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TrumpForever stamps, 2025 [1]

TrumpForever is project of conversion of the politic system of the USA to monarchy substituting the regular changing of the President to the life-time riling of the same person.

TrumpForever follows the example of usurpation of power by the Russian dictator Putin, see «Putin forever».

One important step is extension of ability of the same person to be elected as a president for more than two terms.

To year 2025, the third term of presidentship is prohibited by the Constitution of the USA.

2021.01.13, the first step begins, the corresponding modification is suggested.

In case of Russia, it took 8 years since the allowing of Putin to be elected again in 2012 after he served as a president during two terns in row (so-called «rokirovka», «рокировка») to the nullification (обнуление) of Russian construction in 2020 (in historic model «Duration» after approximately 15 years since that nullification pf the Federal Law, the collapse of the empire is expected). It sill be interesting to see, how long will it take in the USA.

Putin forever, 2020 [2]  and  TrumpForever, 2025 [3]      


Term TrumpForever is borrowed from the writing on the shirt advertised by the in 2015 [3].

This term is used to denote the model, as no other appropriate term is found.

The idea of the slogan seems to be borrowed from the nullification of the Russian constitution in year 2020, that provides the life-time superior power of Russian usurper Putin[4]. This case is illustrated by the British journal The Week[2], see the picture above.

Andy Ogles

In year 2025, as the first step of the project TrumpForever Andy Ogles (see picture at right) suggests to give Donald Trump the third term [5].

The publication is copy pasted below for the case if the original becomes unavailable.

Rep. Ogles Proposes Amending The 22nd Amendment to Allow Trump to Serve a Third Term

January 23, 2025 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles introduced a House Joint Resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow a President to be elected for up to but no more than three terms. The language of the proposed amendment reads as follows:

‘‘No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than three times, nor be elected to any additional term after being elected to two consecutive terms, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.’’

"President Trump’s decisive leadership stands in stark contrast to the chaos, suffering, and economic decline Americans have endured over the past four years. He has proven himself to be the only figure in modern history capable of reversing our nation’s decay and restoring America to greatness, and he must be given the time necessary to accomplish that goal. To that end, I am proposing an amendment to the Constitution to revise the limitations imposed by the 22nd Amendment on presidential terms. This amendment would allow President Trump to serve three terms, ensuring that we can sustain the bold leadership our nation so desperately needs," said Congressman Ogles.

“It is imperative that we provide President Trump with every resource necessary to correct the disastrous course set by the Biden administration. President Trump has shown time and time again that his loyalty lies with the American people and our great nation above all else. He is dedicated to restoring the republic and saving our country, and we, as legislators and as states, must do everything in our power to support him.”

"In just a few short days, President Trump has already taken action to undo the catastrophic policies of the Biden Administration and put the United States back on the path to strength and prosperity. He has tackled the crisis at our Southern border by declaring a national emergency, deploying additional troops and resources to curb illegal crossings, and expediting the completion of the border wall. In a similar vein, he issued an order to end birthright citizenship for children born in the United States to illegal aliens. Placing American safety as his top priority, President Trump designated Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations, empowering law enforcement to dismantle these violent networks with greater force. Aside from the border, he has set American energy free by declaring a national emergency to lift the Biden Administration’s oil and gas drilling restrictions. President Trump has also broken the chains of DEI by eliminating federal programs and reaffirming legally that there are only two genders, male and female. He has also initiated the process to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization, a decision I am personally very excited about following the Biden Administration’s disastrous COVID pandemic response,” said Congressman Ogles.

“Compared to the prosperity and protection offered under President Trump, the Biden Administration has subjected Americans to relentless abuses that will take a decade to correct. Small towns and major cities alike have been overrun by millions of illegal immigrants trafficked across the border, fueling a surge in drug overdoses and violent crime. Soaring gas and groceries costs have crushed countless families' financial security. Radical LGBTQ+ agendas have infiltrated schools and workplaces, while DEI mandates have destroyed small businesses, wasted taxpayer dollars, and corrupted hiring practices. Social media platforms were coerced into censoring free speech and suppressing vital medical information. Meanwhile, servicemembers have been stripped of their pay and rank for refusing a hastily-approved experimental vaccine. The list of this administration’s failures is as long as it is egregious," said Congressman Ogles.


