Annexation of Greenland

Annexation of Greenland is American project of territorial expansion of the USA.
The name of the article is chosen because Greenland is marked as the primary goal of the project.
2025.01.26, Jennifer Rankin (TheGuardian) indicates that «Donald Trump says residents of Greenland want to be part of US» [2]

The main interest in war between the USA and Europe seems to be in interests of Trumo's accomplice putin, see Trump as KGB agent (Trump is KGB agent).
The main interest of American offees in Greenland seems to be the demonstration of loyalty wit h respect to Trump and Putin, but also the money laundering with pretest of exploration of the minerals.
The plan of Annexation of Greenland seems to follow the standard KGB method: to send to Greenland ihtamnets, to perform the okupendum, to give the Greenlanders some money and to push them away from Greenland, converting it to a Russian military base - in analogy with that Putin did with the Annexation of Crimea, in order to scale-up the putin world war to even higher level, trying to approach or even superate the World War II.
Some authors expect, that instead of capital punishment for the war crimes, Trump and Putin may get the Nobel price for peace (for organization of the new world war) [5][6]. According to Donald Trump, the Appeasing aggression and collaboration with the war crime putin deserves such an award [7].
The main pretext for the invasion into Greenland seems to be also usual KGB scheme: the claim that the people of Greenland want to sell their land to the USA.
Project of Annexation of Greenland has very sad historic analogies; many authors afraid of this project and express the wish to resist it.
Project of Annexation of Greenland has the following analogies:
Anschluss (annexation of Austria by Germany 1938)
annexation of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia by the USSR in 1940
annexation of Karelia by the USSR in 1945
seizing of Ichkeria by RF in 2000,
Annexation of Crimea by RF in 2014.
The project Annexation of Greenland causes not only the
«strong worries» and «deep concerns»,
but also expressions of will to resist the annexation.
By the analogies mentioned, one may expect Donald Trump to organize some remake of the
Gleiwitz incident in the North-East of the USA in order to use is as a pretest to begin
the full-scale war against other NATO countries.
Such a case should be strong verification of concept «Trump is KGB agent».
Some selected opinions are collected below.
2024.12.23, DW: to buy Greenlandönland-panama-panamakanal-kontrolle/a-71142917
Trump möchte Grönland den USA einverleiben
23.12.2024 23. Dezember 2024
Schon in seiner ersten Amtszeit wollte Donald Trump die zum Königreich Dänemark gehörende Insel kaufen. Nun bringt er Grönland erneut ins Spiel. Panama wies derweil eine Drohung des designierten US-Präsidenten zurück.
2024.12.28, Resistance, defend Island!
Dinamarca destinará 1.300 millones para la seguridad en Groenlandia tras el interés de Trump en la isla
28/12/2024 Actualizado a las 23:34h.
Antes incluso de mudarse a la Casa Blanca, Trump se ha referido a la «necesidad absoluta» de «poseer y controlar» Groenlandia. Además de las tres bases americanas de investigación, que durante la II Guerra Mundial y la Guerra Fría operaron como bases militares, EE.UU. ambiciona las grandes reservas de petróleo, oro, cobre, tierras raras, rubíes y zafiros. El deshielo está haciendo accesibles grandes cantidades de minerales como el litio, el hafnio o el tántalo y está abriendo nuevas rutas de navegación cruciales para plantar cara a la hegemonía comercial de China, que ya ha intentado sin éxito participar en la construcción de dos nuevos aeropuertos en la isla.
Dinamarca ha reaccionado de inmediato a las declaraciones de Trump. Troels Lund Poulsen, ministro de Defensa danés, ha anunciado una nueva partida presupuestaria de 1.300 millones de euros para la Defensa de la isla. Además de dos nuevos buques de inspección de la clase Thetis y dos nuevos aviones no tripulados de largo alcance, en las últimas horas han sido enviados a Groenlandia dos equipos adicionales de perros de trineo y el ejército danés se prepara para reforzar el personal de su Comando de Groenlandia.
