Trump and Vance

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Trump and Vance is pair of American offees accused in collaboration with Russian war crime Putin:

Donald Trump (Трамп Дональд Фредович, 1946.06.14, Queens, NY - , ) и

James David Vance aka JD Vance (Венс Джеймс Дональдович, 1984.08.02, Middletown, Ohio - , ).

These personages often are mentioned together [1]; so the special article is loaded. It is supposed to overlap with articles about Donald Trump and James David Vance.
This article is loaded to collect references about Trump and Vance.
The publications are necessary to construct definition of usual euphemisms.

Trump learns Newspeak[2]


Trump as liar [3]

At least since y.2025, the disagreements in the statements by Trump and Vance with other observations is often mentioned. These disagreements are interpreted as Frauds, misinformation, propaganda, lies (Враньё), see picture at right.

In oder not to blame the American officials in intentional [[fraud[[, in TORI, the following concept is used.

Donald Trump and his team use the special language instead of the American English.
In TORI, this language is denoted with term «Newspeak».
Its grammar is similar to American English.
Its semantic is opposite to American English.

The notation for this language is borrowed from utopia «Orwell1984».

The translation from Newspeak to English and back can be performed using the Rule of Newspeak. In the fist approximation, all non-trivial statements by Trump and Vance are inverted. The resulting translations show good agreement with observations.

Use of similar substitute of Italian language is described in book «Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi». The personage King Giacomome (Rè Giacomone) appears as analogy of Donald Trump.
The resemblance is further enhanced by the color of the wig worn by King Giaconome: according to the description it is so red as hair (or wig) of Donald Trump; so, pictures of Donald Trump can be used as illustration of story «Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi» without any adjusting of colors.

The Russian analogy of Newspeak is denoted with term «Новояз»; the similar rule to the translation into Russian is denoted with term «Правило новояза».

The Rule of Newspeak is essential for interpretation of statements by Trump and Vance.

Few examples are copypasted below from article Rule of Newspeak (loaded earlier):

English Newspeak
We'll convert the USA democracy to autocracy We'll Make America Great Again
Russian troops in Ukraine are peace breakers, bandits, terrorists Russian troops in Ukraine are peacekeepers
Putin is bloody dictator and war crime Putin is genius and very savvy president
We should implement our obligations related to Budapest memorandum What do we care for memorandum signed long ago?
A Great Country always follows its international agreements We have no need to fulfill our promises
I'll prolong the war for many years to make it wide, bloody, devastating I shall stop war in 24 hours
Zelensky defends his country against the aggression Zelensky started the war
He is legitimate president He is a dictator without elction
Zelensky is very polite and correct Zelensky has shown disrespect
Annexation of Greenland will provoke war and destroy the USA Annexation of Greenland will protect the USA
Annexation of Canada will provoke war and destroy the USA Annexation of Canada will be good for the USA
I raise the tariffs to grow the prices of all goods I raise the tariffs to protest Americans
I go to provoke the conflict with Canada to destroy the USA Canada will be the 51st US state.
We'll destroy the USA We'll Save America

Putin world war

At least since year 2025, Trump and Vance participate in the Putin world war at side of Putin.

In the meeting 2025.04.28, Trump and Vance show themselves as barbarian bully that know neither history, nor jurisprudence with mentality at the level of Papua New Guinea (before they met Europeans); they behave a monkey with grenade.

Diring the conversation, Trump and Vance pretend that they do not know about existence of the Budapest memorandum and do not know about existence of the Vienna Convention.

Trump and Vance look as cannibals who promote the Hottentot moral (denoted also with term «Realpolitik»):
If we robe (or eat) our neighbors, that is good;
if they robe (or eat) us, it is bad.

The comparison of modern offees with cannibals is suggested in the story «Cannibal tale». From point of view of the cannibals, the offees and their accomplices are barbarians, as they kill enemies in amount that exceed their need in the fresh meat (and sometimes even intentionally destroy food).

