Donroe Doctrine

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Donroe Doctrine is interpretation of politics of Donald Trump since year 2025.

The Donroe Doctrine implies the following components:

1. The Appeasing aggression, moral support of the world-wide aggression, in particular, justification of the Putin world war, belting Putin in his attemoptd to legalize the territories occupied by Russian nazis as «parts of Russia».

2. Agreements with aggressors, making analogy with the Munich Agreement (1938) and the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (1939) dividing the World on the «areas of interest» and boosting the new world war.

3. Annexation of new territories (see «Annexation of Canada», «Annexation of Greenland», seising of Panama Canal, etc.)

4. Misinformation of electorate, describing the intents of the Trump's administration in Newspeak. In particular, this refers to Trump's promise to stop war in 24 hours.

Donald Trump practices in Newspeak [2]


Donald Trump is recognizes as a liar at least since y.2017 [3].

Many thousand cases are counted [4][5][6][7] when statement and promises by Donald Trump are opposite to the observations and factchecking.

By default, statements by Donald Trump are interpreted with the Rule of Newspeak.

This give key to understanding of goals of Donald Trump.

Previous experiences of people who used to deal with Donald Trump indicates that he usually traps everybody (including those who tries to agues his intents form his promises).

Such an observation well corresponds to his last name - on the similar way, as the last name of his Russian friend Putin indicates his ability to confuse («запутать») everybody and every topic, even if the topic was easy and clear before piton begun to deal with it. In this sense, Trump and Putin match each other very well - as, for example Stalin and Hitler, see «Molotov-Ribbentrop pact».

In particular, the promise of Donald Trump to Stop war in 24 hours means that Trump tries to make the putin world war longer, to extend the war to American continent and to make is so heavy as the World War II (or even worse). This interpretation shows good agreement with the Trumps aggressive politics, see «Annexation of Canada», «Annexation of Greenland».

James Monroe (758-1831)


Term «Donroe Doctrine» appears in publications since year 2025 [1][8][9][10] referring the publications at the New York Post.

Term «Donroe Doctrine» is created as an analogy of the «Monroe Doctrine» [11]. The «Monroe Doctrine» is attributed to James Monroe (1758.04.28-1831.07.04), American President (1811.04.06-1817.03.04), see picture at right.
That doctrine refers to century 19 when the wars for territory were considered as some glorious and honest activity.

The term appears in attempts to find any sense in orders by Donald Trump.

2025.03.02: Employee of the month

The «Donroe Doctrine» appears as notation for the attempt of Donald Trump to return the USA to the mentality of two centuries old; an American analogy of the Russian fascist slogans «Back in the USSR» and «We can repeat» («Можем повторить»).
Such a going back is expected to cause the collapse of the USA.
The promise by Donald Trump to Make America Great Again at the translation from Newspeak gives the similar expectation about his goals.
The opinions about actions of Donald Trump and his intents are collected in article «Trump as KGB agent».

Putin world war

«Donroe Doctrine» is the Donald Trump attempt to boost the Putin world war.

The attempt to make it long, extensive, devastate.

The attempt to extend it to the American continent.

The attempt to destroy relations of the USA with other NATO countries.

All this seems to be in interest of the Russian usurper Putin and his KGB mafia.

This allows to interpret Trump as KGB agent.

This interpretations shows good agreement with activity of Donald Trump.

In such a way, the Donroe Doctrine appears as a destructive program elaborated in interests of the Russian dictator Putin and/or (if Putin by himself is agent of China) in interest of the Chinese gensek Xi Jinping, as some simplified symbol of «Great China».

This is simplified point of view, but it shows good agreement with observations and an be considered as the 0th hypothesis in an attempts to construct some equivalent of the perturbation theory in description of historic events.

.. I promised to lower prices..
How about we annex Greenland instead?
I thought he was going to lower prices of eggs

Clear and dangerous

2025.01.10, David Mastio [9] qualifies the Donroe Doctrine a not clear and dangerous.

Since that, the Donroe Doctrine becomes more clear and even more dangerous.

The imitation of negotiation «for peace» by Donald Trump confirms his attempt to extend the putin world war both in time and in space, to appease aggression, perhaps even to open the Second front, attacking Canada, Greenland, Panama, etc., fighting de-facto at side of putin.

