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Revision as of 01:53, 8 March 2025
Rule of Newspeak is way of interpretation of statements in Newspeak and the translation into English.
Term «Newspeak» is borrowed from utopia «Orwell1984». In that Utopia, Newspeak is inverted to make difficult the informational exchange and the logical analysis. In certain sense, the Newspeak is developed for the motivated reasoning, see also «Female logic». In such a way the Rule of Newspeak appears as a way to transfer statements of motivated reasoning to area of applicability of the Bool algebra that is more suitable for the scientific analysis.
The Rule of Newspeak refers to semantics of statements expressed in Newspeak.
Roughly all non-trivial statements of a message in Newspeak should be negated.
This article partially overlap with article «Newspeak». This overlapping is necessary (and inavoidable) in the search for the most efficient terminology.
The idea of the Rule of Newspeak is shown in the cartoon below:

Once some informational or disinformational source (some offee, author, site, newspaper, journal, etc.) is calibrated, detected, qualified as propaganda, then by default all non-trivial (not easy to check for the reader) statements from that source can be interpreted in the opposite way:
The new simple reasonable statement should be constructed that contradicts the initial statement.
The new statement is interpreted as translation from Newspeak to English
The Rule of Newspeak is efficient dealing with completely false statements; the more misinformation has the original source in newspeak, the more accurate is the translation into English.

Many cases refer to Donald Trump. Some authors interpret statements by Tramp as a lie, and even consider this as something funny, as it is shown in figure at right.
From from informational point of view it is just Newspeak.
Editor has no sense of humor; so, the style of Donald Trump is considered as serious and even dangerous;
not only for the USA, but also for other countries.
The general Rule of Newspeak gives way to translate English sentences to Newspeak and back.
The table below shows examples of the translation.
English | Newspeak |
We'll convert the USA democracy to autocracy | We'll Make America Great Again |
Russian troops in Ukraine are peace breakers, bandits, terrorists | Russian troops in Ukraine are peacekeepers |
Putin is bloody dictator and war crime | Putin is genius and very savvy president |
We should implement our obligations related to Budapest memorandum | What do we care for memorandum signed long ago? |
A Great Country always follows its international agreements | We have no need to fulfill our promises |
I'll prolong the war for many years to make it wide, bloody, devastating | I shall stop war in 24 hours |
Zelensky defends his country against the aggression | Zelensky started the war |
He is legitimate president | He is a dictator without elction |
Zelensky is very polite and correct | Zelensky has shown disrespect |
Annexation of Greenland will provoke war and destroy the USA | Annexation of Greenland will protect the USA |
Annexation of Canada will provoke war and destroy the USA | Annexation of Canada will be good for the USA |
I raise the custom taxes to grow the prices of all goods | I raise the custom taxes to protest Americans |
I go to provoke the conflict with Canada to destroy the USA | Canada will be the 51st US state. |
We'll destroy the USA | We'll Save America |