Appeasing aggression

Red tie

During the Putin world war, Trump and Vance show the Appeasing aggression of Russia aghast Ukraine.

No any evidence is tetected when Trump and Vance tries to use the «strongest superpower» of the USA in order to provide the conditions specified in Budapest memorandum.

Trump and Vance pretend that Ukraine is quietly for the aggression.

De-facto, Trump and Vance suggest the capitulation of Ukraine, in order to stimulate putin to perform new and new aggressions.

During tens of years, the USA has been positioned as a strongest independent country. With Trump and Vance, the USA act as a Russian colony; as if Trump and Vance would be patin's accomplices.

At the beginning of the World War II, representatives of France and the UK tried to play the same game with Adolf Hitler, that had very sad sequences.

Useful idiots

The support of Trump and Vance, the defense of Trump and Vance can be based on the assumption that they do not now that they are doing and believe in their statements. Such a a kind of concept is denoted with term «Useful idiots». Term «Monkey with grenade» may be used in the singular meaning, see picture at right

Opinions are observed that destruction of humanity and destruction of the USA is not the main goal of Donald Trump and his accomplice James David Vance (aka JP Vance).
The Believes in their honest intents are expressed.

Some such believes are presented below.

Washington Post

Opinion Dana Milbank // Putin’s useful idiots // February 20, 2018

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s indictment of 13 Russians over their alleged efforts to elect Donald Trump set off a presidential paroxysm of self-exoneration.

“The results of the election were not impacted. The Trump campaign did nothing wrong — no collusion!” President Trump proclaimed in one of his saner tweets of the past four days. In fact, the Mueller investigation is ongoing and has offered no such conclusions. But what Mueller did expose last week should sicken us all: Vladimir Putin has played Americans across the political spectrum for suckers. In particular, the Russian dictator has turned Trump supporters into the useful idiots of the 21st century.

The phrase “useful idiots,” often attributed to an earlier Vladimir, referred to Westerners who had been successfully manipulated by Soviet propaganda. But even Lenin would have to smile at the way Putin exploited Americans in 2016 to support Trump, or at least to oppose Hillary Clinton. Mueller’s indictment is full of nauseating detail about how Putin made fools of Americans.


(end of copupast)


2025.03.08, Yahoo indicates that The Telegraph indicates that Benedict Smith indicates that Vance and Trump behaves as Putin’s ‘useful idiots’.

The observation is copipasted below:

The Telegraph

Vance and Trump are Putin’s ‘useful idiots’, says US vice-president’s cousin

Benedict Smith

Sun, March 9, 2025 at 10:39 PM UTC2 min read

JD Vance and Donald Trump are “Vladimir Putin’s useful idiots”, the vice-president’s cousin has claimed, after the US suspended military aid to Ukraine.

Nate Vance, who reportedly spent three years fighting to defend Ukraine from Russia’s invasion, accused JD Vance of “ambushing” Volodymyr Zelensky in an explosive Oval Office encounter with the Ukrainian leader last month.

Donald Trump and my cousin clearly believe they can placate Vladimir Putin. They are wrong. The Russians are not about to forget our support for Ukraine,” Nate Vance, who returned to the US in January, told Le Figaro.


(end of copypast)



The concept assumes that Trump and Vance implement the orders by the war crime, Russian dictator Putin; but neither Donald Trump nor James David Vance realize that they are preparing a big war (perhaps, the war between NATO countries), conversion of the USA to monarchy and perhaps the collapse of USA.

in this concept, Trump and Vance behave as a monkey with grenade (see picture above), provoking the new world-wide war to establish the New World Order, to make the world-wide revolution - without to know, that Revolutions Eat Their Parents [6][7]; without to know that once the Prudence and Law are destroyed, Trump and Vance (even if they get a temporal success) may be treated by their accomplices in the same way they treat enemies or even worse, as it is shown in figure at right.