The absence of significant resistance from the American people is observed; so, the Donroe Doctrine seem to be well elaborated and the Trump's company on disinformation of population of the USA is successful.

In year 2025, still of order of half of Americans no not consider the Donroe Doctrine a way of destruction of the USA.

2025.03.18, Martha McHardy indicates that the Trump's approval rating still remains of order of 47% [12] although shows a slow decay of order of few percent per month.

In the USA, the censorship is not so strong as at Moscovia. Every American can get information about primacies of Donald Trump and thus okayed to annex nearby countries, his support of the Russian aggression and his attempts to trump the people. But almost nobody cares. The protests count only few hundreds participants.

Putin and Trump in their propaganda have achieved the main victory:
In the society, the True is not requested [13][14][15].
The misinformation is considered as a norm.
The sabotage in implementation of international agreements becomes a norm.
The Realpolitik (Hottentot moral) dominates.

This tendency is clear and dangerous for the Human civilization.
It will be interesting to understand, how long the society in the USA may follow this trend, trying to «Make America Great Again» in the sense as America was great at time of James Monroe, id est two centuries ago -
before the two big World Wars,
before the American Civil War (1861-1865) and even
before the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).


Expression «Donroe Doctrine» seems to be most usual and convenient term to denote the pro-putin aggressive policy of the Donald Trump administration.

The «Donroe Doctrine» is accompanied with the attempts to make Donald Trump and American King, see «TrumpForever». For the usurpation, the war is necessary; war is typical attribute of any fascism, any usurpation.

The idea of turning time back («Make America Great Again») could be borrowed from the Russian slogan «Back in the USSR» («Назад в СССР» [16] (In Russian)).

The war of the USA against the neighbor countries is expected to destroy the USA [17]

The Donroe Doctrine and the evidences of the attempts of the USA administration to follow this doctrine are important for the interpretation of historical events.


Several views on the Donroe Doctrine by cartoonists are collected below:
TrumpFlagCanada720x487.jpg DonaldMeinKampf600.jpg WeThePeople800.jpg TrumpForeverWhite.jpg AndyOglesCopy.jpg 2024trumpKingScr720x404.jpg 2025russianTies800x450.jpg 2025TrumpPuppScr600x425.jpg TrumpBuchaScr720.jpg 2024weekTrump360x356.jpg TrumpBear720x405.jpg 2025.02.dmds1200x762.jpg HowTariffsWork800.jpg 2025trumpTradeWar800x450.jpg 20250303aCAtruMedicaid.jpg NoDonaldTrump800.jpg


Publications about the Donroe Doctrine are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals.

This analysis is not an attempt to affect the policy of the USA.
If the Americans want to fire their Constitution, to convert their country to dictatorship, to drop it into a long heavy devastating war and to destroy the USA in this war [18][19][20], - then this is their decision; neither Researcher nor Editor can help them.

However, Editor keep his right (and even duty) to call things with their proper names, to trace the historic and belletristic analogies, To suggest definitions for euphemisms and other ambiguous terms, to construct the historic models and to compare their predictions to a posteriori observations.
For example, if the separation of powers is fired, eliminated from the Constitution (see TrumpForever), then, in model «Duration», the Empire collapses after approximately 15 years since such a nullification. This already applies to Russia, and this may apply also to the USA, if the «TrumpForever» happens to be successful.