2025.01.07, ABC: grabs of Panama Canal, Greenland, even by force
Trump threatens land grabs of Panama Canal, Greenland, even by force. Can he?: ANALYSIS
The president-elect claims it’s vital for national and economic security.
ByShannon K. Kingston January 7, 2025, 7:05 PM
As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to assume later this month, he is ramping up his threats to take over a critical shipping artery and a strategic foreign land -- suggesting he could even use military force to do so.
"I'm not going to commit to that," Trump said on Tuesday when asked if he would rule out using the U.S. military to gain control of the Panama Canal and Greenland during a news conference at Mar-a-Lago.
2025.01.08, BBC: And Panama!
Trump ramps up threats to gain control of Greenland and Panama Canal 8 January 2025
Alys Davies & Mike Wendling BBC News
Watch: Trump says US needs Greenland and Canada for 'national security'
President-elect Donald Trump has reiterated his desire for the US to acquire Greenland and the Panama Canal, calling both critical to American national security.
2025.01.08, CNN: Greenland, Panama, Mexico Trump’s threats to Greenland, Canada and Panama explain everything about America First
Stephen Collinson .. Updated 4:47 AM EST, Wed January 8, 2025
Donald Trump’s imperialist designs on Greenland, Canada and Panama often sound like the ramblings of a real estate shark who equates foreign and trade policy to a hunt for new deals.
But there’s method in his expansionist mindset. Trump, in his unique way, is grappling with national security questions the US must face in a new world shaped by China’s rise, the inequalities of globalization, melting polar ice and great power instability.
2025.01.08, Asahi: Even by force
パナマ運河とグリーンランドの奪取に軍事力も? トランプ氏否定せず .. ワシントン=下司佳代子 サンパウロ=軽部理人2025年1月8日 9時24分
2025.01.17: to take over Greenland
Efter verdensomtalt besøg: Nøglefigur i Trumps plan om at overtage Grønland mødte politiker i Nuuk
Central embedsmand fra Donald Trumps første forsøg på at købe Grønland mødte grønlandsk politiker, erhvervsfolk og Trump-støtte.
17. JAN KL. 06:25
Donald Trump Jr.’s korte besøg i Nuuk i sidste uge skabte røre både lokalt og internationalt.
Men han er ikke den eneste amerikaner med tætte bånd til Donald Trump, der har været i Grønland, mens USA’s kommende præsident har gentaget sit ønske om at overtage øen fra Danmark.
Det kan DR nu fortælle i samarbejde med det grønlandske medie KNR.
I slipstrømmen på præsidentsønnens besøg landede en mand ved navn Thomas Dans i sidste uge i Nuuk.
Som højtplaceret embedsmand i Donald Trumps første regering har han været dybt involveret i USA’s planer om at gøre Grønland amerikansk.
Det arbejde har han fortsat, efter Donald Trump har forladt Det Hvide Hus.
Under det flere dage lange besøg i Grønland har Thomas Dans blandt andet mødtes med Kuno Fencker, der sidder i det grønlandske parlament for det socialdemokratiske parti Siumut, og med den lokale Trump-entusiast Jørgen Boassen, der var med til at arrangere Donald Trump Jr.’s besøg i sidste uge.
2025.01.17: Greenland is not for sale
Danish PM to Trump: Greenland is not for sale
Friday, Jan. 17, 10:57
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has told US President-elect Donald Trump that Denmark will not agree to sell Greenland to the United States.
Trump has said the US should claim Greenland, an autonomous Danish territory, for national security purposes.
The Prime Minister's Office said Frederiksen had a telephone conversation with Trump on Wednesday. It said Frederiksen told Trump that Greenland is not for sale, and it is up to Greenland itself to decide on independence.
Frederiksen told reporters on Thursday that Trump has not withdrawn his threats of punitive tariffs on imports from Denmark.