Editor does not consider himself more intelligent than Trump and Vance.

More reasonable looks the concept, that Trump and Vance know that they are destroying the USA (and perhap the Human civilization too) and do it intentionally with some hopes to avoid the result shown in figure at right. Trump and Vance supporters might endorse such activity with some hope that they won't be at the top of the proscription list.


Molotov, Ribbentrop, Hitler, 1940.11.18

Solonin Mark Semenovich (Солонин Марк Семёнович) discuss similarity in statements by Molotov Vyacheslav Mihailovih (Молотов Вячеслав Михайлович) and those by James David Vance [8] (in Russian).

In year 1939-1940, Stalin, Molotov and their accomplices did all the could to help Hitler to invade Europe, to make the World War II wider, strong, more bloody, mode devastating.

At least since year 2022, Trump, Vance and their accomplices do all they can in order to make the Putin world war wider, strong, more bloody, mode devastating.
Trumpers even plan to open the "second front", invading Greenland, Canada and even Panama, see «Annexation of Canada», «Annexation of Greenland», «Annexation of Panama»[9].
In parallel, the American fascists plan to destroy the American constitution, to convert American democracy to monarchy, making Donald Trump a kind of «American King» see «TrumpForever».

It is difficult to consider Molotov or Vance as full idiots who did not know what they are doing depending Hitlerism and Putinism. Apparently both them have the same goal, to provoke the aggressor to extend the war, to make it world-wide, in order to get benefits from it.

Attitude of Americans

It is surprising for some authors, that many people approve the use of Newspeak by the top of the American officials. To year 2025, the rating of Trump is estimated to be of order of 50%. The data show small fluctuations, barely-significant decrease [10].

Such an approve of the fraud remains even since it had been found that Trump and Vance support the crime, and their imperial, aggressive intents (see «Annexation of Canada», «Annexation of Greenland», «TrumpForever») are reveled.

Only hundreds Americans show that upset, that the fraud, corruption and aggression become main trends of the American policy.


Such a mentality of Americans is revealed with the prophetic animation [11]
In that animation, Donald hears sounds of the fascistic hymn, but obey the nazi regimen, reads the book «Mein Kampf» and helps to activate weapon (shells). The screenshot from the animation is shown in figure at right.
At the end of the movie, al that happens to be just a nightmare of Donald.


The analogy between Tromp and King Giacomone (Rè Giacomone), between Vance and Molotov Vyacheslav Mihailovich (Молотов Вячеслав Михайлович) and the analogy between their accomplices Putin and Hitler indicate that Trump and Vance try to organize very big war, to boost the Putin world war to the scale of the World War II or even worse.

The same interpretation follows from the translations (with Rule of Newspeak) of statements by Trump and Vance.

In the history of World War II, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the appeasing aggression leaded to millions victims. In that war, Moscovia lost of order of 50 million lives; that loss overlaps with the mass terror performed by the soviet fascists since the beginning of the USSR, and the trauma happened to be lethal for the USSR; the same 20 century, the collapse of USSR happens.
However, Molotov Vyacheslav Mihailovich did not suffer of that loss; contrary, it helped him to collect a lot of treasure and to eliminate some competitors in the internal struggle for sinekuras in the KPSS. In this sense, neither Molotov nor Vance should be qualified as «stupid».

In book «Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi», the brave protagonist Gelsomino succeeds to prevent the war, replacing it to the soccer match between the teams of the two countries.

Perhaps, the analysis of publications and statements by Trump and Vance many lead to the similar estimate for the USA.

«Radioactive ache», 2014

In many senses, it is betted to play soccer than to convert countries into «Radioactive ache» (as Trump and Vance accomplices plan at lest since y.2014, see the screenshot at right).

The quantitative predictions and estimates of the statistical significance may require the future investigation. For this investigation, the links and the preliminary analysis are loaded in this article.