The steps to the usurpation of power are revealed by the history of putin's Russia:

(1) Extension of number of terms the same person can be a president.

(2) Extension of the time interval of each term of the presidentship.

(3) Modification of the Main Federal Law to justify (1) and (2) above and to simplify the future modification of the Main Law.

(4) Using (3), elimination of separation of powers.

To year 2025, the USA offee are preparing the First step, to enter the first level in the «power game», allowing the president to remain on duty forever.

At the same time Moscovia is already at the Fourth level.

In the statistic model «Duration», the Fourth level is last; since it is achieved, the empire collapses approximately in 15 years. This model is sketched in the next section.


The danger of project «TrumpForever» is shown with the simple model. This model refers to the statistic analysis of cases, when at the level of Federal Law, the separation of powers is eliminated.
In the Human history, many examples of dictatorship and autocracies are known. In the most of cases, the crash of an autocracy gives rise to another autocracy. The monarchy seems to be the most common, most often, most usual style of ruling of a country in the Human civilization.
There are several cases, when, for some reason, the autocracy is changed to democracy. Often, such a change is followed by the rapid (compared to autocratic countires) growth of industry, technology, science, education and the prosperity of the population.
There are very few cases, when in some almost democratic way, the separation of powers is eliminated: «One nation, one country, one victory, one leader» (see «Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer»). Editor has counted only 5 such cases documented [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] and the last case is not yet finished at the moment of loading of this article.
For each of these cases, Duration \(h\) is defined as time between two events:
A. The empire at the level of Federal Law abolishes, nullifies the separation of powers
B. The empire collapses

Likelyhood density for the mean duration \(\bar D\) to have value \(t\)

Summary of these cases are collected in the table:

\(i\)coutry nulling collapse days \( h_i\), y.ref.
1 France de Napoléon1802.08.041815.11.20485613.30 [6][7]
2 Italia di Mussolini 1928.05.17 1947.12.27 7163 19.61[8][9]
3 Germany of Hitler 1933.03.24 1945.05.08 442812.12 [10][11]
4 Soviet Union 1977.10.07 1991.08.20 506513.87 [12][13]
5 RF of putin 2020.03.11 2028-20423k-7k 8 - 22 [14][?]

The duration is measured in years. No case is found, where the empire continues longer than 20 years since the elimination of separation of powers. The statistical analysis of the 4 cases above gives the density of likelihood of the mean duration \(\tilde D\) to have value \(t\). It is shown in figure at right. Roughly, after approximately 15 years since the elimination of separation of powers, the empire collapses.
In this model, for the RF, the timer starts in 2020; and the putin's Russia collapses in interval between years 2028 and 2042. The sci-fi estimates by Skrepetski Semen («Россия2028») and by Voinovich Vladimir NikolayevichMoscow2042») happen to be at the opposite edges of the interval.

The calculus used to plot the curve are described in arcricle «Duration». Within this model, the final of project TrumpForever is conversion of the USA to a monarchy with its collapse in approximately 15 years since the monarchy becomes absolute.

To year 2025, no evidences are found to show that project «TrumpForever» can be realized during century 21. While it looks as a populistic trick, as a joke rather than as a real danger for the USA.


MagaSotnikScr1920x1080.jpg PutramScr540.jpg 2024weekTrump360x356.jpg OrangeLand720x504.jpg TrumpKremlin.jpg 2025TrumpPuppScr600x425.jpg 2025.02.dmds1200x762.jpg 2025.03.01.wpYoutubeScr.jpg TrumpBully720x405.jpg


References are collected and interpreted here with scientific goals.

The interpretation is not an attempt to affect the politics of the USA.

The same refer also to other articles in TORI.
The previously loaded article «Advices for Trump» is prepared by request of the Trump administration or by request from a pranker who pretends to work at the Trump administration (with some hope to reveal the pranker).
In any of these case, the analysis should not be considered as a support of Trump, nor as a support of Trump's enemies.
It is just an attempt of the scientific analysis of the case.

However, Editor keeps his right to call things with their proper names.
In particular, the inability of a country to implement the guaranties specified in an international agreement
is qualified as a weakness of the country, not as its strength (see «Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi»).

Also, Editor keeps his right to construct historic models and to compare their predictions with a posteriori observations (in particular, with the future publications).