At the moment of preparation of the article, looking for the examples, the search engines usually suggest articles about misinformation from side of Donald Trump and his men. So, in the first versions of this article, many examples above refer to that case.
Once some source of information or misinformation (person, site, newspaper, journal, magazine, tabloid) is identified, recognized qualified as propagandistic, it still can be used as source information while the statements from there are interpreted according to the Rule of Newspeak, id est, translated from Newspeak to English, following the general rule.
About the case of Canada [4] mentioned in the table above, the Canadian song is observed [5]
Similar opinions refers to the Trump's project of Annexation of Greenland.
In such a way, the examples above show that the Trump's administration cannot Make America Great Again in punctual correctness following the USA international princes, nor in exploration of space (colonization of Moon, Mars, etc.) but try to make it Great in spreading of corruption, terror and all kinds of crimes - in particular, in collaboration with war crime Putin.
The system of internally contradictory postulates allows one to prove ANY statement, as well as deny any statement.
Usually the set of statements in any offee is internally contradictory. At the first glance, the analysis of the statements have no sense.
However, the Rule of Newspeak indicates the way to extract information from sticky statements; the more dense is fraud in the original, the mode accurate is the extracted information.
This can be done with many ways.
The last (6th) of the TORI axioms gives the preference to the simplest interpretation; all other can be considered as alternatives. In the case of Donald Trump mentioned, the simplest interpretation implies, that he is agent of KGB (see «Trump as KGB agent») while the Russian KGB at least since century 21 is bribed by China (see Russia and China, «Россия и Китай», «КГБ во власти и бизнесе», in Russian). To year 2025, this concept shows good agreement with publications.
As soon as a simpler concept is found to describe the same set of observations, it will also be considered.
Правило новояза
Newspeak has Russian analogy. It is denoted with term «Новояз“. The corresponding analogy of Rule of Newspeak is denoted with term «Правило новояза».
To year 2025, the Russian propaganda is still more advanced than the American one, even together with other English-speaking countries; the Russian version of the article has more examples than the English version.
Wide use of Newspeak appears as a criterion of degradation a society. This criterion would be useful to estimate the stability of a society, stability of its political and economical system. Society where the people do not care about spreading of Newspeak are more likely to collapse than those where the use of the Newspeak is rare.
On the base of this criterion, the big countries as Mosvoiva (Russia), China and the USA are expected go collapse, namely in this order: the Russian equivalent of Newspeak (denoted with term «Новояз») seemed to be more developed than Newspeak as substitute of the American English; and the Chinese analogy (Yet, no notation for it is suggested) seemed to be a little bit less aggressive than «Новояз».
Many absurd statements by Donald Trump are observed; in particular, those about Annexation of Greenland, Annexation of Canada, Stop war in 24 hours. The tolerance of the USA society with respect to such a madness and even attempts of «TrumpForever» indicate, that the Trump's USA may reach the finish before the putin's Russia.
Publicaitons show, that the American society is very tolerant with respect to any misinformation, any lie, even if the leader is denounced to lie. There is no demand for truth in society [6]. Such a state of the society may be considered as an indicator of the approaching collapse. The importance of this criterion, its quantitative characterization and estimate of the statistical significance may be matter for the future research. The experimental evaluation, measurement of Durations for these societies is expected to help in testing (verification of refutation) of historic models and/or their adjustment.
Examples of application of Rule of Newspeak are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals.
The analysis is not an an attempt to affect the policy of the USA or any other country.
Nor an attempt to push the people of some country to impel the liar from the post of President.
This is rather attempt to understand the meaning of statement declared by the offees (while they speak in usual for tham way) than an attempt to force them to say true.
However, Editor has right to see correlation and anticorrelation between statements of any historic personage and his or her actions.
The significant anticorrelation means that the personage uses Newspeak in his or her statements.
In this cases, the Rule of Newspeak should be used for the interpretation
and for the translation if statement of a personage from Newspeak to English.
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PQpVUHU0IM MARCH 2 Funny American Political Cartoon - Breaking News - USA Politic Caricature - Trump Satire ameriCArtoon Mar 3, 2025 MANHATTAN (Since 2025.03.07, not available)
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X85n3WRNXVk&t=33 Hilarious American Political Cartoon | Breaking News | Trump Satire & USA Politics Humor #010 ameriCRAZY Feb 24, 2025 (Since 2025.03.07, not available)
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PQpVUHU0IM&t=99 MARCH 2 Funny American Political Cartoon.. ameriCArtoon Mar 3, 2025 (Since 2025.03.07, not available)
- ↑ https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cvg58d7938yo Should Canada become the 51st US state? Trump fans are unsure // 2025.03.03. US President Donald Trump has said on multiple occasions that it would be a "great idea" for Canada to become the 51st US state. The BBC has asked Maga supporters if they understand why Canadians might be annoyed by Trump's comments, and if they think Canada should become part of the US. Video by Isabelle Rodd.
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEz6Mcmsj9o Yankee, Go Home!" - Canadian Anti-Trump Song // Redactably Jan 14, 2025
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAhmSgyTdfE Шендерович – почему Трамп завидует Путину и в чем его главная цель / Ход мысли ВОТ ТАК Mar 7, 2025 #Трамп #США #Госдума Почему изменение правил в Америке – это наше общее дело? Почему Трамп завидует Путину, а монархисты любили Сталина? Об этом и многом другом в новом выпуске программы "Ход мысли с Виктором Шендеровичем" @V.Shenderovich .. 10:25 Трамп лжет и не краснеет. Почему в обществе нет запроса на правду .. (In Russian)
«Annexation of Canada», «Annexation of Crimea», «Annexation of Greenland», «[[]]», «Appeasing aggression», «[[]]», «Corruption», «Desinformation», «Donald Trump», «Duration», «Female logic», «Fraud», «Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi», «George Orwell», «KGB», «Make America Great Again», «Misinformation», «Motivated reasoning», «Newspeak», «Offee», «Orwell 1984», «Propaganda», «Rule of Newspeak», «Save America», «SimonianZa2», «Stop war in 24 hours», «Trump as KGB agent», «USA», «Usurpation»,
«Аннексия Крыма», «Враньё», «Всех убьём, всех ограбим», «Дезинформация», «Краснов Дональд Фредович», «Мошенничество», «Новояз», «Оффи», «Правило новояза», «Пропаганда», «Пропаганда», «Путинская мировая война», «Семантика», «Трамп Дональд Фредович», «Умиротворение агрессора»,