She said Denmark is in a serious situation and she doesn't want to have any kind of conflict with Americans in the trade area.
Danish businesses are concerned about a possible trade conflict with the US.
Frederiksen met representatives of major Danish businesses, including pharmaceuticals, beer, and the country's iconic toy blocks, on Thursday. She is believed to have briefed them on the latest situation.
The prime minister said she will continue the dialogue with Trump after he takes office next week.
2025.01.28, BBC: following Hitler and Putin, occupendum
Trump says he believes US will 'get Greenland' 26 January 2025
Ian Aikman BBC News
President Donald Trump has said he believes the US will gain control of Greenland, after showing renewed interest in acquiring the autonomous Danish territory in recent weeks.
"I think we're going to have it," he told reporters on Air Force One on Saturday, adding that the island's 57,000 residents "want to be with us".
His comments come after reports that Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen insisted Greenland was not for sale in a fiery phone call with the president last week.
Trump floated the prospect of buying the vast Arctic territory during his first term in 2019, and has said US control of Greenland is an "absolute necessity" for international security.
"I think the people want to be with us," Trump said when asked about the island in the press room on board the presidential plane.
"I don't really know what claim Denmark has to it, but it would be a very unfriendly act if they didn't allow that to happen because it's for the protection of the free world," he added.
"I think Greenland we'll get because it has to do with freedom of the world," Trump continued.
"It has nothing to do with the United States other than that we're the one that can provide the freedom. They can't."
Despite Trump's apparent confidence, the prime ministers of Greenland and Denmark have both previously said the island was not for sale.
Greenland's PM Mute Egede said use of the territory's land was "Greenland's business", though he did express a willingness to work more closely with the US on defence and mining.
Meanwhile, Danish premiere Frederiksen said earlier this month that "Greenland belongs to the Greenlanders", and only the local population could determine its future.
Frederiksen reasserted her position in a heated 45-minute phone exchange with Trump last week, according to a report in the Financial Times.
The newspaper quoted an anonymous European official as saying the conversation was "horrendous", and another saying Trump's interest in acquiring Greenland was is "serious, and potentially very dangerous".
The Danish prime minister reportedly insisted the island was not for sale, but noted the US's "big interest" in it.
2025.01.31, mainichi: Panama too Rubio says Trump's interest in Greenland and Panama Canal is legit and driven by China concerns
January 31, 2025 (Mainichi Japan)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Secretary of State Marco Rubio says President Donald Trump's desire to acquire Greenland and retake control of the Panama Canal is driven by legitimate national security interests stemming from growing concerns about Chinese activity and influence in the Arctic and in Latin America. ..

Inability of the human civilization to deal against barbarians is considered also in artistic texts; see, for ex., «Cannibal tale» and «Mystic weakness».
Apparently, for the USA, it is easier to
brake the International Law, to plunder a territory from a small country
(and claim that this is an achievement to Make America Great Again)
than to implement the Law fulfilling the American guarantees.
If the «Realpolitik» (legal nihilism, Hottentot moral, barbaric custom, see picture above)
dominates in the USA,
then one may expect the USA will try to breik the international agreements
rather than to implement the Law.
To year 2025, no observation is found to treat it is as a serious evidence pro or contra this hypothesis.
There seems to be no way to predict::
will will the American administration act as Barbarians or as the civilized people?
The interpretation suggested is not an attempt to affect the American politics. However, Editor keeps his right to call things with their proper names, to construct historic models and to compare their perdictions with observations.