  2. 2.0 2.1 Putin forever. Power games at Kremlin. The Week, 2020 January (The URL is lost)
  3. 3.0 3.1 (2025)
  4. SAGE International Australia ©, 27 April 2020 1 Russia’s Forever President By Dr. Jonathan Z. Ludwig It is highly likely that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not leave office alive. This does not mean he is ripe for assassination; it simply means he has structured a system where he will be President as long as he lives. ..
  5. 5.0 5.1 Rep. Ogles Proposes Amending the 22nd Amendment to Allow Trump to Serve a Third Term Image January 23, 2025 Press Release WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles introduced a House Joint Resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow a President to be elected for up to but no more than three terms. The language of the proposed amendment reads as follows: // ‘‘No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than three times, nor be elected to any additional term after being elected to two consecutive terms, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.’’ // "President Trump’s decisive leadership stands in stark contrast to the chaos, suffering, and economic decline Americans have endured over the past four years. He has proven himself to be the only figure in modern history capable of reversing our nation’s decay and restoring America to greatness, and he must be given the time necessary to accomplish that goal. To that end, I am proposing an amendment to the Constitution to revise the limitations imposed by the 22nd Amendment on presidential terms. This amendment would allow President Trump to serve three terms, ensuring that we can sustain the bold leadership our nation so desperately needs," said Congressman Ogles.
  6. 6.0 6.1écembre_1799 CONSTITUTION DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE Du 22 FRIMAIRE AN VIII ( 13 décembre 1799) .. Article 39.// Le gouvernement est confié à trois consuls nommés pour dix ans, et indéfiniment rééligibles.// Chacun d'eux est élu individuellement, avec la qualité distincte ou de premier, ou de second, ou de troisième consul.// La Constitution nomme Premier consul le citoyen Bonaparte, ex-consul provisoire ; second consul, le citoyen Cambacérès, ex-ministre de la Justice ; et troisième consul, le citoyen Lebrun, ex-membre de la commission du Conseil des Anciens. ..
  7. 7.0 7.1é_de_Paris_(1815) Traité de paix signé à Paris le 20 novembre 1815 entre la France d’une part, l’Autriche, la Grande-Bretagne, la Prusse et la Russie de l’autre. Amyot, éditeur des archives diplomatiques, 1864 (2, p. 664-670).
  8. 8.0 8.1,_n._1094_-_Istituzione_dell%27Azienda_autonoma_statale_della_strada L. 17 maggio 1928, n. 1094 Istituzione dell'Azienda autonoma statale della strada Regno d'Italia
  9. 9.0 9.1 COSTITUZIONE DELLA REPUBBLICA ITALIANA. G.U. 27 dicembre 1947, n. 298
  10. 10.0 10.1 Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich [«Ermächtigungsgesetz»], 24. März 1933 Zusammenfassung// Das Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich vom 24. März 1933, mit dem der deutsche Reichstag der Regierung Adolf Hitlers eine pauschale Befugnis zur Gesetzgebung übertrug, bildete neben der «Reichstagsbrandverordnung» vom 28. Februar 1933 das grundlegende verfassungsrechtliche Instrument des NS-Staates. «Das Ermächtigungsgesetz», das zunächst auf vier Jahre begrenzt war und dann mehrfach verlängert wurde, griff formal auf die bereits in der Weimarer Republik entwickelte Praxis weitgefaßter Ermächtigungen zurück. Im Unterschied hierzu besaß es freilich einen konsequent antiparlamentarischen Charakter und diente so zur Zerstörung des Weimarer Verfassungsgefüges. Das Ermächtigungsgesetz von 1933 gilt daher als Symbol für die Selbstausschaltung des deutschen Parlamentarismus gegenüber dem Machtanspruch der Nationalsozialisten.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Landeszentrale für politische Bildung BW8. Mai 1945: Kriegsende Zweiter Weltkrieg: Kriegsende am 8. Mai 1945. Am 8. Mai 1945 endet der zweite Weltkrieg. Als die Waffen endlich schwiegen, waren mehr als 60 Millionen Menschen tot.
  12. 12.0 12.1 КОНСТИТУЦИЯ (Основной Закон) СОЮЗА СОВЕТСКИХ СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКИХ РЕСПУБЛИК// Принята на внеочередной седьмой сессии Верховного Совета СССР девятого созыва 7 октября 1977 г. .. Статья 6. Руководящей и направляющей силой советского общества, ядром его политической системы, государственных и общественных организаций является Коммунистическая партия Советского Союза. .. Статья 39. .. Использование гражданами прав и свобод не должно наносить ущерб интересам общества и государства,..
  13. 13.0 13.1 Einar Vära. Estonia celebrates the 30th anniversary of the restoration of independence. Estonian World, August 20, 2021. .. On 20 August 1991, Estonia declared formal independence during the Soviet military coup attempt in Moscow, reconstituting the pre-1940 state; ..
  14. 14.0 14.1 What changes will be in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? March 12, 2020, 15:04. On 11 March the State Duma adopted the third and final reading of the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. On the same day these amendments were approved by the Federation Council. On 22 April the national vote on proposed amendments is scheduled in Russia. In our material you will find out the most noticeable and important amendments to the current Constitution of the Russian Federation {\it.. The Federal Assembly also supported the amendment to nullify the presidential term. ..} Since Donald Trump was a 2016 candidate for the office of President of the United States, multiple[1] suspicious links between Trump associates and Russian officials were discovered by the FBI, a special counsel investigation, and several United States congressional committees, as part of their investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[2] Following intelligence reports about the Russian interference, Trump and some of his campaign members, business partners, administration nominees, and family members were subjected to intense scrutiny to determine whether they had improper dealings during their contacts with Russian officials.[3][4] Several people connected to the Trump campaign made false statements about those links and obstructed investigations.[2] These investigations resulted in many criminal charges and indictments. (2025) The Never Trump movement (also called the #nevertrump, Stop Trump, anti-Trump, or Dump Trump movement[1]) is an ongoing conservative movement that opposes Trumpism and U.S. president Donald Trump. It began as an effort on the part of a group of Republicans (known as Never Trump Republicans) and other prominent conservatives to prevent Republican front-runner Trump from obtaining the 2016 Republican Party presidential nomination.