TrumpFlagCanada720x487.jpg 2025TrumpPuppScr600x425.jpg Hila2025puTra800x492.jpg UkrainaStartedPuTraScr.jpg 20250305sanFrancisco.jpg PutinForeverCover324x444.jpgTrumpForeverWhite.jpg TruPuUkScr720.jpg 2025.02.dmds1200x762.jpg PuTrumpDog600.jpg TrumpBear720x405.jpg BeconLiberty720x536.jpg PeacePlan780x416.jpg ZeTruPuScr720x405.jpg TrumpTrollingScr720x405.jpg InvadeTheRest720.jpg TrumpPuBidding720x405.jpg AmericaLeaders1980scr774x432.jpg Bavovna25e.png


The article above is a little bit redundant (sone statements are repeated) and partially overlap with articles «Annexation of Canada», «Annexation of Crimea», «Annexation of Greenland», «Collapse of USA», «Donald», «Donald Trump», «James David Vance», «JD Vance», «Make America Great Again», «Read Think Act», «TrumpForever». This overlapping is necessary to catch possible contradictions if any.

In such a way, the publications about Trump and Vance are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals.

The analysis is not an attempt to affect the policy of the USA.

If Americans decide to convert the peaceful democratic USA to aggressive monarchy, to destroy the USA [12][13][14],
then no scientific analysis can help them.
However, even in this case the Editor keeps his right (and even duty) to call things with their proper names, to formulate definitions for euphemisms and other ambiguous terms, to construct historic models and to compare their predictions to a posteriori observations.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ohio senator J.D. Vance accused of playing Putin’s game J.D. Vance is a leading critic of U.S. support for Ukraine BY: MARTY SCHLADEN - JUNE 28, 2024 5:00 AM
  2. MARCH 2 Funny American Political Cartoon - Breaking News - USA Politic Caricature - Trump Satire ameriCArtoon Mar 3, 2025 MANHATTAN Welcome to ameriCArtoon , the channel where we bring out the humor and satire in politics with creative, entertaining cartoons! In this special episode, we explore the post-Election Day scenario in the United States through a hilarious cartoon featuring well-known political personalities like Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Get ready for a fun, comical take on the U.S. election aftermath as we highlight the quirks and memorable traits of these iconic figures in a way that only caricature art can capture. // What to Expect in This Episode: This episode humorously tackles the tense and unpredictable post-election atmosphere in the U.S. With the backdrop of Election Day fresh in everyone’s mind, we use sharp, witty cartoon satire to imagine how these prominent political players, Trump and Kamala, might react to the outcomes. Our skilled artists have crafted a caricature that captures the personalities of these figures in a playful, lighthearted manner, inviting viewers to enjoy a good laugh while pondering the realities of U.S. politics.// Why Political Satire? Political caricatures and cartoons have long been a powerful tool for social commentary. They bring awareness to current events and add a layer of humor to complex issues, making it easier to digest the nuances of politics. By portraying political figures in a funny, exaggerated way, caricatures let us see these personalities in a different light, breaking down barriers and allowing for more open conversations around politics. For fans of satire, American politics is a goldmine of material, and our channel is dedicated to providing laughs and thought-provoking content in every episode. // If you’re interested in political humor, enjoy observing U.S. politics with a comedic twist, or simply want to see familiar figures like Trump and Kamala in a new and humorous way, this video is definitely for you! We invite you to join our ameriCArtoon community by subscribing to our channel and enabling notifications so you never miss a video. We publish fresh content regularly, keeping you entertained with the latest in political caricature art. // Feel free to leave a comment below to share your thoughts on the episode. What was your favorite part? Which political figure do you want to see next? Your feedback helps us create content that you love and keeps the laughter going!