- ↑ Why the US and Europe are battling for Greenland’s future | Mapped Out DW News DW is a German public broadcast service. Wikipedia Mar 8, 2025 Greenland finds itself at the center of a lot of geopolitical attention. US President Donald Trump’s push to control it has sparked tension with NATO ally Denmark and reinforced Europe’s growing wariness that the US is no longer interested in their security. But why is the world suddenly so interested in this remote island in the far north? And what do the people in Greenland want for their own future? 00:00 Why Greenland's location matters 06:45 Melting ice opens economic opportunities 11:22 The complicated history with Denmark 12:48 What Greenland wants
- ↑ Donald Trump says residents of Greenland want to be part of US // President tells reporters he believes US will take control of island, after reports of ‘horrendous’ call with Denmark PM // Speaking onboard Air Force One on Saturday, Trump said: ‘I think we’re going to have it.’ Photograph: Mark Schiefelbein/AP // Jennifer Rankin Sun 26 Jan 2025 11.30 GMT// Donald Trump has said he believes the US will take control of Greenland, after details emerged of a “horrendous” call in which he made economic threats to Denmark, which has said the territory is not for sale. // Speaking onboard Air Force One on Saturday, Trump said: “I think we’re going to have it,” and claimed that the Arctic island’s 57,000 residents “want to be with us”.
- ↑ Greenland profile Published 10 January (2025) Greenland is the world's largest island and an autonomous Danish dependent territory with self-government and its own parliament.// Though a part of the continent of North America, Greenland has been politically and culturally associated with Europe - in particular the two colonial powers, Norway and Denmark - since the 9th Century.// Denmark contributes two-thirds of Greenland's budget revenue, the rest coming mainly from fishing. Potential oil, gas and rare earth mineral reserves have attracted prospecting firms.// Greenland enjoys perpetual daylight for two months each year. Over 80% of the island is covered by a permanent ice cap 4km thick in places. Global warming is causing this to melt but has also increased access to Greenland's mineral resources. The US has long seen Greenland as strategically important and established a radar base at Thule during the Cold War. With the melting of the ice around Greenland, the possibility of new trade routes opening has increased the Arctic's importance.// Read more country profiles, external - Profiles by BBC Monitoring, external// GREENLAND: FACTS// Capital: Nuuk// Area: 2,166,086 sq km// Population: 57,000/ Languages: Greenlandic, also Danish and English// Life expectancy: 71 years (men) 76 years (women)
- ↑ First published on, Bulgaria, Jan. 7, 2025 | By Christo Komarnitski World’s cartoonists on this week’s events Drawing the top stories around the globe. CARTOON CAROUSEL FEBRUARY 1, 2025 4:00 AM CET BY POLITICO
- ↑ Congresswomen Tenney Nominates Donald Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize January 30, 2024 // Press Release // Washington, DC – Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today nominated former President Donald Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize for his groundbreaking efforts to foster peace and cooperation between Israel, Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates through the Abraham Accords. // In 2020, President Trump negotiated the normalization agreements between Israel, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, and Sudan, which were signed in December 2020 and January 2021. Trump also worked diligently to lay the groundwork for a future normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded for the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt in 1978 and for the Oslo Accords in 1994. Yet, the Abraham Accords, achieved by President Trump, continue to go unrecognized by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee. Today, Tenney nominated former President Donald Trump to recognize his efforts in achieving these historic normalization agreements. // “Donald Trump was instrumental in facilitating the first new peace agreements in the Middle East in almost 30 years,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “For decades, bureaucrats, foreign policy “professionals,” and international organizations insisted that additional Middle East peace agreements were impossible without a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President Trump proved that to be false. The valiant efforts by President Trump in creating the Abraham Accords were unprecedented and continue to go unrecognized by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, underscoring the need for his nomination today. Now more than ever, when Joe Biden’s weak leadership on the international stage is threatening our country’s safety and security, we must recognize Trump for his strong leadership and his efforts to achieve world peace. I am honored to nominate former President Donald Trump today and am eager for him to receive the recognition he deserves.”