  1. 1.0 1.1 NEW YORK POST // WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2025 //Weather: P. 20 // METRO EDITION // Page Six // THE DONROE DOCTRINE// Trump's vision for hemisphere // In a throwback to James Monroe's 1823 State of the Union address, where he outlined the United States' interests in the Western Hemisphere, President-elect Trump yesterday said he wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America and said Greenland and the Panama Canal are vitally important to our security. PAGES 4-5
  2. MARCH 2 Funny American Political Cartoon - Breaking News - USA Politic Caricature - Trump Satire ameriCArtoon Mar 3, 2025 MANHATTAN (Since 2025.03.07, not available)
  3. Watch what Donald Trump does, not what he says.. A con man’s words have no value. by Matthew Yglesias Jan 20, 2017, 7:00 PM UTC .. Donald Trump is a liar who routinely cons people // Political journalism has a relatively new tradition of “fact-check” columns that nitpick politicians’ speeches and statements for accuracy. Trump has consistently fared poorly on these metrics, earning a reputation among his supporters for “honesty” (by which they appear to mean he is blunt and unafraid to offend people) while earning a reputation among journalists for frequently saying things that aren’t true. ..
  4. President Trump lied more than 3,000 times in 466 days Chris Cillizza Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large Updated 2:42 PM EDT, Wed May 9, 2018
  5. Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years. January 24, 2021
  6. Fact-checking Trump claims about war in Ukraine 20 February 2025 Matt Murphy & Jake Horton BBC Verify
  7. Fact-checking Trump's address to Congress 5 March 2025 Lucy Gilder, Jake Horton & Ben Chu BBC Verfiy
  8. Why does Donald Trump want Greenland? Behind the ‘strong, deliberate’ message to China By Caitlin Doornbos Published Jan. 7, 2025, 5:14 p.m. ET
  9. 9.0 9.1 Donald Trump’s ‘Donroe Doctrine’ isn’t clever - it’s dangerous | Opinion Profile Image of David Mastio By David Mastio Updated January 10, 2025 4:53 PM The New York Post dubbed it the “Donroe Doctrine” — Donald Trump’s threat to use economic pressure to make Canada the 51st state, to buy Greenland or failing that simply to take it, and to invade Panama retake the American-built Panama Canal from the Chinese. Trump liked that so much he sent the new York Post’s front page to his 8 million followers on Truth Social Wednesday. The Post’s wordplay, based on the 1823 Monroe Doctrine laying out American foreign policy principles excluding Europeans from expanding their role in the Americas, fails to note that Trump’s loose words turn the Monroe Doctrine’s most lasting idea on its head. James Monroe wanted to keep foreigners from interfering in the domestic affairs of our American neighbors. Now it is Trump doing the interfering in the affairs of our friends. Instead of targeting an “axis of evil” countries that threaten us, he’s targeting an axis of amity that’s intent on trading with us.// Read more at:
  10. Truth Details, Jan 09, 2025, 5:00 AM. @realDonaldTrump
  11. Monroe Doctrine, (December 2, 1823), cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy enunciated by Pres. James Monroe in his annual message to Congress. Declaring that the Old World and New World had different systems and must remain distinct spheres, Monroe made four basic points: (1) the United States would not interfere in the internal affairs of or the wars between European powers; (2) the United States recognized and would not interfere with existing colonies and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere; (3) the Western Hemisphere was closed to future colonization; and (4) any attempt by a European power to oppress or control any nation in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as a hostile act against the United States: ..
  12. Martha McHardy. Trump's Approval Rating Plunges With America's Most Accurate Pollster// Published Mar 18, 2025 at 11:39 AM EDT Updated Mar 18, 2025 at 5:52 PM EDT // According to a poll conducted by AtlasIntel between March 7 and 12 among 2,550 respondents, Trump's approval rating currently stands at 47 percent, while 52 percent disapprove of his job performance. The poll had a margin of error of +/- 2 percentage points.// This is down from previous polls conducted by AtlasIntel in January and February, which found that 50 percent approved Trump's job performance, while 50 percent disapproved. ..
  13. Ideaman Sep 19, 2017 A well meaning math teacher finds herself trumped by a post-fact America.
