazan_Airbase 6 8 12 Авиабаза Казань
55.7503,37.6218 1 ФСО -32 6 11
55.7352,37.2019 2 Новоогарево 6 8 8
55.5763,37.7716 1 Капотня 4 2 10
55.4468,42.3102 1 Savasleika 6 8 11 Авиабаза Саваслейка
55.2569,61.2985 1 Shagol -12 15 12 Авиабаза Шагол
54.6560,39.5774 1 Diagilevo_Airbase 5 6 12 Авиабаза Дягилево
54.2448,58.0812 1 Yamantau 4 9 13 Яманский Дворец Путина
54.2356,34.3811 1 Shaikovka 5 9 11 Авиабаза Шайковка
53.7153,33.3464 1 Sesha 5 7 11 Авиабаза Сеща
53.1424,34.9551 1 Karachev_Arsenal 5 7 10
52.7451,32.2501 1 Klintsy 5 7 11 Клинцы, Vh12721, Вч 12721
52.6415,39.4610 1 Lipetsk 6 7 12 Авиабаза Липецк
51.7535,36.3073 1 Kursk 4 8 11 Авиабаза Курск
51.6226,39.1611 1 Voronezh 2 12 10 Авиабаза Воронеж
51.4880,46.2619 1 Engels 6 8 12 Авиабаза Энгельс
51.3633,42.1852 1 Borisoglebsk -16 -3 10 Авиабаза Борисоглебск
50.6412,36.5910 1 Belgorod 5 8 10 Авиабаза Белгород
48.9512,40.3076 1 Millerovo 4 8 9 Авиабаза Миллерово
48.7950,44.6040 1 Volgograd -13 15 8 Волгоградский воензавод
48.6386,43.7851 1 Marinovka -22 -2 8 Авиабаза Мариновка
48.3165,41.7846 1 Morosovsk -24 -2 8 Авиабаза Морозовск
48.2961,46.2071 1 Ahtubinsk -26 -3 9 Авиабаза Ахтубинск
47.2787,39.6575 1 Rostov 5 8 10 Авиабаза Ростов
46.6995,38.2390 1 Eisk -16 -3 10 Авиабаза Ейск
46.5327,39.5427 1 Kuschevka_Airbase 5 8 10 Кущевка
45.8783,40.1073 1 Авиабаза_Тихорецкий 5 8 10 Tihoretski Airbase
45.8873,40.0396 2 Tihoretski_Arsenal 5 8 9
44.9622,38.0046 1 Krymsk_Airbase 4 10 10 Авиабаза Крымск
44.7801,39.2083 1 Арсенал_Молькино 4 4 8 (Vagner Residence)
44.7074,37.8497 1 Port -24 6 10 Порт Новороссийск
44.4192,38.2052 1 Геленджикский_Дворец -44 -3 10
43.7829,44.5990 1 Mozdok 4 8 12
43.7398,44.5239 2 Mozdok_Arsenal 5 6 8 Arsenal Mozdok
Only a small part of the targets are in the spisok.txt above.
The professionals are supposed to work with more complete list [1][2][3].
Generator of URL
<?php $a=file("spisok.txt"); $N=count($a); printf("N=%2d\n",$N); $o="https://www.google.com/maps/dir"; //FSO anyway for($n=0;$n<$N;$n++) { $b=explode(" ",trim($a[$n])); $M=count($b); if($M<2) break; sscanf($b[1],"%d",$v); printf("%2d %2d %s %1d\n",$n,$M,$b[0], $v); if($v<2) $o.="/".$b[0]; } $o.='//@60,90,5z/data=!3m1?hl=ru'; echo $o,"\n"; //system("open ".$o); ?>
Draft of labels
<?php $a=file("spisok.txt"); $N=count($a); printf("N=%2d\n",$N); //$o="https://www.google.com/maps/dir/55.7503,37.6218"; $o=fopen("M.txt","w"); $R=978.; // scale $s=sin((M_PI/180.)*41.); $y0=.5*$R * log((1.+$s)/(1.-$s)) ; // Bottom of the map is at 41N for($n=2;$n<$N;$n++) { $b=explode(" ",trim($a[$n])); $M=count($b); sscanf($b[1],"%d",$v); if($v>1) continue; sscanf($b[0],"%f,%f",$L,$D); printf("L=%7.4f D=%7.4f <br>\n",$L,$D); $s=sin((M_PI/180.)*$L); echo "s=$s "; $x=$R*M_PI/180 * ($D-22.); // letf side of the map ia at 22E $y=.5*$R * log((1.+$s)/(1.-$s)) - $y0 ; printf("x=%8.2f y=%8.2f\n",$x,$y); $X=intval($x-3.); $Y=intval($y+4.); fprintf($o,"{{put|%d|%d|10|*}}",$X,$Y); sscanf($b[3],"%d",$U); sscanf($b[4],"%d",$V); sscanf($b[5],"%d",$W); printf("XYZ= %2d %2d %2d\n",$U,$V,$W); $X=intval($x+$U); $Y=intval($y+$V); fprintf($o," {{put|%d|%d|%d|%s}}\n",$X,$Y,$W,$b[2]); } fclose($o); //system("cat M.txt") ?>

Russian President Boris Yeltsin, left, American President Bill Clinton, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, and British Prime Minister John Major, extreme right, sign the Budapest memorandum 1994.12.05 [4]
Publications about aerodromes of the SeveromorskAirbase are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals. One of these goals is to estimate size and shape of the Buffer zone at Russia (Санитарная зона) necessary to protect Ukraine from the Russian aggression,
The loading of the maps is not an attempt to teach the representatives of the Anti-Putin coalition,
in what sequence, in what order and how the Russian strategic and military objects should be demilitarized and denazified for the fastest fulfilling of the guarantees specified in Budapest memorandum.