  3. Breaking News: Trump Caricature - Hilarious Political Satire Exposing U.S. Leaders 🏛️ ( New Pic ) AmeriCArtoon Daily Mar 3, 202
  4. RE GIACOMONE // Pittura in collezione privata // ARTISTA: Krzysztof Iwin // CATEGORIA: Pittura / Dipinti Ad Olio / Olio Su Tavola // LARGHEZZA [ CM ]: 38 // ALTEZZA [ CM ]: 50 // ANNO DI CREAZIONE: 2004 // CERTIFICATO DI AUTENTICITÀ: Certificato di Autenticità // DATA DI PUBBLICAZIONE: 2007-03-11 00:38:34
  5. Full text: "All among the Hottentots Capering ashore"!! or the Blessings of Emigration to the Cape of Forlorn Good Hope (ie) To be half roasted by the Sun & Devoured by the Natives!! recommend to the Serious consideration of all those who are about to Emigrate. Description Afrikaans: All among the Hottentots capering ashore, 'n satiriese uitbeelding van die 1820-setlaars, wat die emigrante herinner aan die gevare wat op hulle wag. English: All among the Hottentots Capring ashore, a satirical view of the 1820 settlers, to remind emigrants of the dangers awaiting them. Date circa 1820 Source Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis in Beeld (1989) by Anthony Preston. Bion Books: Printed in South Africa. Author Credit only as "Cruikshank, presumably George Cruikshank (1792–1878). Permission (Reusing this file) Author died more than 70 years ago - public domain
  6. Mises Daily 01/12/2015 // Peter St. Onge. Revolutions Eat Their Parents
  7. How does revolutions devour their children and nationalism eats its parents? (2025) ppGaurav Raghubanshi]] .. The quote is a remark on the irony in intentions and outcome of revolutions and national projects.// Revolutions often are created by a section of society who have been deprived of equal status. They replace the old system in totality neglecting even the good aspects of it. Take the case of Libya. Gaddafi a dictator was a oppressor. But he also capped the terrorist elements. Now with he gone the strongest force that remains in Libya is ISIS. // Even in USSR Lenin and Trotsky were engineers of a revolution and it created a generation of ardent communists. But under Stalin they were devoured by the regime in Gulag.
  8. Почему Америка должна спасать СЕБЯ Mark Solonin Jul 23, 2024
  9. Tension and defiance in Panama after Trump threatens to ‘take back’ canal // Andrew Roth in Cocolí, Panama // Sun 26 Jan 2025 07.00 GMT .. Trump has declared that he is “taking back” the Panama canal, sending TV crews from Washington to Beijing scrambling here to cover a crisis that has led to frenzied diplomatic efforts and elicited fears of a repeat of the 1989 US military invasion. ..
  10. Trump’s second term: Early ratings and expectations REPORT FEBRUARY 7, 2025 // Americans are deeply divided over Donald Trump’s plans and the way he is handling his job in the early weeks of his return to the presidency. Overall, 47% of U.S. adults approve of how Trump is handling his job as president, while 51% say they disapprove. And most of these views are strongly held: 37% strongly approve of his performance, while 40% strongly disapprove.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Der Fuehrer's face HD [Sous-titres français, French subtitles] Jan 7, 2013 Dessin animé de propagande américain (1943) qui met en scène Donald dans une Allemagne nazie cauchemardesque. Edit : Meilleure résolution et sous-titrage retravaillé. Transcript
  12. Почему Америка должна спасать СЕБЯ Mark Solonin Jul 23, 2024
  13. Америка собралась самоубиться? Беседа с профессором Знаменским. Mark Solonin. Aug 21, 2024.
  14. Why annexing Canada would destroy the United States Published: February 11, 2025 5.07pm GMT As United States President Donald Trump relentlessly threatens to annex Canada, some Canadians are worried that an American invasion could one day become a reality. // How would that scenario play out? Looking at the sheer size of the American military, many people might believe that Trump would enjoy an easy victory. // That analysis is wrong. If Trump ever decides to use military force to annex Canada, the result would not be determined by a conventional military confrontation between the Canadian and American armies. Rather, a military invasion of Canada would trigger a decades-long violent resistance, which would ultimately destroy the United States.