2021.01.29. The perfect target’: Russia cultivated Trump as asset for 40 years – ex-KGB spy This article is more than 4 years old The KGB ‘played the game as if they were immensely impressed by his personality’, Yuri Shvets, a key source for a new book, tells the Guardian David Smith in Washington Fri 29 Jan 2021 08.00 GMT

2025.02.25. Did Soviet Russia recruit Trump as Agent Krasnov, a KGB spy? Here's the truth Alnur Mussayev, a former Soviet intelligence officer and former head of Kazakhstan's National Security Committee, claims that Soviet Russia recruited Donald Trump as a KGB agent in 1987. People are reading more into the post even as Trump vigorously supports Russia in the war in Ukraine, and Washington sides with Moscow at the UN. But does the claim have any basis? ndia Today World Desk New Delhi,UPDATED: Feb 25, 2025 14:22 IST Written By: Priyanjali Narayan The USSR reportedly recruited Donald Trump as a KGB agent in 1987, a former Soviet Intelligence officer has claimed. This officer, Alnur Mussayev, was the head of the Kazakhstan's National Security Committee. Mussayev said his job was to recruit "businessmen from capitalist countries" and claimed that Trump was one of his recruits. The now-US President was then a 40-year-old New York real estate developer.

2025.03.01. Pro-Ukraine protests erupt across US after Trump and Vance ‘ambush’ Zelenskyy // Demonstrators surge in Vermont, New York City and Boston after Oval Office debacle with US president and vice-president // Coral Murphy Marcos Sat 1 Mar 2025 23.37 GMT Protests against the Trump administration erupted across the US on Saturday following an unprecedented Oval Office clash, wherein Donald Trump and JD Vance escalated tensions with Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

2025.03.02. Protesters target JD Vance in Vermont after clash with Zelensky David Mercer BBC News Watch: Protesters in Vermont, where Vance and his family were arriving to ski Protesters in the US have lined a road in Vermont that Vice-President JD Vance was due to drive down following his and President Trump's angry exchange with Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House. They held up pro-Ukraine signs on the route in Waitsfield that Vance and his family were expected to take on their way to go skiing. US media reported the family moved to an undisclosed location from their planned ski resort because of the demonstrations. Hundreds of people also gathered in New York, Los Angeles and Boston on Saturday to express their support for Ukraine - a day after the furious row in the Oval Office. ..