The Budapest memorandum does not put any restrictions on methods that may be used and should be used to create the country that had since that memorandum but brutally violate its conditions. In this sense,
any weapon can be applied against the aggressor.
Editor supposes, that the Anti-Putin coalition already have more detailed and better verified list of the Russian military targets [1][2][3].
Also, Editor hopes the representatives of the USA and the UK to find answers on very important questions:
1. «What do we care for a memorandum twenty years old?» [5]
2. «What for should our country follow the obligations signed several cadences ago?»
3. «Isn't following the international agreements too expensive for us?»
4. «Why should we fulfill our international agreements?»
However, Editor keeps his right to call things with their proper names, to construct the historic models and to compare their predictions with later publications.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 2024.08.28. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/08/28/politics/ukrainian-officials-biden-administration-russia-targets/index.html Senior Ukrainian officials to present Biden admin with list of targets in Russia this week, lawmaker says .. By Jennifer Hansler, Oren Liebermann, Katie Bo Lillis and Kayla Tausche, CNN .. Published 5:48 PM EDT, Wed August 28, 2024 // ‘No difference how deep the targets are’ ..
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2024.08.29. https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/ukraine-to-give-biden-admin--list-of-potential-russian-targe Ukraine to hand Biden admin. list of potential Russian targets // By Al Mayadeen English // Source: CNN 29 Aug 2024 18:28 // Top Ukrainian officials are set to meet with US officials to attempt to persuade the White House to lift restrictions on long-range weapons strikes on Russian territory.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 2024.08.30. https://www.dw.com/en/ukrainian-officials-to-present-us-with-list-of-russian-targets/video-70093413 Ukraine to present US with list of Russian targets .. Ralph Martin 08/30/2024 August 30, 2024 Ukrainian officials are visiting Washington to persuade the US to lift restrictions on long-range weapons. The US supplied Ukraine with long-range missile systems but has thus far barred the use of them inside Russian territory.
- ↑ https://www.belfercenter.org/event/ukraines-nuclear-disarmament-25-years-after-budapest-memorandum Ukraine’s Nuclear Disarmament: 25 Years After the Budapest Memorandum. Fri., Dec. 6, 2019 | 8:30am - 5:30pm.
- ↑ https://www.gutenberg.org/files/236/236-h/236-h.htm#link2H_4_0001 Rudyard Kipling. THE JUNGLE BOOK. Release Date: January 16, 2006 [EBook #236] Last Updated: October 6, 2016. .. Akela lifted his head again and said, “He has eaten our food. He has slept with us. He has driven game for us. He has broken no word of the Law of the Jungle.”// “Also, I paid for him with a bull when he was accepted. The worth of a bull is little, but Bagheera’s honor is something that he will perhaps fight for,” said Bagheera in his gentlest voice.// “A bull paid ten years ago!” the Pack snarled. “What do we care for bones ten years old?”// “Or for a pledge?” said Bagheera, his white teeth bared under his lip. ..
«Annexation of Crimes», «Budapest memorandum», «Demilitarization», «Denazification», «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism», «Designate Russia as terrorist state», «Molkino», «Moscovia», «Olenya Airbase», «Pahanat», «Putin world war», «Russian invasion into Ukraine», «Russki mir», «Severomorsk-1», «Severomorsk-2», «Severomorsk-3», «SeveromorskAirbase», «Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory», «[[]]»,
«А нас то за что», «Авиабаза Оленья», «Авиабаза Североморск», «Аннексия Крыма», «Арсенал_Молькино», «Будапештский меморандум», «[[]]», «Молькино», «Московия», «[[]]», «Перенос боевых действий на территорию страны агрессора», «Путинская мировая война», «Российское вторжение в Украину», «Русский мир», «Санитарная Зона», «Санитарная зона», «[[]]», «Спецоперация», «[[]]»,
File history
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 19:00, 28 September 2024 | ![]() | 720 × 972 (119 KB) | T (talk | contribs) | ==Keywords== «Annexation of Crimes», «Budapest memorandum», «Demilitarization», «Denazification», «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism», «Designate Russia as terrorist state», «Molkino», «[[Moscovia... |
You cannot overwrite this file.
File usage
The following 2 pages use this file:
- Picx
- Annexation of Crimes
- Budapest memorandum
- Buffer Zone at Russia
- Demilitarization
- Denazification
- Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism
- Designate Russia as terrorist state
- Map
- Molkino
- Moscovia
- Olenya Airbase
- Pahanat
- Putin world war
- Russian invasion into Ukraine
- Russki mir
- Severomorsk-1
- Severomorsk-2
- Severomorsk-3
- SeveromorskAirbase
- Target
- Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory