Independence of Texas

Independence of Texas (Independencia de Texas) is miniature from Samizdat,
The dialogue below is an attempt to understand motivations for the Independence of Texas
The original does not refer to the source; so, it can be qualified as an emulation.
The emulation becomes especially important since year 2025 due to the attempts of Donald Trump
to reconsider the borders between countries on the bases of occupendums.
This term refers to a spectacle that is claimed to be a referendum,
but is performed with violation of Law with menaces of weapon as it is shown in figure at right.
If you can suggest better answers to the questions below, please, write them and sent the link to the Editor.
D: Good morning! May I see don Jose Pedro Guerillo?
J: That's me! Hello, amigo! Come in, please!
D: I am Dmitrii Kouznetsov. I represent the newpaper "Volatiles Internacionales". I would like to know your point of view..
J: Oh, that's good that you come! I'll say you everytihng! Take a seat, please... What would you like to drink? The pulque is delicious!.. May be you prefer some more serious?.. How about Mezcal?
D: Pulque, but, better, later. I am not resistant to the alcohol.
J: Pulque is not alcohol. You look as a small chick!
D: May I use my computer?
J: Yes, of course. How about some juice?
D: Well.. With water... Merci..
J: You should say to the people about our town and our struggle.
D: I shall try to write out that you say.. The juice is delicious...
J: Write out, that the gringos do not respect us at all.
D: do not respect at all.
J: Let the World know about our problems.
D: Well, tell me about your problems.
J: You should write out all the true about us!
D: I shall do that I can.. Until I understand.
J: I see, you understand well, camarado. The problem is that these fucking gringos do not understand anything! These assholes understand close to nothing!
D: Jose, if we write for the gringos, it is not a good idea, to begin with "fucking" and "assholes".
J: But how not to write "fucking assholes", if they are fucking assholes; that is true!
D: Don Pedro, please, let us leave out the terminology and tell me about the problems of the people. You promised to explain all.
J: Obviously, I'll explain all! For example, the discrimination is horrible. None of us can get any normal employment..
D: If some mexicans are rich here?
J: There are some. But they are betrayers; they also do not like to employ the real mexicans; they dislike any latinos. So, they behave as a malditos gringos. Some of them, can you imagine, they do not speak Spanish. They speak worse, than you do!
D: Hence, the main your problem is the language?
J: This is not our problem! This is problem of gringos! They robed Texas from Mexico! They are aggressors!
D: Hence, the main problem is about relation between the USA and Mexico?
J: The main problem is the gringos!
D: Jose, I am a bit slow, you should explain in details. For example, how can we define "the gringos"?
J: Dimitri, how is it possible, that you do not know, who are gringos?
D: Can we define them as "white people who live at the North America and have the USA citizenship"?
J: It would be more correct to say that they are fucking assholes; that is all about them!
D: May I say that the main problem is the poor relation between Latinos and Americans?
J: You are from the same pool: "latinos", "latinos"... As if our antecedents did not live here when the malditos Europeos came. WE are Americans; and this land should be ours!
D: Hence, the problem is the land? The Americans, well, "gringos", they do not respect your property, do they robe your land?
J: Yes, this is as if they would robe it. With the taxes and the credit. They give us some money, but then, for this money, they robe our land! Then, they run out our peons with the police, and move us to the reservations!
D: May I conclude that the problem is the credit?
J: The problem is los gringos! How can't you understand so simple thing?
D: Perhaps, there are many people who want to separate Texas from the USA and join it to Mexico?
J: You understand nothing! Why should we return to Mexico? Many people risk with their lives, crossing the border, in order to get from Mexico to the USA; and you want us to be back into Mexico?
D: Hence, it is about the independence of Texas?
J: How can we live, independent? You see, it is just a desert here! And, also, do you want us to pay for the entry permit each time, when we go to other states?
D: Hence, the problem is climate; there are not enough rains...
J: Dimitrii, I explain you that the problem is the gringos! Are you a provoker? If so, then, better, get out from my home!
D: Sorry for that. I am not a provoker, I just...
J: I understand! You are one of them! Get out! Now!
D: As you like, then.. Have a good day..
J: Bye!
Historic context
Before 2008, the idea of Independence of Texas looked as nonsense, as an absurd. Then, it happened, the problem refers not only to Texas. And not only to the USA. Then it becomes even worse.
The following territorial transformations are mentioned:
«Annexation of Abkhazia», «Annexation of South Ossetia», «Annexation of Alaska», «Annexation of Canada», «Annexation of Crimea», «Annexation of Greenland», «California secession» («Calexit») [3][4], «Бруклинская петиция» (In Russian), «Ладожская Карелия за Референдум» (In Russian), «Федерализация Кубани» (In Russian),
In many cases, the main idea of such a proposal is just to break the international laws and to provoke wars with pretext of establishment of the New World Order.
Other cases refer to the investigation of the public opinion (and namely these attempts are suppressed in the post cruel way) or just an attempt to survive.
The idea to redraw the bored better countries is popular in Europe in 1930-1945, see «Annexation of Austria» («Anschluss»), «Molotov-Ribbentrop pact».
In the USA, in century 21, the recidive is detected, see «Donroe Doctrine», «Rule of Newspeak», «Make America Great Again», «Trump and Vance», «TrumpForever».
An attempt to resist the Anerican aggression and the imperialism can be expressed with slogan «Make America Go Away».
The attempts of American fascists to seize, to annex new territories («Donroe Doctrine») are expected to provoke a big war, to boost the Putin worked war to the scale of the World War II or even worse, to loss of the USA democracy, its conversion to a monarchy, to dictatorship. Then, the USA may loss some parts of its territories.
At the beginning of century 21, the projects about Annexation of Alaska, Annexation of Canada, Annexation of Crimea, Annexation of Greenland, Independence of Texas, Independence of Karelia, Independence of Chukotka, Independence of Kamchatka, Independence of Kemerovo, Independence of Kuban, looked as jokes rather than as realistic proposals.
With unfolding of the Putin world war, with the Russian Dvizuha («Движуха») against Ukraine (and heroic resistance of Ukraine people), with support of the aggression from side of Trump and Vance and their accomplices, the Independence of Texas becomes more and more realistic from year to year.
Until year 2025, the expectation of collapse are attributed usually to Moscoiva, see «Collapse of RF», «Duration», «Границы России нигде не заканчиваются» (in Russian), «От Аляски до Одесы» (in Russian), «Независимость Карелии» (in Russian), «Предсказания революций» (in Russian), «Федерализация Кубани» (in Russian).
Then, the attempts of Donald Trump to break the Constitution, to become a king (see «TrumpForever»), to Make America Great Again attacking neighbor countries look scared.

The apparent tolerance of Yankees to the misinformation from side of administration of Donald Trump, apparent use of the Newspeak, the TrumpForever and other evidences of the radical fascism looks even more scared.
In this context, the idea about Independence of Texas, with all absurd of the main idea, becomes more and more realistic.
Despite the absence of a logical motivation for the Independence of Texas it may happen as a by-product of implementation of the Donroe Doctrine, as a result of attempts of American imperialists to Make America Great Again with war, provoked with the appeasing aggression, with attempts to perform the Annexation of Canada, Annexation of Greenland, Seising of Panama Canal, and to boost the Putin world war to the scale of World War II (or even worse), extending it to American continent.
In such a way, at least since y.2025, the Independence of Texas in not a joke any more.
The Collapse of USA may happen as an analogy with the collapse of the Hutler Germany in 1945.
To year 2025, the analogy of friendship between Stalin and Hitler [7] is already observed [8], see «Trump as KGB agent».
The result of such a friendship is expected to be catastrophic.
However, the hopes for some «happy end» always remain.
This is shown in Gallery below.
The parody, emulation Independence of Texas is loaded and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals.
This may refer to elaboration of terminology, calibration of sources of information, construction of historic models.
The text and its discussion is not an attempt to affect the policy of the USA.
If Americans decide to convert the peaceful democratic USA to an aggressive monarchy, to destroy the USA
then no scientific analysis can help them.
However, even in this case the Editor keeps his right (and even duty) to call things with their proper names, to formulate definitions for euphemisms and other ambiguous terms, to construct historic models and to compare their predictions to a posteriori observations.
- ↑ Texas Independence Gets Boost as Candidates Supporting Referendum Triumph .. Updated Nov 06, 2024 at 10:37 PM EST By James Bickerton
- ↑ NEW YORK POST // WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2025 //Weather: P. 20 // METRO EDITION // Page Six // THE DONROE DOCTRINE// Trump's vision for hemisphere // In a throwback to James Monroe's 1823 State of the Union address, where he outlined the United States' interests in the Western Hemisphere, President-elect Trump yesterday said he wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America and said Greenland and the Panama Canal are vitally important to our security. PAGES 4-5
- ↑ Meet the man who wants to make California a sovereign entity// By Patt Morrison Columnist Aug. 26, 2015 5 AM PT
- ↑ Is California secession possible? Here's why the state wants to become an independent country and leave US SECTIONS.// ET OnlineLast Updated: Jan 30, 2025, 07:46:00 PM IST // Is California potentially a step closer to become an independent country? A new ballot measure asking whether California should be its own free and independent country was cleared recently to collect signatures, according to the California Secretary of State, according to multiple US news outlets. // A “Calexit” initiative to allow California to secede from the United States has been cleared to legally gather signatures, according to New York Post. If passed, the proposed measure — “Calexit,” a nod to the Brexit vote in the UK — would be on the ballot in 2028 and ask voters: “Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country?”
- ↑ Der Fuehrer's face HD [Sous-titres français, French subtitles] awillecocq Jan 7, 2013 Dessin animé de propagande américain (1943) qui met en scène Donald dans une Allemagne nazie cauchemardesque. Edit : Meilleure résolution et sous-titrage retravaillé.
- ↑ “No, Donald Trump!” | Canadian Anti-Trump Song (Njet Molotoff Parody) [ENG/FR Subs] unmaskerX Mar 6, 2025 Breaking news: Canada doesn't want be annexed by the swamp. We’re just fine with our maple syrup and universal healthcare, sorry USA.
- ↑ Гитлер и Сталин: смертоносный альянс Ольга Солонарь 01.09.2019
- ↑ Historian Anne Applebaum breaks down what Trump's alignment with Russia means UPDATED FEBRUARY 24, 202511:59 AM ET HEARD ON MORNING EDITION By Leila Fadel, Arezou Rezvani, Obed Manuel ..
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- ↑ Америка собралась самоубиться? Беседа с профессором Знаменским. Mark Solonin. Aug 21, 2024.
- ↑ Why annexing Canada would destroy the United States Published: February 11, 2025 5.07pm GMT As United States President Donald Trump relentlessly threatens to annex Canada, some Canadians are worried that an American invasion could one day become a reality. // How would that scenario play out? Looking at the sheer size of the American military, many people might believe that Trump would enjoy an easy victory. // That analysis is wrong. If Trump ever decides to use military force to annex Canada, the result would not be determined by a conventional military confrontation between the Canadian and American armies. Rather, a military invasion of Canada would trigger a decades-long violent resistance, which would ultimately destroy the United States.
2011.03.06. SOMMER INGRAM. Texas Nationalist group rallies for secession. ASSOCIATED PRESS, March 6, 2011.
2019.06.13. Жители Кузбасса массово попросили убежища в Канаде из-за отчаяния 13 июня 2019 11:58 Жители города Киселевска Кемеровской области записали обращение к Премьер-министру Канады Джастину Трюдо и генсеку ООН Антониу Гутерришу с просьбой предоставить им статус беженцев из-за плохой экологической ситуации в регионе, сообщает «»
2023.03.06 TEXAS REPUBLICAN INTRODUCES BILL CALLING FOR VOTE ON SECESSION H.B. 3569 would allow a vote on “whether or not the State should investigate the possibility of Texas independence” By NIKKI MCCANN RAMIREZ MARCH 6, 2023 R.Kipling.
«Annexation of Alaska», «Annexation of Canada», «Annexation of Crimea», «Annexation of Greenland», «Collapse of USA», «Donald Trump», «Donroe Doctrine», «Independence of Texas», «Independencia de Texas», «Make America Great Again», «Make America Go Away», «Mexico», «Slang», «Separatism», «USA»,
«Аннексия Крыма», «Ладожская Карелия за Референдум», «[[]]», «Независимость Карелии», «[[]]», «Путинская мировая война», «Распад РФ», «Федерализация Кубани»,