- ↑ Issa Nominates President Trump for Nobel Peace Prize March 4, 2025 Press Release WASHINGTON – Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48), Vice Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Senior Member of the Judiciary Committee, has nominated President Donald Trump to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. // “Not since Ronald Reagan has an American president better represented the national resolve of peace through strength or the fundamental case for a world without war. Remarkably, it was the 2024 election of Donald Trump – more than 10 weeks before his swearing in – that tangibly kickstarted the cause of peace in numerous regions of the world, and we are already seeing the benefits. I hope the Committee takes note of these extraordinary times and recognizes that President Trump ideally represents what the Nobel Peace Prize should stand for.”
- ↑ No Nobel Peace Prize for President Trump Opinion by Mona Ali Khalil • February 10, 2025 President Donald Trump recently declared: “They will never give me a Nobel Peace Prize.” He added that “it’s too bad. I deserve it, but they will never give it to me.”
- ↑ Full text: "All among the Hottentots Capering ashore"!! or the Blessings of Emigration to the Cape of Forlorn Good Hope (ie) To be half roasted by the Sun & Devoured by the Natives!! recommend to the Serious consideration of all those who are about to Emigrate. Description Afrikaans: All among the Hottentots capering ashore, 'n satiriese uitbeelding van die 1820-setlaars, wat die emigrante herinner aan die gevare wat op hulle wag. English: All among the Hottentots Capring ashore, a satirical view of the 1820 settlers, to remind emigrants of the dangers awaiting them. Date circa 1820 Source Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis in Beeld (1989) by Anthony Preston. Bion Books: Printed in South Africa. Author Credit only as "Cruikshank, presumably George Cruikshank (1792–1878). ..Österreichs Als „Anschluss“ Österreichs oder kurz „Anschluss“ werden seit 1938 vor allem die Vorgänge bezeichnet, mit denen österreichische und deutsche Nationalsozialisten im März 1938 die Eingliederung und Auflösung des austrofaschistischen Bundesstaates Österreich in das nationalsozialistische Deutsche Reich veranlassten. Die NS-Propaganda bezeichnete den Vorgang als Wiedervereinigung Österreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich. // In der Nacht vom 11. auf den 12. März 1938 lösten nach telefonischen Drohungen des Reichsministers und Vierjahresplan-Beauftragten Hermann Göring noch vor dem Einmarsch deutscher Truppen österreichische Nationalsozialisten das Ständestaatsregime ab. Der Einmarsch erfolgte am 12. März. Noch am selben Tag übernahmen Wehrmacht-, SS- und Polizeieinheiten das Kommando über die österreichischen Machtinstrumente; am 14. März wurden die Offiziere der Streitkräfte auf Adolf Hitler vereidigt. Die vom Bundespräsidenten Wilhelm Miklas unter ultimativem Zwang in dieser Nacht bestellte nationalsozialistische Bundesregierung unter Arthur Seyß-Inquart führte am 13. März 1938 im Auftrag Hitlers, der tags zuvor in Österreich eingetroffen war, den „Anschluss“ administrativ durch. Er bewirkte sukzessive das völlige Aufgehen Österreichs im Deutschen Reich und die Beteiligung vieler Österreicher an den nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen. Die Mehrheit der österreichischen Bevölkerung begrüßte den „Anschluss“ mit Jubel, für viele andere, insbesondere die Juden Österreichs, bedeutete der „Anschluss“ Entrechtung, Enteignung und Terror.
2008.10.20. Opinion: Hottentot morality - Uri Avnery Monday, 20 October 2008 11:57 .. “If he steals my cow, that is bad. If I steal his cow, that is good” — this moral rule was attributed by European racists to the Hottentots, an ancient tribe in Southern Africa.
«[[]]», «Annexation of Crimea», «Annexation of Greenland», «Budapest memorandum», «Cannibal tale», «Denmark», «Donald Trump», «Greenland», «Hottentot Moral», «Make America Great Again», «New World Order», «Putin forever», «TrumpForever», «USA»,
«Аннексия Крыма», «Будапештский меморандум», «Новый Мировой Порядок»,