  14. ПОЧЕМУ ЛЮДЯМ НЕ НУЖНА ПРАВДА? Опубликовано: 23.05.2022 Автор: Абдурахман Алкадарский // Все мы – пользователи интернета, кто-то чаще, а кто-то реже вступал в споры в комментариях по самым различным темам, но часто ли вы видели, чтобы кто-то менял свою точку зрения или признавал свою неправоту под тяжестью неопровержимых аргументов? Почему такое происходит крайне редко? Людям зачастую комфортнее жить в своём иллюзорном мире, чем принять горькую правду и признать ошибочность своих взглядов. Об этом я решил поговорить в сегодняшней статье. // Начнём с того, что склонность к подтверждению своей точки зрения естественна для человека, поэтому эта склонность часто перерастает в когнитивную ошибку и систематическую ошибку мышления. Этот эффект проявляется сильнее в отношении эмоционально значимых вопросов и глубоко укоренившихся убеждений. Люди также склонны интерпретировать неоднозначные или косвенные свидетельства таким образом, чтобы поддерживать свою точку зрения. // Для более подробного ознакомления с этим явлением я советую обратиться к работе американского социального психолога Скотта Плоуса The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making (я не встречал эту работу в переводе на русский язык). Эти когнитивные искажения имеют характерные формы, например: // предвзятый поиск, при котором подбираются или выделяются только те факты, которые выгодны; // эффект поляризации взглядов, при котором разногласия становятся ещё сильнее несмотря на то, что сторонам были представлены одни и те же свидетельства; // эффект стойкости убеждений, из-за которого мнение сохраняется даже тогда, когда поддерживающие его свидетельства были опровергнуты; // эффект первичности, склонность отдавать предпочтение информации, полученной первоначально; иллюзорная корреляция, при которой люди видят взаимосвязь между двумя явлениями или ситуациями там, где её нет. ..
  15. Die Wahrheit ist nicht gefragt // Einfach schlimm ist die Hetze des ORF gegen die Bestellung von Hrn. Peter Westenthaler zum Stiftungsrat beim ORF. Die anderen Parteien wollen bestimmen, wen die FPÖ in den Stiftungsrat des ORF entsenden dürfen. Das ist die „Demokratie“ und die Meinungsfreiheit des ORF und diverser Medien. Gerade deshalb sind Menschen wie „Westi“ in den ORF zu entsenden damit dieser Abzockverein endlich Demokratie, Anstand, Gerechtigkeit und Unabhängigkeit lernt. Dafür bräuchten wir aber einige „Westenthaler“, um dort auszumisten, denn einer wird das nicht schaffen. // Stephan Pestitschek, Strasshof/N Erschienen am Do, 29.2.2024
  16. Куклы: Денонсация (23.03.1996) FreeRussiaMedia Apr 26, 2011 // «Куклы» — развлекательная сатирическая телевизионная передача Виктора Шендеровича на острые темы актуальной российской политики и выходила в эфир с 1994 по 2002 год на канале НТВ в прайм-тайм — вечером выходного дня. Производитель — телекомпания «DIXI-TV»
  17. Why annexing Canada would destroy the United States Published: February 11, 2025 5.07pm GMT As United States President Donald Trump relentlessly threatens to annex Canada, some Canadians are worried that an American invasion could one day become a reality. // How would that scenario play out? Looking at the sheer size of the American military, many people might believe that Trump would enjoy an easy victory. // That analysis is wrong. If Trump ever decides to use military force to annex Canada, the result would not be determined by a conventional military confrontation between the Canadian and American armies. Rather, a military invasion of Canada would trigger a decades-long violent resistance, which would ultimately destroy the United States. ..
  18. Почему Америка должна спасать СЕБЯ Mark Solonin Jul 23, 2024
  19. Америка собралась самоубиться? Беседа с профессором Знаменским. Mark Solonin. Aug 21, 2024.
  20. Aisha Ahmad. Why annexing Canada would destroy the United States// Published: February 11, 2025 5.07pm GMT // As United States President Donald Trump relentlessly threatens to annex Canada, some Canadians are worried that an American invasion could one day become a reality. // How would that scenario play out? Looking at the sheer size of the American military, many people might believe that Trump would enjoy an easy victory. // That analysis is wrong. If Trump ever decides to use military force to annex Canada, the result would not be determined by a conventional military confrontation between the Canadian and American armies. Rather, a military invasion of Canada would trigger a decades-long violent resistance, which would ultimately destroy the United States. A trade war involving the United States, Canada, and Mexico began on February 1, 2025, when U.S. president Donald Trump signed orders imposing near-universal tariffs on goods from the two countries entering the United States. The order called for 25 percent tariffs on all imports from Mexico and all imports from Canada except for oil and energy, which would be taxed at 10 percent. // In response to the initial order, then-Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau said Canada would retaliate with immediate 25 percent tariffs on CA$30 billion (US$20.6 billion) of American exports, which would expand to CA$155 billion (US$106 billion) after three weeks. Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum said Mexico would enact tariffs and non-tariff retaliation against the United States.